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Long guards in the WangZiJian crosstalk actors,River's lake said“Small report”。with《tonight,After the 80 said crosstalk》Gun fired on the screen,His success“south”Eastern TV,And speaking of transformation《tonight,After the 80 talk show》。The top of the broadcast every Sunday night night program,Many young people have become more programs。yesterday,WangZiJian formally signed to join“Tomato sets”Eastern TV,He not only to continue to say the most tide talk show,Will take sport、The tour to overseas--
周立波的代替者? Zhou libo replacement?
“如果节目做成他那样,我就去死” “If the program that made him,I go to dead”
And eastern TV close zhou libo,Earlier this year to zhejiang TV。Go a“bobo”,To a“Small report”。In western dress and leather shoes is same,The unhealthy tendencies talk show,WangZiJian danger to be seen as outside“Zhou libo replacement”。
“I am I,He is his,He again good I'll poor,I also don't instead of others。”Sharp WangZiJian,Never follow the conventional way“answer”。Of course,《One zhou libo show》Zhou libo has become a brand,WangZiJian confident beat him?“Zhou libo teacher talk show is very good,《Smile kan 30 years》I smile to end from。If one day,I talk show can do he that way,Life is no need to try again matter son。”but,then“Small report”Speeches turn--“Put it this way,If my show that made him,I go to dead,Is such。”
学老郭不务正业? Learn LaoGuo raffish?
“我不能成为大师,干点别的不可惜” “I can't be a master,Do something else a pity”
Born in 1984 WangZiJian,Crosstalk, or xiangsheng, is a growth circle。In the circle,The popularity of befriending GuoDeGang predecessors,Nature is the benchmarking。From the theatre to television,Crosstalk from said to talk show,The future will take sport、tour,WangZiJian also appears to be on a GuoDeGang to emulate way。About GuoDeGang predecessors,WangZiJian were saying,“I think Mr Guo is in the recent 20 years has become the only qualification master crosstalk actors,If he doesn't concentrate on crosstalk words,I feel very bad。But it,I'm not a can become crosstalk master,So I just do something else won't especially bad。”WangZiJian self degeneration of discourse,meaningful。
Claim to“Just do something else”,But WangZiJian for your own future is very clear。September this year the,He will start their own national tour in the United States and even plan。The reporter asked him to wuhan impression,He takes public said,“Wuhan people are very fierce,The man is practising kung fu!”
相声圈勾心斗角? Crosstalk, or xiangsheng, circle intrigue?
“圈子被妖魔化,大家顶多就是不来往” “Circle was demonized,Everyone at most is not traffic”
After 80 the way said crosstalk, or xiangsheng, is multifarious,Many rookie selection in TV shows of the tide in the very new crosstalk,WangZiJian is no exception。But he said,Once a rejection on television said crosstalk。
“I to say television crosstalk turned out to be a conflict。A period of 30 minutes of crosstalk must choke into 7 minutes,The crosstalk art not enough respect。”He says there are no smile before fame,Rejected television 30000 yuan high invitation,“The eastern TV great party to give me the money,Still dare to give me 17 minutes duration,This is the recognition of crosstalk,And we find that to do so after the ratings is also very high。”
GuoDeGang said he is too red lead in crosstalk circles not popular,Some new people often also was out。so,Crosstalk, or xiangsheng, is it true that if GuoDeGang circle said so intrigue?WangZiJian said,“Crosstalk, or xiangsheng, circle the circle is hard to crowd out new people,I'm not so out?(There are contradictions between)Everyone at most is not traffic,I think‘Demonize industry’Behavior is especially brazen。”
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那些说相声的80后 Those who said after the 80 crosstalk
In addition to WangZiJian,Domestic a number of excellent cross talks after 80 are also active on the stage。they,Some said the trend cool mouth crosstalk,Some said the pioneer crosstalk,And will carry forward the traditional crosstalk。
Cool mouth crosstalk-delegate character:JiaLing
2010 CCTV spring evening,《Big holding tease》The crosstalk,To make the audience once remember the lively and lovely crosstalk actress JiaLing。Crosstalk, or xiangsheng, bound in,The actress was very little,Can keep down,And many times on the stage of the present day television gala is her one。Compared with the traditional crosstalk, or xiangsheng, for example,Cool mouth crosstalk, or xiangsheng, pay more attention to show。JiaLing said,“Cool crosstalk in the mouth with traditional crosstalk humor funny spirit at the same time,And in the creation of crosstalk show trying something new and expansion。”now,JiaLing and her cool mouth before the national crosstalk,JiaLing also success when“After 80”Crosstalk, or xiangsheng, club“New laughter inn”boss。
Pioneer crosstalk-delegate character:LiMingYu
in《I want to go to the day television gala》Premiere ceremony on,LiMingYu one,A screen,Just finished a different、Crosstalk performers try to be unique。And stage a will not move can't talk“Big screen”Said crosstalk,Could the great relish,LiMingYu opened pioneer crosstalk precedent,Also opened his own crosstalk theatre“Sound music remit”。LiMingYu said:“‘Sound music remit’Make crosstalk have acme visual impact at the same time,Also have fresh and fashionable social topics。”
Traditional crosstalk-delegate character:YueYunPeng
And JiaLing、LiMingYu these will traditional crosstalk comprehensively to meet young people have different tastes,YueYunPeng stick to traditional crosstalk,And his master GuoDeGang,Every time on stage,“Small YueYue”Wore long hexagrams,Standing in the back tables,Don't say still really don't know that he is also a“After 80”。In recent years,As HeYunWei、LiJing、CaoYunJin、LiuYunTian pillar etc have left,DeYunShe suffered a crushing defeat。“Small YueYue”YueYunPeng swiftly,Every new pillar for growth。
(Reporter ZhaoWen)
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