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非诚加拿大专场嘉宾引质疑 网友:太优秀不真实--亲稳舆论引导监测室
“Special guest Canada was excellent,Is all BaiFu beauty and GaoFu handsome,Not a master's degree or above on all dare not at all”,This is a lot of net friend read《If you are the one》Canada feelings after the first special performance。The guest was excellent,Even a little true,“Why is it that special performance,Guests are so high quality ah?BaiFu beauty and GaoFu handsome gathers together,Lifting wire extinct,Let us domestic ordinary human why me,Really hurt not ah!”A lot of the audience questioned,Special overseas in male and female choice standard is what kind of?
Canada of men and women and special guests,Most of record of formal schooling is a master above,Profession see,All without exception is generally“white-collar”or“jinling”,Including physical therapist、Immunology PhD、Freelance writer、Bank enterprise customer manager、Actuarial assistant、Senior investors, who,Net friend summed up all is white:white-collar、backbone、A combination of three elite。In male guest as an example,YaoJianGuo from Toronto is in the queen's university dr obtain sociology of the first Chinese,Hand in hand WuZheng really male guest ZhouHang had done for leaders close-fitting translation,Like hanfu、drama、The YunXiaoJun guqin is a from Toronto, Canada federal government civil servants。Responsible for Canada guest recruiting director also feeling deep,“In fact,To show before,These people in Canada local Chinese circles,Is a little famous”。
May the audience will have doubts,In Canada can“In situ solve”Love problems,Now why need from a great distance came to China,Come again meet was near at hand of love?Male guest HuangDaYan with their own these ten years“One step at a time”Experience to answer the question,“The overseas Chinese in foreign life circle is very small,Except maybe for Chinese organization activities outside,Almost have no choice。Outside of work and,Left to their own other less and less。No food to eat of the premise,Love is a luxury。”
confidence、kind、smart、Filial piety,Had hall、Get out of the kitchen...These very much the same ideal girl standard to make the audience loud exclamation“Love without borders”、“Western education will not prevent the boy to Chinese girl's love”。For these male and female,The audience another one of the biggest feeling is,External seemingly open,Skin of marriage attitude is very traditional,Even be fond of is“Chinese wind”。
节目制片人王刚认为:“华人单身族里,留学生是一个大群体,所以报名的人自然以高学历为主。《非诚勿扰》选择嘉宾的标准就是,这个嘉宾能够代表一个群体,所以既有学业事业一帆风顺的,也有经历比较坎坷的,这样才能更加全面地展现加拿大华人群体的生活和婚恋状态。”记者 贺沂沂
Program producer wang gang think:“Chinese single race,Students is a large group,So the people of the natural with highly educated primarily。《If you are the one》Guests choose standard is,The guests can represent a group,So both the academic career,Also has experience is bumpy,In order to more fully show the Canadian Chinese community life and marriage status。”Reporter HeYi interpretation of
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