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  播出到第三期的 《中国声音》依旧话题不减。“好声音”频出,“好评委”更是受到观众喜爱。刘欢、那英、庾澄庆、杨坤四位评委兼导师各有特点,各出奇招,一扫选秀节目“毒舌”的喧嚣咋呼,幽默中不失专业,张扬间不失诚意,成为这档备受关注的选秀节目中最大的一抹亮色。

Broadcast to the third stage 《China's good voice》Still the topic not reduced。“Good sound”PinChu,“A good judge”But also by the audience favorite。Liu joyfully、Na ying、YuChengQing、YangKun four judges and teachers have different features,Each shock recruit,A draft program of Saul“Poison tongue”Blatant petty things widely known,Humor is professional,Make public do not break between the sincerity,Be this file draft programme of concern the biggest with a bright color。


With praise and appeared“20 million day price remuneration”Rumors of,And the audience questioned why three period show four teacher hasn't been changed clothes。Mentors on screen signs action and“Soliciting votes”Whether the way and with special design?Publicity director LiuWei recently worked to these audience interested in one of the problems for the response。


A lot of attentive audience found,《China's good voice》Since the third phase of broadcast,Four teachers from beginning to end is to wear the same clothes,Even the hairstyle didn't change,Na ying is always split,Liu joyfully also always the same a black T-shirt,Even YaoChen couldn't help FaWei bo asked:“‘China's good voice’Few of the judges the teacher,The nun what time to change clothes ah?”LiuWei explain,This is the designed requirement obsessed,Because the program is taped,Player competes recording is random,But later when each broadcast according to the theme clips,In order to avoid misunderstanding caused by the audience,Requirements of the judges attire should be consistent。


“If you pay attention to words,in《China expert show》when,We had such a request。”LiuWei said,This is also and programs of the proprietors of the discussed,“The Dutch edition、Based on the、The English version of the《TheVoice》Are the same。”LiuWei introduced,The audience see now the first three stage program,In fact from recorded several days of material selection in the clip。

  “我的小心脏动了一下”、“我今年有32场演唱会……”杨坤的口头禅让人都能背下来了,那英在按钮前总喜欢把头埋在桌面上,刘欢总是最后一个发言,庾澄庆很好地完成了节目组安排给他的 “主持人”任务,四位导师在台上的表现让人已经摸出了套路。对此陆伟解释,他们只是告诉几位导师,在按钮转身时最好有自己的标志性动作和表情,“因为按钮是整个节目最大的悬念点,我们也给几位导师看了很多美国、英国专场的视频,他们也对如何呈现自己的心理活动有了心得和想法”。

“My small heart to move”、“I this year there are 32 concert...”YangKun mantra let everyone can back down,Na ying in the button front always like to bury my head on the table,Liu joyfully is always the last one to speak,YuChengQing well worked completed arranged for his “The host”task,Four teacher on the stage performance let people have touched a set pattern。This LiuWei explain,They just tell a few tutor,In the button turn when had better have their own symbolic action and expression,“Because button is whole show the biggest suspense point,We also give a few tutor to see a lot of the United States、British special performance of video,They also how to present their own psychological activity have experience and ideas”。
