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传广电总局发6条限剧令 业内称均未接到通知--亲稳网络舆情监测室
recently,News that the state administration of radio broadcast on TV was proposed in the article 6 opinion,Specific provision GongDou play、Home measures play、Reversioning play、Games and network novel, shall not be permitted in subject matter of satellite TV screens broadcasting。One of the reporters on the call TV、Production company confirmed,Did not get the definite answer,Relevant responsible for have not yet received such notice per capita said。
With the news,The state administration of radio at the national TV in recent conference on TV,Puts forward six specific requirements:The revolutionary history must be clear theme against,Not only the revolution as a shell,Give the reactionary villain monuments dedicated;Can't magnified indefinitely family conflicts,Realistic themes in the realistic spirit to performance;The costume history don't create something out of thin air,Poking fun,Make bitter;Pay attention to the value orientation for the subject business war,Can't fair in;Adaptations of cloning to overseas play made broadcast;Do not advocate a novel network television,Online can't change pat。
The administration of radio rumors of New Deal in micro blog causes many net friend of hot debate,mixed,Many in the industry were joined in discussion。Had creation《Adolescence hit menopause》、《house》Writers MaGuangYuan questioned:“It makes my generation love why Campbell?Can also write what?”and《Borrow gun》Writers LinLi-also cannot help but micro bo vomit slots:“This is to hit the writers of the article six job now!Brothers and sisters,End tight bowl ah!”
Such as rumors true,May be facing another upheaval。Current TV screen many romantic, the theme of drama and a highly youth audiences loved that TV series of theme will be affected。Media reporters call the relevant person in charge of TV and film and television production company and verification,Did not get the definite answer。Officials say only see the bo forwarding learned this rumor,But so far haven't received the notice of the state administration of radio。
The game is on the air to the writers《The TianZhiHen xuanyuan jian》Hunan TV of editor-in-chief relevant personage also said:“《The TianZhiHen xuanyuan jian》Broadcast or as usual,No change。”In addition,Also have the professional news source of doubt,Don't exclude certain aspects is intentionally hype and spread rumors。
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