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军事题材影片难发展 仅为献礼未满足观众需求--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Summer is the hottest movie day,Each movie,Your singing the stage ",But on August 1, the army day this day,Newly released in the film doesn't seem to have a bright eye of domestic military film grand onto the big screen。


Movies can put the summer season、New Year file into earn most of the box office“Sweet BoBo”,Also can get 38 women's days、Valentine's day、The Mid-Autumn festival, and other small festival success of the popular become movie file。but,This special day of bayi,On the screen is still seems to be some light,Some cold,When the movie also can get bayi ring,Don't drown in the summer,And became an independent、famously,With a green color of the big screen popular file!


Throughout China film ten years development,Military film as a special type of film,Didn't seem to be too many striking change and achievement。Relative to the big screen and domestic film the number of annual output of hundreds of department,Relative to the subject matter of the popular TV host screen hits,Domestic military film,No matter in the volume,Or in quality、Influence of present a relative weakening trend。According to come from domestic film market related statistics,From 2002 to 2011,China's total production of 132 military films,Average annual production of 13.2 department。2011 years or even a record of 38。The number increases obviously,And film industrialization since the reform,Chinese film production a surge of keep the synchronization。but,Despite rising production quantity,In the national mainstream court line to release more than 1 million and to have the scale of military movie box office are few in number。Ten years statistical data,76% of the military movies in production is completed,Because of its own quality and lack of competitiveness,Can't entered the film market,Only in a small area and shown。The annual production reaches a 38 of the department of 2011,Able to scale the film also released only six department,That film accounted for only 16% of the military。


专为献礼而拍? Designed for Scotland and pat?

  八一电影制片厂作为军事影片生产的主力,10年间共出品约30部军事电影,对于军事题材电影的发展,他们有着积极的态度,有关负责人表态说,军事题材的电影,变化不仅是在数量上的提高,像《我的长征》、《八月一日》、《夜袭》3部影片就曾经成功销售给法国的影片公司。这是国产主流战争大片进入欧洲市场的尝试,也成为中国军事题材影片在海外市场的一次成功突破。 中国电影集团公司电影进出口分公司负责人说,由于受东西方文化差异及意识形态分歧等因素的制约,长久以来,主流影片进入西方市场有一定的难度,所以这3部主流战争大片的成功交易显得格外珍贵。中国电影海外推广公司负责人则指出,这次法方选择八一厂重大革命历史题材影片进入欧洲市场,从某种程度上说明国产主流的电影制作水平已经开始与国际接轨。

Motion picture studios as the main production military film,10 years with about 30 of the military movies,For the development of movies about the military,They have a positive attitude,A head of the statement said,Military film,Change is not only in the number increased,like《My long march》、《August 1,》、《Attacking at night》3 film ever successful sales to the French film company。This is domestic mainstream of war to enter the European market attempt,Also become China's military theme film in overseas markets a successful breakthrough。 The China film group corporation film of import and export enterprise said,By a culture differences between east and west, and ideological differences of the factors such as constraints,Has long,Mainstream movie into the western market has the certain difficulty,So this part 3 of war the success of mainstream trade appear more precious。Chinese film overseas promotion company head is pointed out,The French BaYiChang major revolutionary historical subject choice film into the European market,To some degree of domestic mainstream movies that level has started and the international community。


“XianLiPian”China is on the screen special product,For example,60 anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War、The long march to win 70 years、The 80th anniversary、Since the founding of 60 years ago、The 90th anniversary of the party、The 100th anniversary of the revolution, the year of the memorial,In the number of XianLiPian,The number of military movies have occupied a place,In these big anniversary,The number of military subjects have increased dramatically。And the movie played a lifetime experience of filmmakers gaojun analysis said,In recent years,Military film on quality development is not balanced,Many movies still stay in“Turn over calendar films”The last year's calendar,The movie has not kept up with the development,The audience demand steps。

  什么题材都要对得起观众 What subjects have to be strong audience


Feng's shot of the《Rally,》That year had more than 200 million box office。And the past about war than film,The film intentionally blurred ideology,Will history personal,Aggravating war itself elements,Let both sides, for the soldiers in snow and ice to fly flesh and blood,Thus no longer seems like once the invincible political pieces,But Hollywood war movies。《Rally,》After release,Social comment in succession,Evokes strong repercussions,mixed。The CCTV news、Focus talk,And some other media gave full affirmation,with“Profound humanistic care、The unique artistic conception、Modern movie language”To describe and reputation,Praise it“Announced the main melody”,“Started military movies about the precedent”。And the idea of feng xiaogang not complicated,in《Rally,》Released when the,Feng xiaogang once said,We take the costume martial arts,Some people cast money abroad,You pull star to big shots,Foreign producers would want,Overseas copyright was restored some investment。I with foreigner said《Rally,》,They don't understand,Also don't believe that China's war movies,You can take a Hollywood,Can more than《Saving private Ryan》?This is a great test,No star,Make more than the somebody else say Hollywood,At least in the domestic audience is have to be strong,What film could take all audience。Gaojun said,Military subjects because of its particularity,Inevitably would not escape melody spirit,America's war movies about the same also,Are main melody,Our military theme film lack of perspective,Under the theme of war films,Whether describe of the war itself,The soldiers of the war or life status,Peace s military life,Is inseparable from the main melody spirit,The key is to cut into perspective,This military film is much less than the TV series Angle of view and influence。

  市场在年轻观众里 The market in the young audience


Chinese film has started to obvious present a younger、vogue、Consumption of、The characteristics of the more entertaining,Action movies、Martial arts films、romance、comedy、Move gradually become mainstream type of film production。Military theme film facing import large and local business types of double flank,More and more severe market competition situation,If military subject matter or film“Turn over calendar films”,In quality obviously not,so,influence、charisma,The film to convey the theme of spirit also cannot survive。


Gaojun said,Military theme film is facing more and more pressure at the box office,Are gradually marginalized,In the age of losing faith,Save military film is imminent。Famous film critic RaoShuGuang think,Military subject matter is not only the film natural mainstream movie,Is the mainstream of natural big。Military subject in film and television work to attract people's coefficient is the highest。《Saving private Ryan》、《Ambition is even bigger》、《Pearl Harbor》、《Flags of our fathers》, etc,None of the American mainstream movies、Commercial large。and,Hollywood a line of all male star in the big shots almost can't find no shape the image of a soldier。In China the film industry development forward today,How will the military subjects made film market in the sense of mainstream large?How to adhere to the core values of the premise condition,Looking for all kinds of effective narrative strategy and means attracting more audience,No doubt is a major issue、Major problem。

  文图 记者 陈滨 J071

Wen tu reporter ChenBin J071


新中国 New China


部分军事题材影片《南征北战》 Part of the military theme film《Have conquered》


《Prelude to their》




《Across the reconnaissance remember》


《Railway guerrillas》


《Plain guerrillas》


《Independent battalion》


《Hui team》




《Liu castle's story》


《Fanally won》




《The war for youth》


《Hero children》


《Shut the company commander》


《The neon lights sentry》


《Elder brother good》




《Now raging》


《Big march》


《Jinan campaign》


《Into the central plains》


《Liberation shijiazhuang》


《Nanchang uprising》


《Four crossing chishui》


《Taierhchuang bloody battle》


《Wei kunlun》




《From slave to general》


《Sword general》






《Tonight the glitz and glamour》


《Silently the small truth river》


《High mountain garland》


《A and eight》


《Bells in the》




《Artillery major》


《Emergency landing》


《Plateau like a dream》








《Rushed out of the amazon》


《The taihang mountains》


《My long march》
