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《神探亨特张》再办电影节 高晓松率音乐人飙歌--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网7月24日电 《神探亨特张》7月20日全国公映,电影既诙谐幽默又直击现实,上映之后获得观众一致好评。23日,片方继双榆树、武汉、粤深港三个“国际电影节”之后,再次举办“朝阳枫花园国际电影节”,庆祝电影热映。电影节一开始,在场全体人员起立为去年同天发生的“温州动车事故”遇难者及21日北京暴雨中的遇难者默哀一分钟。当天,崔健、宋柯、高晓松、伊能静、侯德健、郑钧、何勇、丁武、景岗山、栾树、卢庚戌等几十位音乐界名人及演员大腕,齐聚枫花园汽车电影院。电影节形式新颖,嘉宾评委们可以一边吃烤肉一边看电影,评奖更是豪气,一口气评出了9个影帝,5个影后,可谓影史之最。整晚气氛极其轻松欢快,音乐人们调侃齐赞“亨特张”好看给力,“电影就是一首歌,一首给北京最好的歌”。

On July 24, local fars news agency reported 《Hunt a detective》July 20, the national release,The movie is a witty humor and sings to reality,Screens after get an audience consistent high praise。23,The ShuangYuShu of party、wuhan、Guangdong deep port three“International film festival”after,Once again host“Chaoyang maple garden international film festival”,Celebrate movie heat mirror。Film festival began,All the staff present stood up for last year with day happen“Wenzhou move the car accident”The victims and 21 days of heavy rain Beijing victims a minute。The day,Cui jian、SongKe、GaoXiaoSong、Yi nengjing was、HouDeJian、ZhengJun、bring、DingWu、JingGangShan、LuanShu、LuGengQu and dozens of celebrities and music actors big shots,Maple garden in the car。Film festival novel form,Guest judges can eating barbecue watch movies,Awards is heroism,One breath ranks 9 award winning actor,After five,It may be said of the history。The whole night atmosphere extremely easily cheerful,Music people make fun of JiZan“Hunter zhang”Good-looking to force,“The movie is a song,A to Beijing's best song”。

  音乐大腕主宰电影节 影帝影后颁出“大满贯” Music stars dominate film festival award winning actor and actress, present the“Grand slam”


“Chaoyang maple garden international film festival”is《Hunt a detective》@ all Chinese series of film festival last stand,In the first game“ShuangYuShu international film festival”Led by the film industry、Famous host YaZhen,The second game“Wuhan international film festival”Led by the famous writer,The third game“Guangdong deep harbor international film festival”Control by the media,The war is running by the music industry dominate。Famous musicians as chairman of the SongKe,And cui jian、GaoXiaoSong、LuanShu、HouDeJian、Yi nengjing was、ZhengJun、bring、JingGangShan、Horse Jia、SunGuoQing、ShenYongGe、DingWu、LuGengQu、LuoBing、CuiShu、LuZhongJiang music industry such as celebrity,And the media to LiuChun people、Director ZhangYiBai、CaiShangJun、PanAnZi,Actor CaoWeiYu、ZhaoZiQi、HuangXiaoLei etc formed a powerful film festival the jury。The jury announced that will keep the“Will it tells the spirit,Fair and open all the awards”。


The jury strong,Present the awards but also can only use spectacular to describe。That night were present the nine best actor,After five,Prize is everyone,Wong kar-wai than in the 59 at the cannes film festival of the present the award winning actor and actress, six more than 5,Is the shadow history。If the judges ZhangYiBai said:“They play of all good,GaoQunShu also take an award winning actor,But the movie plays the most the most the most good is--Beijing,The city is Beijing。”

  特色电影出特色帝后 不靠谱评委靠谱评电影 A characteristic feature film after emperor without spectrum on the film by the judges

