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刘惠醉驾被判拘役4个月 受审未穿号服没自我辩护--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Don't ask a lawyer,Also gave up self defense,This morning,Crosstalk performers LiuHui for drunk driving accept court trial,Said the most would be“Pleaded guilty”。The impact is great but program simple case for drunk driving in 35 minutes after the trial to fall。Jiro court in dangerous driving LiuHui sin sentenced to criminal detention 4 months,Fined 2000 yuan。


庭审现场 35分钟内出判决 刘惠拘役4个月 The 35 minutes out of court ruling LiuHui criminal detention 4 months


Just after nine in the morning,Many media came to court,In order to maintain trial order,In the court pull up the tipping point,His reporters find his place and after in the ground“Squat down to guard”,Refused to leave the half step,Around 9:15 a.m.,A man and a woman two middle-aged into court,For whether is LiuHui family inquiries,Two people repeatedly motioning with his hand,Just said“know”。


9 PM,Two officers to open,LiuHui entered the court,Looks better than the screen angular some,Dressed in dark blue T-shirt,Hold hands and,In the flash continues just next to the defendant seats。Just a takes a seat,And he said the bright sound of,To charges“There's no objection,I confessed!”As a comedian LiuHui in court appears clear voice、loud,According to the visual,His microphone distance about 50 centimeters or so,But his volume is covered in the court of the microphone is all the people's voice。


55 years of age LiuHui is currently broadcasting group ShuiChangTuan national level of Chinese actor。According to enterprise procuratorate charges,On June 16, 2012,LiuHui driving after drinking red card eulogizing the SUV,In driving to peace west street,And other people's car behind accident happened,After the examination,LiuHui every ml of blood alcohol content for 213 milligrams,Has made drunk driving。LiuHui the full responsibility for the accident,Prosecutors think LiuHui has a dangerous driving sin。


坚持不请律师 泰然接受判决 Insist on not please lawyer unperturbed by the verdict


“LiuHui made clear it will not entrust a lawyer”。The judge be announced LiuHui personal opinion,The latter is a face of letting go。Although star drunk driving case triggered social attention,But the case itself if the circumstances are simple,According to law the use simple procedure on the trial,In the court asked、Issued by the public prosecutor after evidence,LiuHui again said,Give up self defense。


“His breaking the criminals of the country,Last year from May 1, will know that drunk driving illegal,But take any chances,To cause harm,To the family also caused anxiety......Since breaking the criminals,Is willing to accept the punishment,Boiling pleaded guilty!”In the final statement stage,LiuHui ordered said。


5 minutes after an adjournment,The court in 9 55 points for first sentence,Because of the good attitude LiuHui pleaded guilty,And in a case for compensation be bumped driver all loss of a total of 1000 yuan,The court sentenced to dangerous driving sin LiuHui criminal detention 4 months,Fined 2000 yuan。10 o 'clock the sentence。


Sentence after,LiuHui twist to the gentlemen of the look of the male and female,Then nod to the man said:“Let the old man take care,I this fine!”According to understand,LiuHui is frail in his elderly mother,Worry it will affect mother's body。


法庭对话 后悔心存侥幸酿事故 The court dialogue regret take any chances) accidents


During the trial,LiuHui no to the media,But from the court and the public prosecutor and judge of his inquiry dialogue and see,LiuHui take any chances drunk driving,He was quite regret。


prosecutor:In brief, the day after。


LiuHui:My friends in the wedding of children,For the coming generation,But don't know why is busy with out,Driving to the crossroads,Red light,Because alcohol,On the brakes will slow some。


prosecutor:What time do you drink?




prosecutor:What wine?


LiuHui:Kraal spirit erguotou mountain,38 degrees。


prosecutor:When it opens the car,How many people on the?


LiuHui:Around 2:30,The car I be a person。


prosecutor:The accident is probably what circumstance?


LiuHui:The front bumper weathered the benefit after bumper。


The judge:You know why the consequences of drunk driving drunk?


LiuHui:Want to go home earlier,Early know won't drink...I'll be lucky。


刘惠案VS高晓松案 LiuHui case VS GaoXiaoSong case


For the entertainment scene with celebrity,LiuHui and GaoXiaoSong in a year successively for drunk driving was sentenced to a punishment,Compared to two people from prosecution to the punishment of process,Can be found drunk driving after the occurrence of the case,The processing of celebrity from a program to judicial and without exception。


1刑拘时间均为30天 1 XingJu time are for 30 days


Last may,First name GaoXiaoSong as for drunk driving is XingJu acting celebrity,Was detained in a week,The license is and was brought to court for trial,June 16,,LiuHui also for drunk driving is XingJu,The applicable time limit for 30 days with detention,In its custody within two weeks of the driver's license was revoked and prosecuted for trial,Time is GaoXiaoSong slightly long is probably meet the sake of middle Dragon Boat Festival,However, the application program cycle and no access。


2获刑比高晓松略轻 2 the punishment than GaoXiaoSong slightly lighter


Last year,GaoXiaoSong drunk driving is in east court accept trial,The court sentenced to GaoXiaoSong criminal detention six months,Sin is dangerous driving the heaviest decisions,Now LiuHui punishment in four months,Slightly lighter than GaoXiaoSong,Comprehensive analysis to see,By accident is the severity of the different and decide,In addition,Last year the punishment of drunk driving just implementation,GaoXiaoSong just“Into the”,Social impact are more serious。


3刘惠受审未穿号服 3 LiuHui judged not wear, clothing

  与高晓松不同的是,刘惠今天受审并没有穿号服,据了解,目前一些轻微犯罪的被告人,并没有规定必须穿号服接受审理,因此,刘惠便装受审并不是“优待”。文/记者 王巍

And GaoXiaoSong is different,LiuHui on trial today and didn't wear, clothing,According to understand,Now some of the minor crime the defendant,And no provisions must wear, take accept trial,so,LiuHui casual and not on trial“Preferential treatment”。Wen/reporter WangWei
