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SJ疯狂赚钱不买品牌 孝顺父母为其买房买车开店--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  韩国人气组合“Super Junior”(以下简称SJ)的成员们在主持、戏剧各有一片天,今年光在台湾举行“Super Show 4”演唱会就吸金2000多万元人民币。他们个个在舞台上万众瞩目,成员们努力赚钱,大多因为要做孝子帮补家计。他们赚了钱没有买名牌,而是陆续替爸妈买新房、买车或者开店创业。百善孝为先,光这点就足以让人对SJ加分了。

South Korea popularity combination“Super Junior”(Hereinafter referred to as SJ)Members in the chair、Drama each have one day,Light this year held in Taiwan“Super Show 4”The concert will suck the gold of more than 2000 yuan RMB。They all peoples attention on the stage,Members to make money,Mostly because to do though son family。They make money not to buy brand,But for parents to buy a new house in succession、Buying a car or open a shop business。The good filial first,Light that is enough to make people to SJ add cent。

  银赫:花7年积蓄买新房送父母 Silver Hector:Take 7 years savings to buy a new house to parents


SJ silver Hector recently asked by actively、Variety development direction,Obviously better than the early work notice debut,Income also apparently rich many。recent,He put his debut since 7 years had more than 200 yuan RMB in Seoul sichuan area to buy new similar honour thy father and thy mother。He revealed,When young poor,“Even the toilet all have no,‘convenient’When away from home run to 200 meters of the station,Super not convenient。”In not wealthy family hard life under,Silver Hector but no blame,Only hope will soon let parents to live a good life。And buy a house also has been his dream,“This is the first set of truly belong to his own house,Really nice to。”


On July 17 broadcast of South Korea variety show《Star life theatre》in,Silver Hector also released this“XiaoQin room”,To celebrate the new house,Silver means the hutt fete SJ members and all parents。It did not give new home area,But it seems very spacious,Silver Hector said,New home at least three room,Overlooks jiang jing,Chambers also put a group as SJ,This let another member LiXu see understandings:“And well, we was like family,Share important moment。”


But netizens think,SJ on tour、drama、ShangYan、On the announcement of the variety show will be a minority,Silver Hector his debut 7 years save income only 2 million RMB,Income and fundamental is out of work。

  圭贤:帮老爸开补习班还做“生招牌” Humanity a:Help father open cram school also do“Born signs”

  成员们赚了钱就陆续替爸妈开店创业,像圭贤就跨国到中国的台北市、台中市帮爸爸开韩语补习班,又为妈妈出资开咖啡店KONA Beans。

Members earned money for parents began set up shop business,Like the scepter is a multinational to Chinese Taipei、Taichung city help father drove Korean cram school,And for capital contribution open cafe KONA Beans mother。


The scepter of a father CaoYingHuan business cram school in South Korea“South Korea UPI college”Small have results,In Taiwan's son certain high popularity,Tried to spread business empire,The tutorial street in Taiwan。

  前几年,圭贤就作为SJ-M成员成功打入中国市场,他的中文水平进步神速,甚至能背出“众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”等高难度诗词,语言天份让人竖起大拇指。而他爸爸开办的补习班,同样有质量保证。在开业之初,补习班便以抢先报名可获得圭贤的明星商品为号召,前30名报名者甚至可以参加开幕记者会看明星,从而吸引到大批粉丝火速报名。开幕当日,正好碰上SJ的“Super Show 4”台湾站巡演,除了“生招牌”圭贤,队中好友始源、晟敏、东海、银赫等人都现身助阵。店里被粉丝和媒体挤得水泄不通,让补习街的交通一度瘫痪。

