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李安首拍3D电影预告片曝光 男孩海上驯虎引热议--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Ang lee first 3 D movies《Young Pi fantasy drifting》Shooting is a cause of industry and fans high attention。yesterday,Piece of party global synchronous released video of the first a forecast,The vast exposure scenes and core feature。North America and India will beat in the November 21 theaters,Mainland China is also expected to introduce。


《Young Pi fantasy drifting》Adapted from Canada writer · mattel would lift of the same magic realism works。The film tells the zoo the keeper's son, India boy with a Bengal tiger Pi、A hyenas、A gorilla and a zebra trapped in a worn on the boat,Experience the story of survival after 227 days flee for life。Eat zebra and orangutans hyenas,The Bengal tiger ate hyenas,When the ship left the tiger and Pi,The latter started to use their grew up in the zoo of experience to the devil,Finally after a series of suffering,He and the tiger in Mexico was saved up,reborn。

  作为首位获得奥斯卡奖的华人导演,李安的作品《卧虎藏龙》《断背山》《理智与情感》都深受影迷们喜爱。而此次《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》是他的首部3D电影,加上这个故事题材非常特别,所以一开拍就受到了极大的关注。此前,福克斯电影娱乐集团总裁汤姆·罗斯曼在动漫节上夸赞该片,“李安的《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》结合了《泰坦尼克号》的视觉特效、《阿凡达》的3D技术革命和《猩球崛起》栩栩如生的动画角色,将一部无法被拍成电影的小说搬上了银幕。”首款预告曝光了大量逼真的特效,开场的海上大风暴,颇有《泰坦尼克号》沉船画面的视觉冲击力,而船难后的唯美静谧,又处处呈现李安如真似幻的大师级镜头。男主角Pi(苏拉·沙玛 饰)经历了巨大的灾难之后与一只孟加拉虎漂流海上,为了生存,他们从一开始的相互对峙,到最终培养出珍贵的情谊,相当触动人心。

As the first Chinese director to win an Oscar,Ang lee's work《Crouching tiger hidden dragon》《Brokeback mountain》《Mental and emotional》All deeply fans love。And the《Young Pi fantasy drifting》Is his first 3 D movies,Plus this story theme is very special,So a filmed from the great attention。after,Fox movie entertainment group President Tom direction in the cartoon festival now on the film,“Ang lee's《Young Pi fantasy drifting》Combined with the《Titanic》Of visual effects、《All of o》3 D technology revolution and《Ball rise simply》Lifelike animated characters,Will a can't be made into a film of the novel onto the screen。”First exposure of the realistic forecast special effects,The opening of the storm at sea,Quite have the《Titanic》Wreck of the picture vision wallop,But the boat to the beautiful quiet after,And always present LiAnRu is unreal, a master of the lens。Actor Pi(Sura · shammah act the role ofing)Has experienced great disaster with a Bengal tiger after drifting sea,In order to survive,They from the beginning of the mutual confrontation,To cultivate a precious friendship eventually,Quite touches the heart。


It is reported,The film mostly in China Taiwan shooting,Part of the frame, in India,Is expected to be in the November 21 beat in North America、India theaters,The rest of the world will file December before and after Christmas,Mainland China is also expected to introduce。Reporter 闫晓茜
