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age:27 years old


height:Less than 175 cm


identity:Taiwan less rich。


Father is Taiwan yuan daikin control and yuan bora securities director LiYueCang。


Its born out of wedlock,There is injury record。


recently,Taiwan entertainment a major earthquake。And ring middleman has been hobnob 27 years old of rich the second generation、Yuan daikin control director LiYueCang son LiZongRui(Formerly known as LiZongYou),Be detonation suspected fan treacherous female artist and model a total of 60 people,And candid camera next sex CDS。According to Taiwan《Next magazine》reports,Victims there is no lack of“A coffee level female artist”,This makes a lot of and LiZongRui familiar female star contracts。《Next magazine》And like to take this opportunity to play a guessing game,Will the several victims instead of by letters,List the characteristics of them respectively。The net friend a curiosity stirred up,And LiZongRui had mixed feelings white hui advancements、LinWei shavings、WuYaXin、GuanYing、Makiyo etc actress,All were suspected in the column。And LiZongRui life and untreated,The net friend also become the object of gossip。


articles:SMW reporter WuSha



  [什么来头]何方妖孽报上名来 [what position] uber where the name



  要了解李宗瑞,先得看他的妈是谁 To understand LiZongRui,First get to see his mother who is


Demimonde mixed more than 20 years“Wine country name”+ over 50 age maintenance of appropriate“Ripe age the beauty witches”


LiZongRui is Taiwan famous rich the second generation。His father is a Taiwan yuan daikin control and yuan bora securities director LiYueCang。however,LiZongRui not children。His mother YangXiaoLi ShiJinXiu name,Worked in demimonde mixed more than twenty years,get“Wine country name”title。More than a decade ago,Her business“307 the club”,With great finesse,Attract many political celebrities to her club dinner party。YangXiaoLi had a marriage,After the divorce communication object in so many people in the business。Now YangXiaoLi has over 50 age,But still maintain appropriate,Is regarded as“Ripe age the beauty witches”。


 要了解李宗瑞,还得看他都是怎么混 To understand LiZongRui,Still have to see him is how to mix


To the club will make a block booking champagne renkai celebrity attraction + female artist a listen to is his party will struggle to

  李宗瑞被台湾媒体视为“有乃母之风”,外形被认为并不起眼的他,凭借阔绰的作风和爱玩的性格,身边不乏知名人士和各色美女。据悉,李宗瑞的爱好之一便是流连台北各大夜店和派对,和不少娱乐圈中人都有交情,其中包括近来爆红的航运小开王阳明、小S老公许雅钧、艺人祝钒刚、丫子、M akiyo、关颖等。据传,李宗瑞每至夜店必会包场请客,每次办派对,香槟任开,名人如织,包厢总是爆满。友人透露,“很多女性艺人,或是女生朋友,听到是李宗瑞的派对,都满兴奋要去的。”每年李宗瑞的生日,更是广邀好友风光大办,其座上客包括知名艺人、日盛金控千金关颖,前太电董事长孙道存的大女儿孙莹莹,以及多位美女主播。在派对上,李宗瑞和每个人拍照留念,不乏脸贴脸、左拥右抱等亲密姿势,更有甚者,在日前曝光的其中一张照片里,李还与一位身穿白色洋装的辣妹大胆舌吻。据报道,每个出席生日派对的人,都会领到一款印有“Justin‘s Birthday”(Justin为李宗瑞英文名)字样的手环。

LiZongRui be Taiwan media as“A mother is the wind of”,Appearance is considered and ordinary he,Relying on rich style and love the character of the play,Side there is no lack of famous people and all kinds of beauty。It is reported,LiZongRui hobby to Taipei is one of major nightclub and party,And many in the showbiz have fellowship,Including the recent explosion red shipping wang small open、Small S husband XuYaJun、Artist wish vanadium just、Ya son、M akiyo、GuanYingDeng。reportedly,LiZongRui each to the club will make a block booking treat,Each party,Champagne renkai,Celebrity attraction,Box is always full。Friend revealed,“Many women artists,Or girl friend,Hear is LiZongRui party,Were full of excited to go。”LiZongRui birthday every year,Invite friends is widely DaBan scenery,The compiled by including famous artist、Day ChengJin control GuanYing daughter,Former too electric director ChangSunDaoCun big female children and grandchildren YingYing,And more beautiful female advocate sow。At the party,LiZongRui and everyone photos as a souvenir,Thering is no lack of cheek to cheek、Hold the right and left arms close position,What is more,In these days of exposure in in one of the photos,Li still with a wearing a white dress of spice bold tongue kiss。According to the report,Each person to attend a birthday party,Will receive one with“Justin‘S Birthday”(Justin LiZongRui for English name)"Hand ring。



