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潘基文赞周迅公益电影 呼吁环保预言地球面临灾难--亲稳舆论引导监测室
中新网北京7月18日电(张曦) 18日下午,公益影片《2032我们期望的未来》在北京举行了揭幕仪式,联合国秘书长潘基文,联合国驻华协调员、联合国开发计划署驻华代表罗黛琳,著名女星周迅,前体操运动员李宁等出席。潘基文表示,随着人类的增长和对能源的需求,如果按照现在的发展模式,20年后地球将面临大灾难。
Beijing Beijing (July 18(ZhangXi) 18 afternoon,Public welfare film《2032 we expect future》The inaugural ceremony was held in Beijing,The United Nations secretary general ban ki-moon,The United Nations, coordinator of the embassy、The United Nations development programme (undp) LuoDaiLin representative in China,Famous actress zhou xun,Gymnast li ning, before to attend。Ban said,As the human growth and demand for energy,If according to now model of development,20 years later the earth will face disaster。
潘基文:按现在的发展模式,地球20年后面临大灾难 Ban ki-moon:Now according to the model of development,The earth 20 years later a catastrophe
Public welfare film《2032 we expect future》The 32 bit from all over the world Chinese people express their wishes of the future,The film in Rio + 20 summit on the air,Let the world leaders, including global public heard from China's powerful voice。The United Nations development programme (undp) China goodwill ambassador、The famous actress zhou xun support and participate in the shooting。
Ban ki-moon in watch the video,Excited to praise:“although(The film)No special effects,No time,But still see the surge。”He said the Chinese people are glad to hear about the future of talk。
For 20 years of hope,Ban ki-moon humor said:“20 years later I am 90 years old,Sure can't do UN secretary general,But I hope that after 20 years of young Chinese to be achieved。”
In the film,Many Chinese people put forward to the problem of protecting the environment,Ban ki-moon says as the world's population growth,The expansion of urbanization,People on the water、Energy needs will increasingly higher,“If press now model of development,20 years later the earth will face disaster,Human beings have been in abuses,We have to find a balance between the economy and the environment。Nature won't and we negotiations,We must act at once。”Ban ki-moon calls for word of apprehension。
周迅:20年后希望能陪父亲钓鱼,和母亲吵架 Zhou xun:20 years later hope can accompany father fishing,And mother quarrel
Claims of severe allergies face zhou xun,Today face mask to cover,Did not accept interview,She said and the film's director DuGuYi is ten years of friends,So in the viewpoint hit it off。Mention the desire of the 20 years later,Zhou xun said:“With film to speak,Hope 20 years later still can accompany father fishing,And mother quarrel,Hope everyone keep a good heart,Both for his,Or to others,Let the world can better。”
Li ning think sustainable development not only by says on,To implement to life,From the people around communicate positive energy。
In addition,In filming in the process,Famous Chinese photographers in the same period XiaoQuan created all the volunteers portrait works,Modern communications will these photos and video to make exquisite album,In a news conference by LuoDaiLin presented to ban。It is reported,The album will be time capsule form,Stored in the UN headquarters in New York。
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