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高学历美女天天弹琴秀才艺 与赵正平合唱跳舞(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网7月24日电 拥有加拿大York University国际关系与法文双学位的轻熟系百变都会新女声天天(钱天韵)来势汹汹,年仅23岁的她不但歌唱表演跳舞实力坚强,而且她带着初生牛犊不怕虎的精神完成加拿大学业后就到台湾发展,更获得综艺教父王伟忠赏识力捧。经过一年的魔鬼训练,并于今年发行了个人首张同名专辑天天》。

Beijing July 24, with Canada York University international relations and French double degree light of new female voice will be cooked change every day(QianTianYun)Became strong enough,Only 23 years old she not only sing a dancing strength strong,And she took in the dictionary of spirit of complete Canada after school to Taiwan's development,The godfather WangWeiZhong appreciation for more variety force holds。After a year of the devil training,And in the same year of issue personal first album《Every day》。

  据悉,公司斥资千万打造了天天的首张专辑,网罗了许多天王天后的幕后制作团队打造全新的天天,包括曾为蔡依林打造“冷.暴力”, “玩爱之徒”等主打单曲的丹麦知名音乐制作人La.Quang,为Elva写过无数经典舞曲的倪子岗,以及F.I.R.阿沁来操刀量身制作,将天天打造为有主张更有个性的百变都会新女声。

It is reported,The company must make every day to spend the first album,Many of the heavenly king days after a snare behind the production team build the every day,Including had for jolin tsai make“Cold. Violence”, “Play love ACTS”And the famous music main single Danish producer La. Quang,For Elva wrote the NiZiGang countless classical dance music,And F.I.R. wage-earners tailor make requests to o,Will create a more for every day that have character change will be new female voices。

  天天十组造型曝光现场大秀舞蹈才艺 Every day 10 groups modelling the big show dance talent exposure


July 23,,Every day(QianTianYun)Convened the theme“The skylight ten color new album conference every day”,The company also invited all of Asia nearly hundred media to participate in the report。In order to let the media and the mainland fans know every day change will be the characteristics of the new female voice,Also specially took 10 groups is completely different from the modelling of Taiwan as,Through the form of photos show in the conference site,Is to agree with“The skylight ten color”theme。

  现场天天换了多组造型的服装来配合此次发布会,先是以白色长裙端庄典雅出场,主持人在现场介绍拥有加拿大York University国际关系与法文双学位的天天,才艺也不容小觑,除了通过钢琴十级检定,也会长笛和爵士鼓等乐器;舞蹈、杂技中的花棍也能玩两下,体操动作中的球、彩带也都难不倒她,真的是多才多艺。随后天天现场演唱了新专辑的歌曲《爱坏》,以一身金色性格装再次出现在舞台上,在节奏轻快的歌曲声中,天天边跳边唱充分展示了自己舞蹈的才艺,把每一个动作都表现到极致。

Every day of the change of the costume to cooperate with the modelling conference,First take long white dress dignified and elegant appearance,The host in the scene with Canada York University international relations and French double degree every day,Do not underestimate their talent,Except for the piano tenth level verification,Will the flute and Musical Instruments such as jazz;dance、The acrobatic HuaGun could play two times,The action of the ball、Ribbons also nanbu dao her,Really is a versatile。Then every day live singing songs of the new album《Love bad》,With a golden character again with appear on the stage,In the songs sound light rhythm,Every day dances while singing displayed to the full their dance talent,Do all performance to the extreme。

  天天展语言功底被赞才女与赵正平合作献处女秀 Every day the language foundation of basic skills was great exhibition talented and ZhaoZhengPing cooperation offer debut

  因为天天有着优异的语言天分会说多种语言,主持人现场还出题考验她的语言技能,让现场媒体和歌迷十分惊讶的是,她用流利的法语、英语两种语言介绍了自己的这张专辑,不得不让所有人敬佩天天真的是乐坛才女中的凤毛麟角。这么出众的才女是被综艺教父王伟忠一眼看中,因工作的原因虽然他不能到现场,但还是通过VCR为天天献上了自己的祝福,王伟忠表示说:“天天是一位不可多得的才女,被我一眼看也培训了很长时间,所以希望她能坚持自己的音乐梦想,在今后的音乐道路上越走越远。” 王伟忠老师的一番话也让天天激动不已。

Because of the language day has excellent every branch said many languages,The site also host the questions on the test her language skills,Let the media and fans very surprised,She use French fluently、English two languages described his this album,Have to let all people admire the music really is every day as well as rare。So outstanding talented variety WangWeiZhong one eye is the godfather to ask,For job because he could not to the site,But through the VCR for every day offered up their own blessings,WangWeiZhong said:“Every day is a rare prodigy,Were I a see also training for a long time,So I hope she can insist on his own music dream,In the music on the road will walk away。” WangWeiZhong teacher's words also let everyday excited。


Everyday the another song title track《Natural gas》Is ZhaoZhengPing zhao4 ge specially first brother across the knife sing RAP,He gave a rap for everyday debut。The day was held in Beijing ZhaoZhengPing that new album conference from Taiwan to have for her platform,And into his own gift,The two people the first chorus《Natural gas》,Site zhao4 ge to《Natural gas》The song sing RAP sound and color,Joy flavour is dye-in-the-wood,Also don't change funny ecru said, laughing“Sing hip-hop read RAP I OK。I am the brother...”。

  神秘嘉宾阿沁现身天天信心百倍勇战乐坛 Mystery guest wage-earners o appeared confident yong fight every day music


It is reported,Every day in the new album title track《Every day to》Is F.I.R love song, every day for Chinese poetry wage-earners tailor the songs,And she was a big fan of this o,And every day, that this cooperation both nervous and excited。The company keep invited to this day, to give her a great surprise。When the host said please welcome the guests up this mysterious o,Every day could not believe his eyes,Mouth to maximum said:“Is really too accident,Didn't expect this to the teacher can o,And the work personnel have been his mouth shut。”Then, to their own feeling also gift-dolls version of every day 10 groups modelling。


Wage-earners o said:“I come from Japan is especially,Hear every day held a press conference,And I still mysterious guests were present,It must be to give her a surprise。And gave her 10 groups modelling doll,Hope she can really put change will be new female voice interpretation of incisively and vividly,Also to her own leave a mark。That all the people to understand, she knew her。”Also the excited said every day:“Really appreciate this teacher can come specifically to o in my conference,He really gave me a lot of encouragement,I also learned a lot from the teacher,I won't let the teacher disappointment wage-earners o。”The scene is special offer every day, the feeling to write the title track《Every day to》。
