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杜若溪胜女的代价扮冷面女王 解析职场生存法则--亲稳舆论引导监测室
中新网7月26日电 近日,正在湖南卫视热播的都市偶像剧《胜女的代价》成为众人议论的焦点。其中除了男女主角的三角恋情外,更引人注目的是各个光鲜靓丽的“胜女们”在职场打拼奋斗的生存法则。比起陈乔恩饰演的林晓洁误打误撞爬到高管位置,杜若溪饰演的汤敏则更表现出在职场上干练、辛辣、冷面的作风。
Beijing July 26 recently,Is that hunan satellite TV city idol drama《Wins female cost》All become the focus of discussion。In addition to the main character of the men and women of the triangular romance,Even more compelling is that each bright beautiful“Wins the female”Played in the workplace of the struggles of the law of survival。Absent so winning qiao en than playing LinXiaoJie mistake climbed to the executive position,DuReXi plays the ShangMin criterion more show in the workplace and spell able、spicy、Grim style。
上有“老”下有“小” 双面夹击靠气场 on“old”under“small” Double flanked by field
In the play,ShangMin(DuReXi act the role ofing)Not only have to face the board of directors“LaoBang food”The pressure and critical,Also ShangJun with his brother(ZhangHan act the role ofing)Battle of wits DouYong,To inspire him to the protection of the family business to。in“State of flux”Under the double pressure,DuReXi with her spell able、spicy、Grim style,Successful overruled the whole field,Whenever she appeared,Whether old or new can only be completely shut up,And don't feel abrupt。Have to admire the director choosing Angle success,Such a young and beautiful girl on the CEO position always let a person hard to convince,But DuReXi with her strong the queen's temperament success hold in full。
勤奋不是唯一 杜若溪解密职场“攻心计” Diligence is not the only DuReXi decryption workplace“Attack meter”
In the play,LinXiaoJie(Absent so winning qiao en act the role ofing)A diligent work for pay inspiring girl,And in she has 29 such professional old stage,But appear“carelessly”With the media spill the beans,As a news spokesperson,But careless article big to make the enterprise have to suffer negative news surrounded crisis。, by contrast,ShangMin(DuReXi act the role ofing)It is much more sophisticated,On the board ordered she is responsible for layoffs separation when the heart,She was calm will play the ball to the LinXiaoJie。So in the workplace,And not you diligently do a good man is practicable。Is shenzhen TV drama series《The cater-cousin in boudoir》The DuReXi for our exclusive deciphering the new man how to survive in the workplace will obey the law is。DuReXi said:“As a rookie,uncommon,I suggest or speak little,Work more,And don't cocks do,Not only to do,Still have to make the leadership to see、know。There are many newcomers,Speak rashly,Don't know what to say what the time shouldn't say the best choice of the don't tell me first。Executive force for a new, more strong than peroration。But there are a lot of people say why I do,Leadership or feel bad??I think the necessary communication is not indispensable,Can't you do along while he is what all don't know also not line。So the appropriate face kung fu or cannot little。Much to consult、Ask for leadership opinion is also the good choice。”
It is reported,《Wins female cost》At present has already been on more than half,At the end of the month will hold a grand victory celebration activities,The play will all attend。To ShangMin roses exactly is who?ShangJun and LinXiaoJie can jack shall have Jill?Answer will be announced in succession。
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