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包小柏疑偏袒美女遭炮轰 花儿王佩嫣唱功受质疑--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网7月23日电 日前,青海卫视2012花儿朵朵全国总决赛第三场10强决定赛已经结束,经过激烈的竞争,精彩的踢馆,最终黑珍珠彭莉复活全国10强。在比赛的过程中,除了选手本身表现出色,评委的点评一直是观众津津乐道的重点,当晚,“黑脸包公”包小柏对于选手王佩嫣的“纠结”评分引来网友争议, 被狂喷“伪君子”。更有网友直言,“王佩嫣唱得那么查,包小柏给她打分的时候反复纠结了那么久,有这么难打分吗?”

Beijing, July 23 (Reuters) recently,Qinghai TV 2012 flowers were blossoming the national finals game 3 of the top 10 decided to have ended,After the fierce competition,Wonderful play hall,Finally black pearl PengLi raised the national top ten。In the process of game,In addition to player itself outstanding performance,Panel of judges comment on has been the focus of the audience with relish,That night,“Black face pack Mr”Valentino WangPeiYan for players“entanglements”Score draw net friend controversy, Was KuangPen“hypocrite”。More outspoken netizens,“WangPeiYan can sing so check,Valentino gave her the experience repeatedly for so long time strands,There are so difficult to score?”

  神仙姐姐王佩嫣以一首《lemon tree》梦幻般的开场,布景、灯光、道具、伴舞都非常的梦幻,整个舞台效果可以说是当晚最绚丽的一个舞台。但是王佩嫣没能把握好机会,不敌实力唱将金帅,进入第二轮。本赛制是由待定选手依次唱歌,评委老师打分,分数从高到低,最后两位进入终极pk。王佩嫣清唱一首《遗失的美好》,中规中矩,在丁薇、吴娈一次给出7分后,包小柏迟迟不肯亮分数,一直再犹豫不决。经过漫长的等待,包小柏终于亮出8分,让王佩嫣以一分的优势成功晋级全国10强,邝诗荷、吴昱蓉进入第三轮。

The elder sister of the fairy WangPeiYan with a《Lemon tree》Fantastic opening,sets、light、props、Dancers very dream,The entire stage effect can be said to be the most beautiful night of a stage。But WangPeiYan failed to grasp the opportunity,Defeat JinShuai strength will sing,Into the second round。This format is undetermined by players in singing,Judges grade teacher,Scores from high to low,The last two to into the ultimate pk。WangPeiYan QingChang song《Lost good》,quadrature,In DingWei、Wu a given even after seven points,Valentino not agree tardy bright scores,Keep undecided。After a long wait,Valentino finally reveals 8 points,Let WangPeiYan by one point advantage successful promotion is the national top ten,Kuang poem by、WuYuRong into the third round。


The net friend to strong dissatisfaction,According to the scene of the other in a net friend“Package is the teacher is allowed eight points can rub shoulders through it,Not fair。I was on the site,See valentino first like gives is 6 points,But in the end not dare laid hands on him,Hesitated a long,8 points are given,Ends of,Kuang poem by a much better than her。”Also have net friend said:“The flowers on stage to a beauty,So WangPeiYan promotion is as natural thing,Close valentino what matter,Even if the last PK,WangPeiYan or win mass review like,Now people girl!”2012 the flowers were blossoming the national finals 22:30 on Friday in qinghai live TV star。