  要了解李宗瑞,必须知道他多么下流 To understand LiZongRui,Must know how he dirty

  夜店灌醉+开高档车扮“柴可夫司机”+拐回家下药+偷拍后刻成光碟 Nightclub inebriate + open high-grade car play“ChaiKeFu driver”+ + candid camera turn home the remedy to the case after carved into a CD

  夜店也是李宗瑞对女性受害人下手的关键场所。知情人透露,李宗瑞通常会在夜店将受害者灌醉,再将她们抬上计程车载回家;如果受害者没有喝醉,他则以送对方回家之名,亲自开着高档名车扮“柴可夫司机”,途中再借机编造理由,如以东西忘记拿或衣服在夜店弄脏等说辞,把对方骗到他位于信义路五段的豪宅中,再拿出下了药的白开水给对方喝下,迷昏对方。对于受害者,李宗瑞不仅完全不理会对方有无男友,甚至在对方处于生理期的情况下也不就此放过。还有一次,李宗瑞一下带回两名小模特,把她们分别抬上床后,对着两名熟睡的受害者来来回回大玩另类3P。大多数性侵行为都是李宗瑞在受害者昏睡时进行,如果有受害者中途醒来发出微弱的抵抗声,李则会暂时“停机”伺机而动,见受害者再度昏睡后再逞兽欲。事后,李宗瑞则往往会装无辜,穿着一条内裤,躺在受害者身边,向完全不知发生何事的对方说“是你强奸我,不是我的错”,或命令对方赶紧去吃避孕药。不过,也有一些主动配合自拍的女星,事后李宗瑞就很自豪地把照片拿给友人分享。并刻成光碟,按A -Z排列。

Club is also LiZongRui for women the victim of attack key places。Insider revealed,LiZongRui usually in the nightclub victims will be drunk,Then they carry a taxi home load;If the victim does not get drunk,He is to take the name of the other party to go home,Personally open high-grade dress up as famous“ChaiKeFu driver”,On the way up to the opportunity to reason,Such as the thing forgot to take or clothes in the nightclub dirty and rhetoric,The other cheat to he is located in xinyi road five section of a person of extraordinary powers curtilage,To take out the medicine plain boiled water to each other drink,MiHun each other。And for the victims,LiZongRui not only completely ignore each other have boyfriend,Even in the other party in physiological period cases also not on the pass。There are a,LiZongRui once back to two small model,They carried the respectively after go to bed,To the two sleeping victims toing and froing play alternative 3 p。Most of the sexual harassment behavior are LiZongRui victims in the coma,If there are victims midway wake up a faint sound resistance,Lee will temporarily“stop”Waiting game,See the victim again after coma again according to animal desire。afterwards,LiZongRui is often feign innocence,Wearing a pants,Lying in the victim side,What happens to completely know the other said“Is your rape me,Is not my fault”,Or command each other go to eat contraceptives。but,There are also some initiative autodyne actress,Afterwards LiZongRui is very proud to take photos to share a friend。And carved into a CD,According to A - Z arrangement。


According to Taiwan“Criminal law”,LiZongRui suspected several fan crafty、Steal the,The heaviest may be sentenced to life imprisonment,Light words at least closed in two hundred and thirty。now,Because someone suspected a secret message,LiZongRui evaporation,Taipei“prosecutors”Official release a hue and cry the chase。



  [和谁交往]不堪回首与这厮相恋 [and who contacts] wretched and this fellow fell in love


 绯闻女友1白歆惠:经被他脚踏两只船过 Rumoured gf 1 white hui advancements:After his foot two ship over


LiZongRui blasting was in eight years ago and white advancements we contacts。When white advancements we is not famous,And LiZongRui meet in the nightclub,By the other。Although LiZongRui at that time has been a model girlfriend,But will still white advancements we pursue it。Communication after period of time,White advancements we chance on this model girlfriend,In casual chat know each other's boyfriend but also LiZongRui。subsequently,White and found that lee's ambiguous object is numerous,And in communication with the half a year to break up。White after you because advancements in popular idol drama,LiZongRui around and said they had with white hui communication advancements,Get white be its interference,Finally in a clothing conference on just the LiZongRui overdrive:“Don't always with others that you and I together over!”Lee spot denied that he mentioned relationship,And white squabble,Nearly to,Be others opened just forget about it。


 绯闻女友2吴亚馨:曾经为他割腕自杀过 Gossip girl WuYaXin 2:Used to cut his wrist suicide


Taiwan WuYaXin model is LiZongRui only admit girlfriend,In LiZongRui before,Had and birch f construction the chairman ZhangGang d,The famous actor dylan kuo、Such as md preached gossip。She and LiZongRui in 2008 after lightning fell in love,Feeling like a roller coaster,Has been the paparazzi direct deep meaning honey、Alternate days will squabble farce scene。


 DVD看过?不行!必须向李交待和谁看的! DVD seen?no!Must to lee confessed and see who!

