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花儿许璐获张北音乐节力邀 90后怪咖或包场--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网7月12日电 青海卫视2012花儿朵朵首场总决赛上周五晚直播,开启今夏荧屏选秀大战的序幕,花儿选手以多变的风格和多样化的音乐诠释方式受到多方好评,各类风格迥异的选手当之无愧的成为今夏选秀新宠,各类广告代言节目录制邀约不断,即将在7月27至29日盛大开唱的张北草原音乐节也向今年花儿选手抛出了橄榄枝。

Beijing 7 dec 2012 flowers were blossoming qinghai TV first finals live on Friday night,Open screen this summer the prelude of the draft war,The flowers with changeful style and players the diversity of music interpretation by many way high praise,All kinds of style different players this summer deserved has become draft to be bestowed favor on newly,All kinds of endorsements program recording invitation constantly,Is in July 27 to 29 th grand prairie to the ZhangBei music festival this year player has offers from flowers。

  做为中国最大型的多元化音乐节,张北草原音乐节拥有最具号召力的演出阵容和最顶尖的舞台设备,今年张北音乐节将首创六个专属舞台,每个舞台都将展现特有的音乐形式除了继续邀请超强的艺人阵容坐镇音乐节之外, 主办方更是别出心裁地设计“花儿舞台”,备受瞩目的2012花儿新人“西北摇滚拯救者”西安娃儿许璐有望在音乐节上崭露头角,坚持“摇滚不死”精神的西安热血摇滚唱将许璐,在比赛中一首首体现对西北土地爱得深沉的摇滚歌曲开创了全新的后时代摇滚诗歌风格,受到各方摇滚人士力挺,也因此成为了首位被张北音乐节力邀的选秀宠儿。

China as the most large diversified music festival,ZhangBei grassland music festival has the most power and performance of the top team stage equipment,This year ZhangBei music festival will first six exclusive stage,Every stage will show special music forms in addition to continue to invite super artistes patrolling outside music festival, But try to be unique to the design“Flowers stage”,The much publicized 2012 new flowers“Northwest rock salvation”Xian XuLu ran in music festival is expected to emerge,Insist on“Rock not die”Spirit of the xian blood rock sing will XuLu,In the game of sound installation reflect northwest land deep love rock songs created the new era after rock poetry style,Hard rock people by all parties,And therefore becoming the first ZhangBei music festival invited by the draft pet。


ZhangBei music festival return to nature and promote environmental advocate the music concept and green China qinghai TV completely,This year the festival and qinghai TV collaboration,Or will make“Flowers,”,AD hoc“Flowers stage”For new people a chance to show themselves。Organizers recently is now actively business links qinghai TV,In addition to the last flowers have been confirmed runner-up jazz“ShenPo”Outside HuangXi bud,On the stage of the emergence of flowers this year after 90 for geeks athletes also host of the key invitation list,According to understand,Saying four of the poem for geeks kuang acknowledge、Gregory float in the sky、Yellow lovely son、YangXiaoYi、And after 0“Jazz MingLing”XiaoDan shaw festival will also debut。More ShenPo xi bud exclusive LIVE accompaniment for the band。


The long journey has let the flowers player game and the band had a tacit understanding,LIVE singing ability has a higher level,Especially rock the little evil female kuang poem by you,If there is any chance said performing,Will show their original works of his jing。
