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御用伴唱参赛那英泣不成声 怕观众误会没按按钮--亲稳网络舆情监控室
9 PM on Friday,Fifth period《China's good voice》Will come again,This program is still playing player 16,Using or prior period has been questioned chaotic montage type fast editing mode,Don't change the program long cases,Broadcast these students stage performance in the best part。yesterday,Chongqing evening news reporter was invited to take the lead in in Shanghai to see the fifth period program,In advance in order to show the fans play through part of the window。
看点1: Read 1:
彝族女孩让哈林大喊“灵魂出窍啦” Yi girl let haring yell“The stuffing out of la”
这期节目中,四川的彝族姑娘吉克隽逸(英文名Summer)带来了一首英文歌,黝黑的皮肤,高挑的身材,强大的气场,以一曲山歌开嗓,紧接着一首《I feel good(我感觉很棒)》,动感十足,极强的现场感染力和灵巧的高低音转换唤醒了观众和导师身上的每一个细胞。哈林更是激动地大喊“上帝!哈利路亚!灵魂出窍啦!”Summer自我介绍说,她的妈妈曾经拿过四川省英文歌曲演唱比赛的冠军,但为了她放弃了自己的音乐梦想而选择做一名教师,这样就可以留出更多的时间培养她。听了这样一番叙述,节目组破例邀请了她的妈妈上台。这位母亲现场演唱了一首《草帽歌》,刘欢、庾澄庆都合着音唱了起来。而紧接着,四位导师抢人大战火花四溅。那英开始套近乎,一口一个“姐”唤着学员的母亲,还搬出了自己的少数民族身份;哈林继续“卖萌”,高举双臂大喊“选我选我选我!”“杨三十二郎”继续死磕:“我觉得我要给你力量,这种力量是一个数字,这个数字神秘而强大。这个我已经说过无数次了,今天为了你我最后再说一次。32场,有没有!”
This issue of the program,Sichuan yi girl JiKeJuan escape(English name Summer)Bring an English song,Dark skin,Tall figure,Strong field,With a song folk song open throat,Then a《I feel good(I feel great)》,Move move is very,Strong field appeal and dexterous high bass conversion wake up the audience and mentor every cell of the body。Haring more shouts exuberantly“god!hallelujah!The stuffing out of la!”Summer introduce myself said,Her mother had taken in sichuan province, English songs the champion of the race,But in order to her to give up his own music dream and choose to be a teacher,This will spend more time to develop her。Listen to such a narrative,Obsessed make an exception invited her mother on the stage。The mother sang a scene《Hat song》,Liu joyfully、YuChengQing all match the sound sing up。And then,Four teacher rob's flames of war flowers scattered。Na ying began to befriend,A a“Elder sister”Call the student's mother,Also moved out of their own minority status;Haring continue to“Sell sprout”,Exalted arms Shouting“Choose me choose I chose me!”“Yang 30 ErLang”Continue to die ke:“I think I'm going to give you strength,This force is a digital,The digital mysterious and powerful。This I have said many times,Today for you I finally again。32 games,have!”
看点2: Read 2:
御用伴唱让那姐十分纠结 Queen's accompany let the elder sister very ravel
Northeast China Harbin girl WangChong seem small,But very explosive,She brought a adapted version《The day don't understand the night's black》。And the original na ying is in the performance process suddenly red eye socket,Turned to see WangChong is choked with sobs。The original WangChong unexpectedly and na ying has met for many years,“In fact a listen to her singing,I already know who she is,But I didn't know she will come to this program。She is my concert synaeresis,From my first concert to now have been,Sometimes the rehearsal when I am tired,Is she sing for me。”The reason that English will cry because she felt very ravel,“If I turn the,The audience might think that because we know me to pick you,Everyone will feel unfair;If you don't turn,And I feel sorry for you”。Na ying in the program after guarantee concert will be alone and WangChong singing a song。
看点3: Attraction 3:
不仅那英哭了刘欢也哭了 Not only na ying cry liu joyfully also cried
In yesterday's see films,Chongqing evening news reporter saw a man and a woman of composition“You and I and he”combination,Bring a zhang xinzhe the original《Too far》,To arrangement our songs very little fresh lun namely model,The voice of the two compliance is also very high,Several mentor in the hear full of praise,They express their time to say,Just want to simple do music。Is this sentence suddenly touched liu joyfully,To his instant red eye socket,“The reality is that such cruel,This is all of us have no way of things。Do you have this kind of passion I am very touched,Hope you stick to it。”
重庆晚报特派上海记者 陈柯羽
Chongqing evening news accredited Shanghai reporter ChenKeYu
《声动亚洲》下周迎来踢馆赛 《Acoustic Asia》In the next week to play house
资深制作人呼吁选手不要卖苦情 Senior producer called for players don't sell affliction
重庆晚报讯 在本周三、周四晚东方卫视播出的《声动亚洲》节目中将产生中国区的8强选手,他们接下来将迎来包括常石磊、王啸坤、黄中原在内实力强劲的踢馆选手的挑战。昨日下午,节目组在上海召开了“踢馆选手全国媒体见面会”。
Chongqing evening news - on Wednesday、Thursday night Oriental satellite TV broadcast《Acoustic Asia》The program will produce China 8 strong player,Their next will have including often shi lei、WangXiaoKun、HuangZhongYuan strength, strong play hall's challenge。Yesterday afternoon,Worked in Shanghai held“Play the national museum player press conference”。
HuangZhongYuan can be said to be music scene predecessors,Once in 2008 years《WoXingWoXiu》He fought in recent years behind the scenes,made《We here and fish》Good song, etc,HuangZhongYuan said,“This summer's a lot of draft program I also have to see,But look at the time I feel very strange,They a lot of people like to say my house、How I bitter ah、I insist that the many years and so on ah,Who is not so,Do music who does not need to stick to it,Why want to say this。”HuangZhongYuan after more the truth:“We are professional strength and not more than the who,Than miserably,I am no better than how much you。”
重庆晚报特派上海记者 陈柯羽
Chongqing evening news accredited Shanghai reporter ChenKeYu
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