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潘美辰好友签证出问题等8小时 航空公司只给水喝--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  前日,台湾歌手潘美辰发表声明,声称其乐队拍档JoannaM oon于本周一凌晨乘坐国航的航班从新加波飞往北京后,因护照有问题被迫遣返新加波,而在飞回新加坡的6个小时里,国航只给Joanna提供水喝,不给食物,导致Joanna在到达新加坡后体力虚脱,要立即送往医院输液。

some,Taiwan singer PanMeiChen issued a statement,Claims that its partner JoannaM oon band on Monday morning Air China flight on new and wave after flying to Beijing,Because have a problem was forced to repatriation passport and new wave,And in fly back to Singapore's six hours,Air China only to Joanna provide water to drink,Don't give food,Joanna lead to arrive in Singapore physical collapse,To immediately sent to the hospital infusion。


PanMeiChen said in a statement,After the incident they attempts to communicate with Air China,Hope that the other side can give a reasonable explanation,But so far no relevant personnel out Air China face it make any comment。yesterday,SMW reporters also try to understand the situation with Air China related departments,But when the deadline is still no response。


 签证出问题,冷板凳等候8小时 Visa problems,For waiting for 8 hours

  在这篇将近3000字的声明中,潘美辰详细讲述了拍档被遣返的事情经过,7月16日凌晨,她和Joanna乘坐中国国际航空C A 970班机抵达北京。“之前在新加坡过安检,安检人员表示签证没有任何问题,可是到达北京机场后安检人员却告诉JoannaM oon,说她的签证不合格。要她坐到旁边等候通知,这一坐就是8小时。”潘美辰还强调,机场安检人员有跟她表示,JoannaM oon签证的问题是国航的失误。

In the article, nearly 3000 words of the statement,PanMeiChen detailed tells the story of the partner were sent back things through,Early July 16,,She and Joanna take Air China C A flight 970 arrive in Beijing。“In Singapore before security checks,Security researchers said visa without any problems,But arrived in Beijing airport security personnel but tell JoannaM oon,Said her visa not qualified。Will she sat on standby for notice,This is a seat eight hours。”PanMeiChen also stressed,The airport security personnel have said to her,JoannaM oon visa problem is Air China's mistakes。


 6小时只给水喝,下飞机已虚脱 6 hours only drink water,The plane has under cardiovascular collapse


PanMeiChen said,At that time because she want to catch a show,Has arrived in Beijing after need to get away from the airport,“Thought Air China is a big company,For their mistakes will be very appropriate treatment。”But the final outcome,Joanna is waiting for 8 hours,Was asked by Air China plane immediately,Repatriated to Singapore。

  “我们从新加坡飞回北京买的是头等舱机票,可是国航把JoannaM oon送回新加坡,却只给经济舱,并且在机上近6小时的时间只给她提供水,没有食物。”潘美辰在声明中说,之前在机场等候8小时的JoannaM oon,体力已经透支,上飞机后更是感到身体不适,希望得到机组人员帮助,但最终,Joanna只得到一杯白水,而她得到的回复是:“你是被遣送的,我们不能像贵宾一样招待你,只有这样的待遇!”

“We flew back to Beijing from Singapore buy is first-class ticket,But the Air China JoannaM oon back to Singapore,But only to the economy,And in nearly six hours on the time given her to provide water,No food。”PanMeiChen said in a statement,The airport before waiting for eight hours of JoannaM oon,Physical strength has overdraw,It is on the plane was not well,Hope to get the crew help,But in the end,Joanna only get a glass of water,And she's got a reply is:“You are deported,We can't treat you like best guests,The only way to the treatment!”


17 when Joanna to Singapore,Go to the airport to meet her friend, the first thing is to take her to the hospital,“Because her long time no rest、No eating,Body had collapse,Need to rely on restores the physical strength was put on a drip。And Joanna luggage was missing,And her luggage has just made good the movie of the mother with choosing heroine,Who is going to pay for me and my staff and my friends run out of the blood,Investment more than 1 million micro movie?!”

  航空公司踢皮球,潘美辰要追究到底 Airlines to kick ball,PanMeiChen shall be investigated for the end


After things happen,PanMeiChen tried to contact with Air China,“I played today and yesterday the complaints were more than ten call Air China,Play first let me make another,Everyone passing the buck。”PanMeiChen said in a statement,On this matter will be investigated for the end,Must demand the official explanation given Air China、An apology and compensation!And journalists also try to contact many SMW Air China,But Air China does not seem to have a special department head or response to it。
