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全球流行音乐金榜揭晓 五月天夺5奖成状元 2012-07-15

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  中新网7月4日电 日前,“全球流行音乐金榜”(以下简称“全金榜”)公布了第二届年度奖项评选结果,五月天笑傲群星,获得5座大奖,在第二届“全金榜”中满载而归。

On July 4, a local fars news agency reported,“The global popular music made”(Hereinafter referred to as“Made all”)Released the second annual award contest the results,Mayday smile ao stars,Won 5 a awards,In the second“Made all”Yourselves in。


五月天独获5项大奖成“状元” 创作随性用新歌回馈歌迷 But the only 5 awards into“top” Creation of new fans with with feedback

  这两年五月天的音乐事业可谓顺风顺水,去年年底发行的新专辑“第二人生”口碑与销量均有不俗表现。而年初的“诺亚方舟”北京鸟巢演唱会,更创造了流行歌手门票“六分钟完售”的奇迹!同时,也在日前举办的金曲奖颁奖晚会中,追平“阿密特”张惠妹的得奖记录,可谓风光无限。拿奖到手软的五月天,在本届“全金榜”年度奖项评选中也拔得头筹,最终获得包括“年度最佳中文专辑”、“年度最佳乐团”、“年度最佳编曲”、“HIT FM联播网推崇大奖”及“年度二十大金曲”在内的5大重量奖项,成为名符其实的“状元”。

The two years of the music business is mayday automatics,The end of last year release of the new album“Second life”Public praise and sales are performing well。At the beginning of the year and“Noah's ark”Beijing concert bird's nest,More created the popular singer tickets“Six minutes sold out”miracle!At the same time,Also held a few days ago in the golden melody awards in the evening,tied“Dense, o”Chang huei-mei winning records,Is unlimited scenery。Award to the mayday hands,In the“Made all”The annual award contest in also topped the,Eventually get including“The best Chinese album”、“Annual best orchestra”、“Annual best arranger”、“HIT FM broadcast nets praise highly award”and“The annual 20 big golden melody”In the five weight awards,Become real“top”。

  6月30日,正在温州举办演唱会的五月天,在后台接受了“全金榜”的奖杯。当得知自己的音乐作品再度获得多项大奖后,几人立刻丢下了三小时演出的疲惫,兴奋起来,大呼“又得奖了好开心!”。在看到当天主办方特意送上的写有“全金榜状元”的画轴后,十分开心,更彼此调侃:“让怪兽挂在家里墙上裱起来!” “我们要在微博看到你发照片上来哦!”,气氛十分轻松。除了演唱类奖项外,五月天几位的成员也都曾发表过创作作品,更因此获得不少相关奖项,这也让粉丝和媒体都十分好奇他们创作的环境。对此几人表示,其实对于创作的环境并没有特别的要求,比较随性,其实最关键的还是当下所抱的心情。入行多年,五月天已经拿过不少奖项,但是几位成员对于媒体和粉丝的感恩之情却依然恳切,他们也希望可以在巡回演唱会结束后专心创作新歌,用更多的新歌来回馈大家对自己的支持。

June 30,,Wenzhou is a concert of mayday,In the background, accepted“Made all”trophies。When news of her music works again after many awards,Several people immediately left the three hours the exhaustion of the performance,excited,Big call“And winning the prize so happy!”。The organizers have to see in the writing“All the gold placard top”After the HuaZhou,Very happy,Each other more fun:“Let the monster to be hanged in the home mounted on the wall!” “We want to see you in micro bo hair pictures just oh!”,Atmosphere is very easy。In addition to the singing class award,But several of the members also had published the creation work,So get a lot more relevant awards,It also let fans and media are very curious about the creation of their environment。A few people said about this,Actually to the creation of environment and no special requirements,More along with the gender,Actually the most key or now, which hold the mood。Into the industry for many years,But much of the award is final,But a few members of the media and fans gratitude but still earnestly,They also hope can be in after the concert tour to create a new song,With more new song to thank everyone for their support。


张惠妹天后地位当仁不让 林俊杰封王创作再获肯定 Chang huei-mei days later status have sealed the king creation won jj Lin sure


Chang huei-mei since the“Dense, o”The name of the rebirth creating the business after the peak,In the days after the global Chinese pop music status is also more robust。Issued last year《Are you looking at me?》album,But leading producer in person。Record after issuance of,He received outstanding sales results and the public to reputation,“Days after”The title of the artists。In the“Made all”The annual award contest,She also with 3 awards leading many female singer,With strength conquered many radio stations。And for“The best female singer”、“The sound of music MusicRadio annual demand champions”and“The annual 20 big golden melody awards”But for chang huei-mei singing strength、The album production and music level to be sure。

  而林俊杰在2011年岁末发布的创作专辑《学不会Lost N Found》中,尝试了古典、流行、电子、爵士、中国等多种曲风,对自己发起了全新的挑战,创作功力更炉火纯青,同时也达到了个人事业的新高度。而在本届“全金榜”年度奖项评选中,他也获得了“年度最佳男歌手”、“洛杉矶AM1300中文电台推崇大奖”、“年度二十大金曲”3项大奖,为自己的音乐生涯再添一笔亮眼的成绩。

And in the end of 2011 issued by jj Lin the creation of the album《Learn to be Lost N Found》in,Try classical、popular、electronic、jazz、China and so on many kinds of style,On his new challenge launched,Creation capability more perfectly,At the same time also reached new heights of individual career。And in the“Made all”The annual award contest,He also won the“The annual best male singer”、“Los Angeles AM1300 Chinese radio station praise highly award”、“The annual 20 big golden melody”3 awards,For his music career again add a bright eye grades。


新生代中坚力量各有斩获 老将保持水准再得殊荣 The new generation force each have gained ground veteran keep level to get award


Throughout the winners can be found,The backbone of the Chinese pop music is gradually grow。TianFu Hebe of enrollment、Of the song dynasty Lin jia、HuXia、Yu can only、XiaoJingTeng、Party big equal sharing singer“The best movie theme song”、“For the most annual gold placard album”、“Radio praise highly awards”and“The annual 20 big golden melody”Awards such as,This proof,They are relying on personal strength,Gradually to the heavenly king on、Road of the days。In addition,Win the“Made all”“The annual best new gold、silver、bronze”Aaron、Jingboran and LiJiaWei,Also in their last year surrendered satisfactory report card,The music with distinct personality,Let people see their potential。


show、Zhang jie、li、Tanya chua、FanWeiQi、Xiao second xuan、Pan wilber、Stefanie sun、Soda green played music for many years with the strength of the growth of the singer qualifications,More participation in the whole album in making。Also with consistent high level,All the big radio favour,Each have gained ground。


According to understand,The global popular music made in late November 2009, formally birth,Each half-yearly summarizes all of the songs on points,Finally based on high and low scores,Judge half-yearly 20 the first golden melody,Entire annual golden melody into the first 40 list。The first golden melody from 40,According to the list of results aggregation points on each professional musician selection,6-4(Results 60% list、Professional selection 40%)Select year 20 largest golden melody。And lyricist、composing、Arranger, etc, the golden melody awards from 40 list by professional musicians all songs selection produce。

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