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亲人曝细节:皮特朱莉婚礼规模小 这样较容易控制--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  好莱坞明星情侣布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)和安吉丽娜·朱莉( Angelina Jolie)将要结婚的消息,已经让各路媒体疯狂出击,尽管目前还并不确定两人结婚的具体日期,但美国综合娱乐网站celebuzz却成功找到了朱莉的阿姨贾达·迪克逊(Jade Dixon),后者向该网站独家揭秘了皮特和朱莉婚礼的部分细节。

Hollywood star couple brad Pitt(Brad Pitt)And Angelina jolie( Angelina Jolie)The news is going to marry,Has let the media crazy attack,Though there are not sure two marry specific dates,But the United States comprehensive entertainment site celebuzz but success found Julie aunt jia da dickson(Jade Dixon),The latter to the site the sole revelation Pitt and jolie wedding details。

  自从今年4月份订婚以后,皮特和朱莉一直都对婚期守口如瓶,向来神通广大的小报媒体这次也不得不缴械投降,英国的《太阳报》称两人的婚礼将在上周末进行,但法国当地媒体《Var Matin》却表示,两人举办婚礼的真正日期是在8月18日,也就是本周六。而现在唯一可以确定的消息,就是自从4月份订婚以来,皮特一直都在马不停蹄地筹备着这场婚礼。

Since this year in April after engagement,Pitt and jolie has always been to day mouth shut,Always miraculous tabloid media this time also had to surrender to disarm,British《The sun》Said the two person's wedding will be in for the weekend,But France local media《Var Matin》But said,Two people for the wedding date is true on August 18,,Also is this coming Saturday。And now the only thing one could be certain news,Since April since is engaged,Peter has always been on the wedding preparations for this。


“I think the wedding will be very personalized,Some things that people had never seen before。”As Julie aunt,Jia da dickson to the wedding for know a little about:“The scale of the wedding will be very small,The invited are acquaintance,People also will leave unforgettable memories。Pitt and jolie and don't want to make big wedding,Because it is easy to control。In addition,The wedding will also for their children to set up a special link。”

  至于婚礼举办的地点,贾达·迪克逊表示:“婚礼肯定会在他们的几处豪宅之一,这样才能保证隐私,我认为这可能就会在他们位于法国南部的Chateau Miraval庄园,因为那里的隐秘性更好。”

As for the wedding held in place,Jia da dickson said:“The wedding will in their places of a person of extraordinary powers curtilage,Such ability assure privacy,I think it may be in them is located in the south of France's Chateau Miraval manor,Because the confidentiality of better there。”

  皮特将是朱莉的第三任丈夫,此前她已经先后与约翰尼·李·米勒(Jonny Lee Miller)、比利·鲍勃·桑顿(Billy Bob Thornton)结婚,而这次与皮特的婚礼肯定要与前两次不同,贾达·迪克逊证实了这一点:“朱莉第一次结婚时举办的是一个小型仪式,她把丈夫的名字用金字绣在衣服上,第二次结婚则是在拉斯维加斯的一个小教堂。朱莉做任何事情都不会重复,而且经常出人意料,皮特2000年时也已经跟詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)举行了一个盛大的婚礼,所以我相信,皮特和朱莉这次会别出心裁想到更新奇的方式。”

Peter will be jolie's third husband,After she has successively and jonny lee miller(Jonny Lee Miller)、Billy Bob Bob Thornton(Billy Bob Thornton)married,And with the Peter wedding are sure to have and the former two different,Jia da dickson proved this point:“Julie first marriage is held at a small ceremony,She put her husband's name with king embroidered on clothes,Second marriage is in Las Vegas a small church。Julie do anything will not repeat,And often unexpected,Peter 2000 has also with Jennifer aniston(Jennifer Aniston)Held a grand wedding,So I believe that,Pitt and jolie this will try to be unique thought more novel way。”