Before a few years,The scepter Yin as SJ-M members successfully penetrated the market,He Chinese level great progress,Even can recite“He found in the thousands of baidu,Suddenly look back,That person but in the lights dim”Difficult poetry etc,Language talents to a thumbs-up。And his father started cram school,Also have the quality guarantee。In the beginning of business,Cram school and sign up for a "can be snapped up the star called for a commodity,In the top 30 applicants can even to attend the opening press conference see stars,Thus drawn to the large number of fans rushed to sign up。Opening day,Just meeting with the SJ“Super Show 4”Taiwan stand tour,In addition to“Born signs”Humanity a,The team agelong friends、Sheng sensitive、East China sea、Silver Hector who appeared all bids。The store was his fans and media cheek by jowl,Let the tutorial street traffic once paralyzed。


Because the 300 applicants may participate in the autograph session,The fans have a for to idols,plan“To get the signature is a refund”,His father is very sad to hen。But he still said they would like to believe that all the people,“I know that someone is in order to make track for a star,Maybe get signature will refund,But there must be a lot of people are really learning,So completely not worry。”He also stressed,If a person take signature is a refund,Expenses will definitely return,But later won't hold similar activities。


The scepter Yin dad in Taiwan open cram school,Also cost, do as the Romans do,And not for a sign and improve the "course price。An average of 24 hours of the course,About 760 yuan fee to RMB 1000。Classroom walls plastered with a brokerage company belongs to his popular artists posters,Stimulation of the Korean fans learn perseverance;Classroom teachers all from South Korea,But all of a Taiwan qualifications for teachers,And once served as the host of the beauty called for a teacher。Despite the fans to get the signature is a refund,But these doesn't seem to influence to cram school performance。At present,Published early、in、Senior three levels of the march for full course is quota,In the Korean with the competition of Taiwan,His father by a cram school star aura,Let performance stable growth。


Cram school in Taiwan to the top flight,Let the fans once an apple,Hope to become a "father's employees。Just threshold not low,Light is only for the announcement is Korean,Look not to understand can't go to apply for the position。Conditions are open to through the Korean verification level 4(For top level 6),Let many-were left feeling useless。

  艺声:为父母开餐馆和眼镜店 Art sound:For parents to open a restaurant and optician's


Son cleverly,His father of course good praise on the mouth,But the most filial piety to SJ said the members,His father is a hen《TvN kimchi fans club》But no mention of his son on,Instead, art sound repeatedly praised,“Art sound!He never thought of his parents。”

  艺声是韩国娱乐圈是出了名的孝子,由于前几年艺声爸爸被机器误伤,他担心父母劳累,不但买房把家人接到首尔住,还出钱让爸妈开饭店。去年1月综艺节目《来玩吧》的偶像特辑中,艺声被问到“有没有哪次对父母尽孝道让自己很满意”时,透露了送饭店给父母的事情。忠清南道天安出生的艺声自豪地说:“离开父母生活太长时间了,现在想和父母一起生活”,“我让父母搬到了首尔住,并给他们置办了一个小店”。他还表示,“本来是一家小饭店,但考虑到妈妈在厨房工作会很累,所以正在考虑把饭店换成咖啡厅”,表现出对父母极大的孝心。同年7月,他的心愿终于得以落成,他在文艺气息浓厚的弘益大学周边斥资开设了咖啡厅H&G(Handel & Gretel),并交由父母经营。艺声与弟弟有空便在店里帮忙,结果这家店成了粉丝的朝圣之地,吸引大批粉丝前往碰运气。SJ的成员中,除了队长利特、恩赫和东海等人多次被粉丝发现也来店内用餐,同公司的“少女时代”成员泰妍和允儿也自觉上传“捧场照”,为艺声的咖啡店火速打响知名度。艺声本人曾在推特上传自己穿着服务生制服站在收银台旁的照片,并表示“因为今天行程提早结束,终于可以来久违的Handel and Gretel打工了。”由于粉丝数量众多,艺声父母不敢怠慢,往往亲自接待,艺声担心父母劳累,也不时会去店里帮忙。

