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“外星人组合”止步完美声音 环保歌曲震撼全场--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  中新网8月6日电 8月3日,春城昆明因一场浩大的音乐盛会沸腾。由云南卫视和天娱广告联手打造的大型音乐选秀《完美声音》,当晚进行了全国赛总决赛第五场“8进7”。作为一档横空出世的绿色音乐选秀比赛,新颖的演唱会模式和精致的舞台呈现还是让《完美声音》获得极高的关注度。

Beijing, aug. 6 August 3,,Spring city kunming for a vast music event boiling。By yunnan satellite TV and day entertainment advertising to create large music draft《Perfect voice》,That night in the national game finals game 5“8 into seven”。As a birth without notice green music singing competitions,The novel concert mode and delicate stage present or let《Perfect voice》Get high attention。

  本场演唱会的主题是“I家乡”,8强选手通过自己的歌声表达对家乡的爱。这就解开了“外星人”刘璐宁和她男朋友刘涛的神秘面纱。和其他选手不同,外星人和她男朋友组合将“家”概念上升到一个更高的层次,一首“tell me why”唱出了无数人对地球这个大家园的关爱,将环保的理念用音乐的方式传达给观众。

This is the theme of the concert“I home”,8 strong players through the own voice to express the love of his hometown。It is solved“alien”LiuLuNing and her boyfriend the mysteries of liu tao。And other different players,Alien and her boyfriend combination will“home”Concept rise to a higher level,a“Tell me why”Sing out millions of people on the earth this big home care,Will the concept of environmental protection with music way to convey to the audience。

  原来,来自河南郑州的刘璐宁是一个不折不扣的环保主义者,她在学生时代便多次充当各种环保活动的志愿者。本场演唱会中,刘璐宁走入了观众席,用自己的真情实感将“tell me why”对和平与环保的意义诠释得淋漓尽至。现场的观众也被她的歌声打动,一起举起双臂为她打气加油,场面十分震撼。就连评委黄国伦也在点评中说道:“我们无法从地球上搬走,所以它是我们唯一的家园,但凭这一点,我就很喜欢外星人和她男朋友组合此轮表演。”

The original,The LiuLuNing from henan zhengzhou is a real environmentalists,She was a student then multiple act as various environmental protection activities of the volunteers。The concert,LiuLuNing into the auditorium,With their own true feelings will“Tell me why”The significance of environmental protection for peace and explain the dripping wet do to。The scene audience was also her singing touched,Raised his arms together for her pump oil,Scene shocked me。Even judges HuangGuoLun also said in comments:“We can't move away from the earth,So it is our only home,But by this point,I really like alien and her boyfriend combination this wheel performance。”

  但是比赛是残酷的,外星人和她男朋友组合最终在媒体评审投票环节败给了“糖果炸弹”姚禹,无缘下一场演唱会,但他们的《tell me why》还是成为了本场演唱会最大亮点之一。

But competition is cruel,Alien and her boyfriend combination finally in media evaluation to vote“Candy bomb”YaoYu,For the next concert,But their《Tell me why》Or became one of the biggest highlights concert。
