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中新网7月5日电 近日,青海卫视花儿朵朵选手的比赛视频在网络疯传,网友评论说,今年选手都是些音乐怪咖,不好好唱中文歌,学国外的人唱爵士、唱摇滚、玩rap,在台上动不动就摔话筒、下跪、劈叉,种种出格动作让人“泪奔”。而做为本届花儿朵朵的评委, 向来以“怪口味”著称的湖南卫视制片人、资深音乐人吴娈看了视频后更是激动难掩,全国总决赛还未正式开锣就忍不住“狂喷”起来,“太过分了,今年花儿朵朵的选手是要逆天啊?几万块的话筒就这么掉地上了。砸到花花草草怎么办?”
Beijing July 5, recently,Flowers were blossoming of qinghai TV video game player in the network crazy,The net friend comment on said,This year's is all some music for geeks,Not good sing Chinese songs,Learn foreign people sing jazz、Sing rock、Play rap,On the stage is apt to fall off microphone、Kneel down、PiCha,A variety of outrageous action let a person“Tears ran”。And as the flowers were blossoming of judges, Have always“Strange taste”For hunan satellite TV producer、Senior musicians see video even wu is difficult to mask after excited,The national finals held not officially still can't help himself“KuangPen”up,“Too much,Flowers were blossoming player this year is to: playing god?The phone with tens of thousands of such fall on the floor。Hit flowers?”
This year fresh baked and flowers is gaining momentum first strong on the national stage,For geeks、beauty、Natural stay、Literary youth neat go into battle,Let this summer's gorgeous all draft stage。As mango sets《Entertainment without limit》producer,Master wu is typically seen it all,And face this group“unconventional”beauty,Even wu truth“Is a group of neurotic geeks,After reading this HOLD not to live。”Especially for kuang poem by you、Gregory float in the sky、Yellow lovely son、YangXiaoYi this four flower crowd,Wu said that not even“spray”unhappy。
“喷”邝诗荷 “spray”Kuang poem by
“Kuang poems by the‘Wild children’,Says she is a female rascal music too much,Lie prone to sleep、Don't listen to command、From ChiDuShi group、Result with making a face,Online about her news is rampant,Almost no one is good。I see her on the stage like playing rock,With his band,True oneself as is international star?But she of that kind of madness rebellious and seems to make people hate does not rise,Listen to her rock have seed to spray a pleasure of blood,The explosive than those who never say a singer weak。See be used to don the good student,Suddenly to a wild child of defying a tube,Real let people and love and hate。If madness is her label,So in her cub10 behind,I think actually also is hiding a simple girl heart,The so-called "hard-knuckled not not survive,As long as the wild child‘wild’To music in the,Everything will follow!”
“喷”黄乖儿 “spray”Yellow lovely son
“the‘Sister carry’A little fierce,The words and deeds,With her name just the opposite,Was not a good。She was a philosophy female,By the United States at Syracuse university psychology admitted to play also。The stage and a sitting room,Every time like eat on ecstasy flyflap hard,The hair off face could be seen,And not zhen son!Heard that she never listen to Chinese song,Don't sing popular songs,Crazy about foreign diablo is rock。Singing and damage the public property,Like carrying a microphone as weight lifting frame fell down,The phone with tens of thousands of such fall on the floor。Hit flowers?But she learned a few words in English dare show rap,Only with a rap was touted as people‘China's first female rapper’,Indeed is a‘YouCaiHua’。this“Crazy donkey”This year in the draft stage really rare,Crazy lets the person smash。”
“喷”葛飞扬 “spray”Gregory float in the sky
“Gregory float in the sky KuaHaiKou love,Suddenly said he is the second Michael Jackson,Suddenly that he would take the flowers were blossoming champion。Europe and the rock、rap、Spiritual songs she said she can play,At a young age he so like to brag,I really don't know what she started what cows in where?The world has so many imitate MJ,A neotenous school students can put his singing have much good?See her video later,I think this cow blows is not far off,That her‘As long as the music of like MJ)”feeling,Really made me shock。She is very stuffy in the stay,Shy don't talk,Also no self-care ability,By her mother always accompany her game,Even the toothpaste help she crowded。But every time she a platform will like played chicken,Passion in the instant lit,Fell microphone、Kneeling to,All sorts of tricks were out,These pattern play well is oil,Let people watched at odds,But her to come but very natural,Have a deep feeling of control,Let me feel this stage should be so,Music is to want to play that game。As long as it does not‘defiant’,Let snotty little brat heartily of down。”
“喷”杨小艺 “spray”YangXiaoYi
“YangXiaoYi too young chi,Sincerely doubt she is to eat the hormones suddenly so long big!On their heads every day“ChongTianBao”Hairstyle jumping up and down,Heads nodding in at any time and place,Even talk to somebody、To wave in,Like a got the attention deficit disorder“Heightened risk of“,Don't know how she infiltrates the flowers were blossoming,Also in the national finals into。It is said that she is the 13 flower inside the most exuberant energy of a,Every day with‘Sichuan mandarin’Cast her eloquence,Make all sorts of tricks to intimidate people。See her face,Originally thought she is singing children's songs,Who know a mouth is the most authentic British wind,The swing of the body and rhythm unaware tiancheng,Peremptory is a‘Small and pure and fresh’。If it is not her wave dizzy,I'd like to go down her singing to go to the seaside to look at the stars......”
“Love well against cutting”,Master wu "KuangPen let him“Protect flower in the heart of the”No secret,“It is this group of the rap for geeks、rock、Jazz and so on some unpopular draft category onto the mainstream draft stage,This is before the draft is not found in the spectacle,If this group of music nut can't on the stage in the pathogenesis of all,On the audience is the biggest loss。”To be patrolling the flowers were blossoming the national finals,Wu already contain even said“Hand-stitching work”excited,Want to be in the PingWeiXi carefully study the after 90 kids。
It is reported,The flowers were blossoming in the first game of the national finals will be on July 6 22:: 30 qinghai broadcast live TV。
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