Art sound is South Korea the entertainment circle is a filial son,Because a few years ago by a machine dad art sound friendly fire,He is worried about parents tired,Not only the family to buy a house from Seoul to live,Also pay for parents to run a restaurant。Last January variety show《To play》The idols of the TV,Art sound was asked“Do you have time to all parents filial piety let happy with myself”when,Revealed to the parents send hotel things。Loyal clear word was born the art of day south sound said with pride:“To leave my parents live too long,Now want to live together with their parents”,“I let parents moved to Seoul to live,And give them with a small shop”。He also said,“It is a small hotel,But considering my mother in the kitchen work can be very tired,So are considering the restaurant with a coffee shop”,Show filial piety to parents greatly。In the same year in July,He finally to the desire of completion,He in the literature flavor strong hongyi university opened coffee shop around $H&g(Handel & gretel),And parents to business。Art voice and brother and free in the store for help,The results of the shop became fans of the place of pilgrimage,Attract large Numbers of fans to trust to chance。SJ members of the,In addition, the captain、grace Hector and east China sea, many times by the fans found inside the store also came to dinner,With company's“girlish”Thai yan and allow members also son consciously upload“Pay tribute as”,For art of sound coffee shop began speeding visibility。Art sound I have been at the push, upload their uniforms stood in line in the waiter of the photo,And said“Because this trip ended early,Can finally to have long time no see of Handel and gretel work。”Because fans in number,Art sound parents can't snub,Often personally reception,Art sound worry about parents tired,Sometimes I can help out in the store。


At the end of February,See the coffee shop management is on a roll,Art sound and for father open optician's capital。Opening day,He also invited to the members of the SJ to supporting her,Also personally to patronize guest reception。after,And he does not forget to use social networking upload wore glasses since taking pictures,Take this for optician's propaganda。No wonder common appeared in a set《SJ prescient》Song JinChangXun commended all world predecessors:“Art sound is really a filial son ah。”

  圭贤、晟敏和利特:去妈妈咖啡店打工 Humanity a、Sheng susceptibility, and the:To mother coffee shop jobs

  而继成员艺声的爸妈在汝矣岛开了家咖啡店后,圭贤、晟敏和利特的妈妈也合开了一家名为KONA Beans的咖啡店。三人不定期会到咖啡厅打工,兼职帮忙点餐、结账。从开幕至今,圭贤、晟敏、利特、艺声、银赫和厉旭都去过咖啡店,晟敏还尝试自己调咖啡。今年韩国综艺节目《我们结婚了》新春特辑的拍摄场所,就选在了KONA Beans,晟敏和女子组合Sistar的队长孝琳,参与了当日的拍摄。既宣传了自家店铺,又完成拍摄工作,一举两得。

And the members of the parents in RuYiDao sound art's a coffee shop,Humanity a、Sheng sensitive and the mother's program called KONA Beans in a coffee shop。Three people don't regularly to the coffee shop will work,Part-time jobs help you in a moment、check-out。So far from the opening,Humanity a、Sheng sensitive、The special、Art sound、Silver Hector and LiXu have gone to the coffee shop,Sheng sensitivity by himself also attempt to coffee。South Korea variety show this year《We got married》Spring Festival of special filming location,Choose in the KONA Beans,Sheng sensitive and women's combination Sistar captain filial piety elim,Involved in the day of the shooting。Both my propaganda shop,And finished making work,Kill two birds with one stone。


The social network is the star and the best tool fans interaction,The last December, in pushing the propaganda, postings:“This week 22,,My mother and sheng sensitive mom、His mother had to open a coffee shop,Only I don't know。”From there he took the opportunity to pull business:“I also will be more help,Be okay to go to the coffee shop part-time,Make some allowance。”Many domestic and foreign SJ fans a chance to a glimpse of their idol style,Here just ran to the coffee shop patronage,But SJ parents are also quite a friendly,Know the son of the fans bring large business opportunities,Personally reception、All signature is self-evident。
