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Liu xiaoqing that year of work“Do a woman difficult,Be a woman more difficult”Still be people remembered,Plus liu xiaoqing“Inverse growth”Old appearance of,She had always attach a layer of mysterious and tough colour。tonight,She's more in the shandong TV《Legendary song》The program in a that year pat《Hearing administered》Because when“Don't eat meat”And make BaYan past。

  刘晓庆回忆起1983年,《火烧圆明园》开启了内地香港的合拍之路。当时梁家辉名不见经传,第一次拍电影,而刘晓庆早已是国内红人。当时惹得刘晓庆发飙是因为内地香港不同的伙食供应。“内地和香港演员的伙食待遇不一样,梁家辉、导演李翰祥和其他香港演员,是香港方面负责,我们是内地合拍公司负责。尽管我当时已经很有名,梁家辉是第一次拍片,可我每月工资是50块钱,而且没有片酬,香港演员悄悄问我拍片多少钱,我说没有钱,他以为我骗他。我说真没有,他很惊讶,你那么大的影后都没钱?我说真的,不会比50块工资多一分钱。”尤其让刘晓庆“不能忍受”的是她们的伙食是每顿饭两个馒头加一块咸菜,“咸菜还是黑的,拍《垂帘听政》时有一两万人群众演员,吃饭都是一人一个塑料袋,两个馒头加一块黑咸菜。但香港演员中午开饭时,每人一辆餐车,鸡鸭鱼肉都有,还有米饭。我是重庆人,也喜欢吃米饭。我当时就哭起来了,我说我不演了,因为当时大部分都是我的戏,制片主任、导演和副导演都跑来哄我,如临大敌,我就说‘我要吃肉、吃米饭’,那时候我还年轻,导演就说‘快,拿肉来’。”没想到,刘晓庆带着哭腔还不干,“不,我要全部中国内地的演员都要吃肉和吃饭我才拍戏”,把剧组弄得相当无奈。 记者王雯淼

Liu xiaoqing to recall 1983 years,《Yuanmingyuan fire》Open the mainland China and Hong Kong out of the way。At that time LiangGuHui little-known,The first film,But liu xiaoqing is already domestic meal。When provoked liu xiaoqing angry because mainland China and Hong Kong different food supply。“Mainland China and Hong Kong actor of meals treatment is different,LiangGuHui、Director LiHan other Hong Kong actor peace,Is responsible for in Hong Kong,We are the company responsible for the mainland in step。Although I was already very famous,LiangGuHui is the first time to make films,Can I get a monthly wage is $50,And no gets,Hong Kong actor asked me how many money scan,I say that have no money,He thought I cheat him。I said I am not,He was surprised,You so big of actress, all have no money?I really,Not more than 50 piece of wage a penny。”Especially let liu xiaoqing“Can't stand”Their food is every meal with two buns a pickle,“The pickle or black,pat《Hearing administered》There is a twenty thousand extras,Eat a person is a plastic bags,Two buns and a piece of black pickle。But Hong Kong actor when the meal at noon,Each person a diner,Chickens, ducks fish,And rice。I am chongqing people,Also like eating rice。At the time I cry,I said I don't play,Because at that time most of them are my play,Production director、The director and deputy director both ran to coax,with,I said‘I will eat meat、rice’,When I was young,Director said‘fast,Take meat to’。”Didn't expect,Liu xiaoqing with sounded about it also,“Don't,I want all the Chinese mainland of the actors to eat meat and eat only I was filming”,The crew made quite helpless。 Reporter WangWenMiao