  当晚,评委们虽然评出了9个影帝,5个影后,但是每个帝后又都各有特色,奖项设置相当别出心裁。作业本因在片中饰演一个讹诈警察的无赖而获得“最讹人影帝”,王兵因为吞刀片誓死保卫贼王而获得“最舍命影帝”,孔二狗因在片中说自己是处男而得到“最纯洁影帝”,票爷霸气上演审讯室神吐槽而获得“最震撼影后”, 奖项还有“最科技影帝”全勇先、“最犀利影帝”赵明义、“最悠闲影帝”顾小白、“最八卦影帝”吴润国,“最一闪而过影帝”孔凡柳、“最高音影后”一枚泼妇、 “最亮眼影后”齐溪、“最泼辣影后”张晔子、“最贤惠影后”徐闻,每一个奖项都契合了电影中人物的特色。高群书则因其巨大的聚集力,而获得评委会特别奖“神探亨特张吸铁石大奖”。

That night,The judges although ranks 9 award winning actor,After five,But after every emperor and have distinguishing feature each,Set up quite fancy awards。Exercise books for portrayed in a blackmail the police of the rogue and obtain“The award winning actor and correct people”,Wang bing because swallowing blade will defend the king of thieves and obtain“The award winning actor and lay down his life for his”,Hole two dogs in the film because said he is a virgin and get“The most pure award winning actor”,Ticket ye dominance on interrogation room god for spitting slot“After the shock”, Awards and“The science and technology award winning actor”All yong first、“The sharp award winning actor”ZhaoMingYi、“The most carefree award winning actor”GuXiaoBai、“The gossip award winning actor”WuRunGuo,“The most fleeting and that best actor”KongFan liu、“Highest after video”A gold shrew、 “After the most bright eye shadow”JiXi、“After the most provocative”ZhangYeZi、“After the most virtuous”xuwen,Each award to agree with the characters in the film features。GaoQunShu is for its huge gathered force,And get the jury special award“Detective hunter zhang lodestone award”。


GaoQunShu light from exhibitors media President wang changtian concurrently received his award after regrets way:“Some things make money,Some something is the figure lively,《Hunt a detective》There are so many people support,So many people see,See the and so good evaluation,Although the box office is not very good,But I have complain,I hope I can become after from lodestone of absorption,Return I support the people,Long live on the positive energy。”And investors, said wang《Hunt a detective》To get good public praise you have satisfied,He will continue to support GaoQunShu launched《A sentimental》And 3 D version《conquer》。


Although the judges self-mockery is cross-border when judges,Not by the spectrum,But in the awards at the same time have been tell the movie's evaluation on spectrum,Musicians have said:“Movies are made into it,In addition to cattle are also can say said???????This is a song?The heart of high song,Sing to Beijing's song。”JingGangShan tend to appreciate the actors have add,“Can't and nonprofessional actors than these,ZhouXiaoOu see the film claim to exit the entertainment industry,How to play the role of them?”

  “亨特张”坚持与民同乐 高晓松侯德健激情献唱 “Hunter zhang”Adhere to the people who are with GaoXiaoSong HouDeJian passion to sing


《Hunt a detective》Crime is a comedy,GaoQunShu hope to put it made into a suitable for people to watch the movie after-dinner speaking,Insist on“And people who are”。GaoQunShu also said the film is and friends drank the wine eating barbecue to clap out,In order to celebrate the movie hot reflects and running film festival,The organizing committee for a lot of the wine meat for the judges and audience to enjoy,Film festival site wine fragrance,Everybody looking at a movie,Drinking while eating barbecue,Seems to have returned to the open-air movies of the s,Can relax their,unrestrained。After the end of the GaoXiaoSong below in singing《Sit at the same table you》,All people are feeling unceasingly,GaoQunShu、Wang changtian concurrently、LiuChun also sing together up,The site also to sing the words。Long absence in all the HouDeJian applause sang《Wine do if sell no》,Arouse people's memory。Wang bing also adapted the cui jian《Greenhouse girl》.........Film festival has ended,However long echoed in the song。


《Hunt a detective》Make a different and exciting movie,Also in line with the spirit of the entertainment our unique folk series international film festival,Most create a spirit。The real innovation work brings about a Beijing with all kinds of street cheat on detective the cat and mouse wonderful show,The movie was ZhangLiXian、Exercise books、NingCaiShen more than 30 micro bo in red,As the audience“Annual god”,In this year's Shanghai international film festival gained ground“Best director”,The movie is reflected in the heat。
