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香港仔邹旻诺自制微电影 揭秘天籁私生活--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网8月1日电 山东卫视《天籁之声》十强选手中,来自香港的邹旻诺风格独树一帜,毕业于澳大利亚Griffith University 流行音乐专业的他,一把“小吉他”,猫王发型外加闪亮唇钉,将欧美范儿衬得足足的。活力四射的邹旻诺台下也是生龙活虎,配着一首原创歌曲《Make It Mine》,将平日里DV录制的片段,自导自演了一场微电影,爆料选手们的赛后生活。

Beijing August 1, shandong TV《Sound of》Ten strong players in,ZouMin from Hong Kong's unique style,Graduated from Australia Griffith University pop music professional him,a“Small guitar”,Elvis hairstyles and shiny lips nail,Europe and America will have the full line of stylish rider。Vigor 4 ZouMin's marshes is below,With a of the original song《Make It Mine》,Will daily recorded fragments DV,Homing acted in a small film,A life of the players after the game。

  得瑟三人组 天籁选手欢乐 Joseph to trio players more sounds of joy

  山东卫视《天籁之声》已决出全国8强,赛事无比紧张激烈的关头,邹旻诺制作的微电影引来阵阵欢乐。配着邹旻诺一首原创歌曲《Make It Mine》,选手们平日里的生活都收纳其中,舞团排舞的间隙,选手练歌的瞬间,以及邹旻诺台下台上的搞怪,处处都洒满这年轻的味道。

Shandong TV《Sound of》Already decided the top eight,Events very tight moment,ZouMin made the movie's draw the joy。With a ZouMin's original song《Make It Mine》,The players daily life all receive among them,Dance company line dance clearance,The moment of song's practice,And ZouMin's on the whimsy,Everywhere the taste of this young asperses full。


One of the highlights of the three groups to several wacky,black、LiDingDing and ZouMin promise。LiDingDing words with,“Have to harp”Is quite up strength son,One face of joy,The passionate trotted jump,The sounds of the players to do not have so love。It is easy to see,ZouMin's sunshine big boy charm and radiation,Go to where joy to where。

  电影处女作 享受乐趣 Fun movie debut

  对于第一次涉足导演一行的邹旻诺在微博上说到:“虽然因为常常排练没有时间去拍和从来没有接触过拍摄的缘故,故事内容和拍摄手法可能会有些稚嫩,但是过程很好玩,自己学到了拍摄的辛苦。这首歌Make it mine by Jason Mraz的意思就是希望大家有梦就去追,就去把它实现,现在的我就是朝着这个目标去努力。”同时邹旻诺也感谢爱奇艺给自己这次机会完成这个视频,自己享受了当导演的乐趣。

For the first time in a line of ZouMin director's blog in micro said:“Although because often rehearsals didn't have time to go to the beat and never touched the sake of filming,Story content and shooting tactics may have some immature,But the process is very fun,His learned the hard shot。This song Make it mine by Jason Mraz means hope you dream to pursue it,Went to achieve it,Now I is toward this goal to work on。”At the same time ZouMin's also thank you love yourself the chance to strange arts to complete the video,Enjoy the fun of his a director。

  晋级八强 音乐陪伴在路上 Promotion in the way music company in the last eight

  “听见梦想”的八强晋级赛上,邹旻诺操着一口可爱的“港普腔”,说出自己的梦想,就是唱着自己的原创,去不同的地方,跟不同的人交流,听他们的故事。现场演唱了一曲《What It Means》,就是由在澳洲打工时所感而创作的。他的音乐散发着浓浓感染力,让听到他歌曲的人,仿佛沐浴在阳光里。

“Heard dream”In the last eight of the last,ZouMin's hold a lovely“Hong Kong general chamber”,Tell your dream,Is sing their own original,Go to a different place,Communicate with different people,Listen to their stories。Live singing a song《What It Means》,When working in Australia is the feeling and creation。His music is sending out the thick appeal,Let him hear songs,As if basking in the sun。


GaoXiaoSong evaluation ZouMin's music,Play of very“Foreign stylish rider”,Along with the gender more than the also need some precipitation。“Go somewhere far away,On the way”,ZouMin with more original's interpretation of his dream,in《Sound of》stage,Looking forward to,This is from Hong Kong in the big boys bring more work,Go farther。
