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忆消失了的好声音:陈红隐退 齐豫变拼盘歌手--亲稳网络舆情监测室
In zhejiang TV only a week broadcasting《China good voice》Let the audience,The state administration of radio show more public praise“Relay good voice”Positive value。21, the second phase of the late show player higher level,Again raised the audience“Chasing sound boom”,People are singing...... into KTVSpeaking of good voice,Have to mention in memory of those fans long unforgettable voice、Classic songs。And they of the singer is due to various reasons pulled out of the music scene。Let the reader with reporter's pen,Remembrance of those who disappeared with good voice it,Is the so-called“Feeling in judah,People already far”。
病退:忧郁症是最大杀手 BingTui:Depression is a biggest killer
代表艺人:陈淑桦(《梦醒时分》、《明明白白我的心》) Representative artists:ChenShuHua(《We wake up at the》、《Clearly my heart》)
ChenShuHua is born in Taiwan pop singer of the famous singer。Childhood is put her musical circle,In 1982, with a《The sunset with me to》Songs like famous singer's ranks。1989 years,Join the ChenShuHua more with disc rolling stone《Say with you,To hear you say》album,Millions of songs in Taiwan box-office record。then,She launched on《We wake up at the》、《Rolling around the》、《Clearly my heart》Chinese classic songs etc。But since the album introduced in 1998《Paradise lost》after,ChenShuHua from music scene disappeared,Reason is because of his mother's death means,ChenShuHua suffers from severe depression,Can only quit music scene。At first,ChenShuHua shut himself at home on a closed for months,Even if future she finally slipped out,But it was wearing dark sunglasses,Painting not,Appear very pale and thin。In recent years, Taiwan golden melody awards a number of invited her to the England fold,Even if it's just the ceremony as well,But ChenShuHua never again made his public debut。
同类艺人:许美静(《都是夜归人》、《城里的月光》) Similar artists:XuMeiJing(《Night all angelica》、《City moonlight》)
Fade out the reason:Was said to be the creation ChenJiaMing partner to a third party,A few times out of love are tragedy,Finally suffering from depression,But out of the entertainment industry。
回归:相夫教子乐不思唱 regression:Xiangfujiaozi happy does not think sing
代表艺人:陈红(《常回家看看》)、张清芳(《花雨夜》) Representative artists:yan(《Often home to see》)、ZhangQingFang(《Spend rainy night》)
Once attended many established CCTV,Established in 1999 with a more《Often home to see》Household HaiZheng ensemble's national level of yan actor,In the 2000 years they didn't continue on the head before one million,Now also has the nearly 10 years did not appear on the stage of CCTV day television gala。? Why?Reason is,She married!1999 years,She and her husband as a neighbor of marriage、and,This let she settled up xiangfujiaozi life。But in recent years,As a navy return yan political department, deputy director of the television art center,The identity of the total producer in the shooting《Toward the ocean》Etc documentary,Successful transformation of。
ZhangQingFang is the s one of Taiwan's most red female singer,Accumulative total issued 30 album,Sales volume exceeding 13 million copies,A musical“East don't hurt”Reputation of。By the end of 2005,ZhangQingFang boyfriend and SongXueRen get married and have children,Settled in Hong Kong,Faded out from Taiwan's music scene and presided over the border。
同类艺人:何嘉莉(《迷失方向》、《拥有》) Similar artists:HeJiaLi(《lost》、《have》)
Fade out the reason:HeJiaLi 1998 and joey yung debut together,Become emperor force holds artist。2002 exit,Married to Hong Kong after HuangYiZhang king of dessert,Embracing the fullness of life housewife。
过气:声势减弱只能淡出 Over gas:Only has weakened fade out
代表艺人:熊天平(《火柴天堂》) Representative artists:XiongTianPing(《Matches heaven》)
Familiar with Taiwan's music scene of the old fan,Will be heard XiongTianPing the name,The representative of his songs《Matches heaven》、《Snow migratory birds》--such as。This name blue-sky appearance,The creation of the voice clear singer,Earlier for the same for the people on the huayi singers qi qin began his the scenes producer,1997 years,Borrowed qi qin began his in《A fool terminal》Under the knife to help duet light,Little bear's first album《Love the Danube》Widely acclaimed,《Matches heaven》、《Snow migratory birds》More let he joins album, 1990's a line at the end of the position of the Cincinnati reds。But with China in 2000 on record dissolved,Once unemployment in bear eat and drink too much,Figure sharp fat,Never in the music scene back after the first position。Nearly five years,He is only in small draft activities as judges,ShangYan opportunity is very few。
同类艺人:李翊君(《萍聚》、《雨蝶》)陈明真(《变心的翅膀》、《到哪里找那么好的人》)等 Similar artists:LiYiJun(《PingJu》、《The rain butterfly》)ChenMingZhen(《Change heart wings》、《Where to find so good》)etc
Fade out the reason:2000 years after a sharp fall in the recording industry scale,Not offering a good works,No to the film and television play direction transformation,“ZuoChiShanKong”Can only faded out。
苦撑:沦为走穴、拼盘歌手 Sit through:Money imparting knowledge to、Platter singer
Representative artists:SuHuiLun(《The duck》)Jiang yuheng(《And looking back》)Together yu(《Olive tree》)PanMeiChen(《I want to have a home》)......
This kind of old artists also should not be cruel entertainment eliminated,The reason is very simple:They had at least one to two years of enduring first promoted excellent work。With the advantage,They take part in some of the most recent concert platter,Every two or three sing songs,Or are invited to participate in some business performance。Last year the rolling may continue today 30 anniversary concert,But also will be the old singer half retreat rolling stone articles:PanYueYun、Together yu、赵咏华、fang、chuan、Suri......Although single out,It's hard for them to have offered the market power alone concert,But the truly masterpiece classic,From the point of view of nostalgia,These old singer still have a market value,Fade out the music is not a number of years。
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