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名贵吉他托运被摔断 果味VC写歌为吉他讨说法(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室


“Fruit VC”Recently in their aboard a certain flight,Check the guitar was broken up to the experience,Composed a new“MV”--《Mortar navigation broke my guitar》。The lyrics are mentioned in the,They for guitar custom-made2 a“Tanks are pressure not broken”Violin box,But was“Rough handling”Broke harp。This one in micro MV blog is a large forwarding,Before the deadline,Forward has over ten thousand times。Many have damaged the checked baggage is in the experience comments cuhk pour bitterness。

  据南都记者了解,4月29日,果味V C乐队乘坐国航航班从昆明飞回北京,乐队成员刘韬价值“4万元”的吉他在托运过程中彻底损毁,琴颈脱落,琴弦断裂。5月1日,国航回应称,因托运前,乘客都要签署免责协议,所以只能按木料每公斤100元的赔偿上限予以赔偿,共计1300元。交涉三个月,乐队拒绝接受按公斤的最高上限赔偿(不到琴价5%)后,国航相关部门电话通知他们,此事已“结案”。

According to the SMW reporter understanding,April 29,,Fruit V C band take flights from kunming to fly back to Beijing,The band members LiuTao value“$40000”In the process of the guitar checked thoroughly damaged,Neck off,Strings fracture。On May 1,,Air China responded that,For before check in,The passengers are required to sign disclaimer agreement,So can only according to 100 yuan per kilogram of wood compensation limit gives compensation,A total of 1300 yuan。Diplomacy three months,The band refused to accept the maximum compensation according to kilograms(With less than 5% price)after,Air China related department to call them,It has set up a file“case”。


but,According to relevant civil aviation lawyer said,This kind of event checked baggage damage did not apply《Protection of consumer rights》But applicable civil aviation regulations。In accordance with the relevant provisions of the law and,Damaged the checked baggage,Will the weight computation to compensation。If the accident happened on domestic flights,The compensation amount per kg not more than RMB 100 yuan。If passengers checked in before a certain amount of money to pay“Insured fee”,The compensation amount may improve,But most also not more than 8000 yuan RMB。

  在此之前,加拿大音乐人为表达对美联航在托运过程中弄坏吉他的不满,亦创作歌曲《美联航弄坏了我的吉他》并上传至互联网。短短几天内,这个歌唱视频的点击率超过60万次,它产生的巨大社会影响力让美联航的股票下跌了10%,市值蒸发1 .8亿美元(约合人民币11.5亿)。

Before this,Canada music human expression of united airlines in check in process of dissatisfaction with the broken guitar,Also writing songs《United airlines broke my guitar》And uploaded to the Internet。A few days,The singing of the video has more than 600000 times,It produced a social influence to the stock of the united airlines fell 10%,From the value 1. 800 million dollars(Eur 1.15 billion)。


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November 2010,WangFeng for his beloved guitar bought a ticket,But airlines in guitar box dimensions beyond the standard refuse to“Guitar boarding”,WangFeng for this“Make airport”。The news spread,Many mainland net friend also said WangFeng“Too sentimental”,But from the two events to see,WangFeng angry or happens for a reason。
