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Since this year through its return hunan TV success,The half a year to,YangYuYing frequently in the television exposure draft variety show,Qinghai TV last weekend“Flowers were blossoming”Ten into nine games,YangYuYing as the first“escorts”Appear again,Even went to interview reporter not only regrets“And see YangYuYing”。That night with a pink dress YangYuYing is presented for the tight had said,Like a reality TV guest,Because see the love of singing children seem to see the that year。

  浙江卫视的“麦霸英雄汇”、山东卫视的“歌声传奇”、湖南卫视的“向上吧,少年”……在选秀异常火热的今夏,杨钰莹也加入选秀嘉宾评委。此番来到青海卫视“花儿朵朵”,她又有一个新的头衔“护花使者”,杨钰莹笑言:“看到那些十八九岁的女孩子们,我仿佛看到了年轻时候的自己,好像我也成了一朵‘花儿’。”在最近的选秀节目中,冒出不少长相甜美、歌声甜美的“小杨钰莹”,对此杨钰莹笑说,“甜而不腻就行了。” 而在“花儿朵朵”的舞台上,杨钰莹的点评多以鼓励为主,彷如一阵温暖的风吹入选手的心。说起自己的评选标准,杨钰莹认为:“不管你是长发,短发,甜美型,还是可爱型,女孩做自己就好,这样才能百花齐放。”问及对时下选秀节目的看法,杨钰莹说:“每档选秀节目都是电视台的心血,都给了年轻人们一个实现梦想的机会,青春有梦一定要追,无论结果如何,追求比不追求好玩多了。”不过回想自己初出道时的情形,杨钰莹说可比现在的孩子们轻松多了,“当时傻傻的,会红其实是因为没什么竞争对手,就稀里糊涂地被冠以‘中国第一代流行歌手’的称号了。”

Zhejiang TV's“M the hero remit”、Shandong TV's“Legendary song”、Hunan satellite TV's“Up it,young”......In the draft of the abnormal hot this summer,YangYuYing also join draft guest judges。The comments came to qinghai TV“Flowers were blossoming”,She have a new title“escorts”,YangYuYing smile said:“See those late teens girls,I seem to see the young yourself,As I also became a‘flowers’。”In the recent reality shows,Look up many sweet、Song sweet“Small YangYuYing”,This YangYuYing said, laughing,“Sweet and not be bored with will do。” And in“Flowers were blossoming”stage,The YangYuYing comments on many encourages primarily,As if a warm wind blowing in the heart of the players。Speaking of his selection standards,YangYuYing think:“No matter you are the long hair,Short hair,sweet,Or lovely type,The girl do yourself,Such ability let flowers bloom。”Asked about on the current reality shows view,YangYuYing said:“Each file reality shows are TV the past,To the young people a opportunity to make my dream come true,Youth dreams must run,Whatever the outcome,Pursue more fun than do not pursue。”But think about your career at the beginning of the case,YangYuYing said than children now much more relaxed,“At the time of the silly,That's because there is nothing in red actually competition,It was dubbed by‘China's first generation of pop singer’Title of the。”


as“escorts”The YangYuYing sing those old songs she is still a classic,《The moon ship》、《Let me tell you gently》、《I don't want to say》,In fact the since the return,In the stage of the YangYuYing tossing and turning all still in“glide”。But she said in the autumn will release a his new album,She said excitedly:“I am too come up with a new album,And this time has been for this busy,Now you can tell you,I will in the beautiful fall launch a new album of jiangnan breath。”What is“Jiangnan breath”?YangYuYing explain,YanYu jiangnan the sense that gives a person is always easy and lithe and graceful,Now the working pressure of the social people is too big,I hope my new song can bring everyone a relaxed mood。
