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安徽选美小姐引口水战 负责人:属黄山赛区无黑幕--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网北京8月3日电(张曦) 近日,网上流传着一组世界旅游小姐安徽选区“前三甲素颜照”,照片中的女孩们身穿泳衣,有的长相平平,有的皮肤黝黑,有的青春痘痘印清晰可见……于是被网友冠以“雷人”、“惊悚”等称号。对此,世界旅游小姐组委会发出声明强调纯属闹乌龙,这群女孩属于黄山赛区,安徽赛区比赛还未举行。

Beijing Beijing August 3 dec(ZhangXi) recently,Online there a group of the world miss tourism anhui selection“The top three-before meal”,The girl in the picture in the suit,Some looks go,Some dark skin,Some whelk blain to imprint clearly visible......So is the label“shocking”、“horror”, the title of。this,The world tourism miss the organizing committee issued a statement stressed is make own goal,This group of girls belong to huangshan mountain division,Anhui division game still did not hold。

  误会:安徽赛区三甲? misunderstanding:Anhui division 3 armour?

  解释:黄山赛区不等于安徽赛区 explain:Huangshan division is not equal to anhui division


Statement pointed out that,The world of popular online miss tourism anhui division 3 armour meal-before,In fact are huangshan mountain“Drunk hot spring”A cup of election division of some athletes participate in choosing,The real anhui division has not held the selection。Huangshan audition list for promotion:PanLi、HuXiaoQian、WuDaiRui,The three finalists will attend the August September at the China east China conference finals。


Reporter telephone connection the huangshan division chief Mr Kim,Mr Kim to match the first place“oolong”explains,He says huangshan is very famous tourist attractions,And the Chinese division in the NBA finals,So is a single division,The selected the top three will also straight into the east China conference finals,And anhui division without any relationship。

  误会:照片是三甲选手? misunderstanding:Photos are the top three players?

  解释:是普通选手疲惫丑态 explain:The ordinary players is quite tired


On the exterior of beauty for the challenge,Mr Kim think this is hype and bo eyeball,His tone said with excitement:“This is to chongqing、fujian、Top judge of beauty of hainan demarcate campaigns。”


Mr Kim points out that,Online photos and facts from serious do not tally,“They took were some ordinary player,In the most ugly and notions of the most exhausted state,And the wind in the top three horses and,Even the top ten to be touched not above。”At the same time,He suggested that users can be to see the top of the real Internet photos,Natural can tell right from wrong。

  误会:选拨有黑幕? misunderstanding:Notions have shady decision-making?

  解释:过程完全公开透明 explain:Completely open and transparent process


In fact,The beauty of the top three questions,Reflects the beauty of Chinese mechanism defects,Plus came from“Unspoken rules”Expressing such as,Let the final result to always be in doubt。


“We completely transparent selection of the public。”Mr Kim emphasized the world miss tourism huangshan division without expressing notions,“From the primary、Heats to final,No darkroom operations,And players are first to huangshan,No prior contact。”

  误会4: Misunderstanding 4:

  解释:世界旅游小姐不仅靠外在 explain:The world tourism miss depends not only on the outside


In the final analysis,Any beauty contest in the root“beauty”The word on,Aesthetics different can also cause of hot debate。


Miss tourism notions of mentioned the world standard,Mr Kim explained:“We are not pure to choose appearance,Because miss tourism is to proclaim tourism culture,Not only need to health and the appearance of the sun,More important is the inherent culture and style of conversation,And the love of the tourism industry。”

  误会5:三甲选手不敢出家门? Misunderstanding 5:The top three players are afraid to leave their homes?

  解释:组委会将做好心理疏导 explain:The organizing committee will do psychological counseling


It is reported,In a network“spat”after,Had players step up response,But then because the show,Not only feel great pressure,Also admits that“Can I cry?I can't go back to school,Afraid to go out”。


so,How will the competition committee to these“injured”After the 90 players from the comfort?Mr Kim said:“They still have a certain psychological compression capability,But is there will be some effect,With a lot of the players we have communication,Will go to protect them,Your attitude to help them adjust,After all, they still have a long way to go。”