  2008年6月的一天深夜,吴亚馨被拍到和李宗瑞在街头一处咸酥鸡摊前买东西吃,两人有说有笑,吴亚馨更不时用手轻抚李宗瑞手臂。买完咸酥鸡后,李宗瑞便载吴亚馨回到住处。隔日晚上十点多钟,吴亚馨和李宗瑞又被目击在一家D V D店挑选影碟。据称,李宗瑞在店中问吴亚馨:“要不要租《鼠来宝》?”吴亚馨说已经看过。李宗瑞竟当场发飙,追问:“跟谁去看的?”“你那天明明就在家,跟谁去看?”吴亚馨赶忙解释是母亲帮忙租影碟,但依然闹得很不愉快,两人没有租任何影碟就离开了这家店。

June 2008 a day late into the night,WuYaXin was photographed and LiZongRui in the street at a salty cake JiTan before buy something to eat,Two people talking and laughing,WuYaXin more from time to time with handle gently caresses LiZongRui arm。After buying the salty after crisp chicken,LiZongRui and WuYaXin load to a room。Alternate days around 10 at night bell,WuYaXin and LiZongRui and been witnessed in a D V D shop choose disc。it,LiZongRui in the inn in WuYaXin asked:“Want to rent《Rat to treasure》?”WuYaXin said have seen。LiZongRui have thrived on the spot,cross-examine:“And who go to see?”“When you that day at home,And who go to see?”WuYaXin quickly explanation is mother help DVD rentals,But still the very unpleasant,Two people do not have rent any disc and left the shop。


 穿着性感?不行!吵到割腕自杀才重修旧好! Wearing sexy?no!Noisy to cut wrist suicide just become reconciled!

  因为频生口角,吴亚馨甚至为李宗瑞试图割腕自杀。据爆料,李因为吴亚馨穿着太性感而不爽,但吴亚馨为内衣品牌代言,不得不穿N uBra拍照,两人因此争吵,直到闹分手。吴亚馨因此竟当着李宗瑞的面意图割腕,吓得李宗瑞抢过她手中刀具,这才将事件平息。吴亚馨因不忍分手,还终日躲在房间以泪洗面,终于换回李宗瑞重修旧好。

Because frequency raw Angle,WuYaXin even for LiZongRui tried to cut wrist suicide。According to support,Mason for WuYaXin wearing is too sexy but not great,But WuYaXin for underwear brand endorsement,Had to wear N uBra photos,Two people quarrel so,Make to break up until。WuYaXin so unexpectedly in the presence of LiZongRui face intention cut wrist,Frighten LiZongRui grabbed the her hand tool,This event will subside。WuYaXin for spare part,All day long also hide in the room lacrimosa,Finally in exchange for LiZongRui become reconciled。

  另外,两人的恋情还曾遭到李家父母和吴亚馨经纪公司的反对。李宗瑞甚至为此离开父亲旗下公司,在友人公司学习事务。而吴亚馨方面,其当时所在的《敲敲爱上你》剧组认为她感情复杂,很多工作人员都对其不搭不理,令吴亚馨经常躲在角落偷哭。李宗瑞还常常干涉吴亚馨的工作,私下为她接通告不说,还带吴亚馨出席活动公开恋情,令吴所在的经纪公司深感不满,决定将她雪藏。但在种种阻力之下,李宗瑞还是租豪宅和吴亚馨共筑爱巢。然而好景不长,次年两人分手了。为了表示重回娱乐圈的决心,吴亚馨全裸拍摄G Q封面搏复出。

In addition,Two people love affair was under attack by the lees parents and WuYaXin brokerage firm opposition。LiZongRui even therefore leave his father's company,In the friend company learning affairs。And WuYaXin aspects,Its were in《Knock fall in love with your》The think she mixed feelings,A lot of work to staff the lap ignore,Make WuYaXin often hide in the corner steal cry。LiZongRui often interference WuYaXin work,For her in private after notice don't say,With WuYaXin attend activities public relationship,Make wu in the brokerage company are upset,Decided to save her。But under the various resistance,LiZongRui or rent a person of extraordinary powers curtilage and WuYaXin altogether builds the love mew。But a flash in the pan,The two people broke up。In order to show the determination to return to the entertainment industry,WuYaXin naked shooting G Q cover return stroke。


The sexual harassment cases,WuYaXin responded that,Has lost contact with li for several years,To his things are not clear。


 绯闻女友4林利霏:曾经和他当街熊抱过 Gossip girl LinLiFei 4:Once and he hugged the bear this street


WuYaXin LiZongRui than two years old,And LiZongRui and preached the LinLiFei gossip,Now 35,Than LiZongRui big。


 吃完麻辣火锅,当街紧紧拥抱! To finish eat a spicy hot pot,Hugged each other tightly when!


LinLiFei is Singapore,Had appeared in《Spicy hot XianShi》,Many young man is the goddess of the heart,Have D cup plump breasts。Although no formal recognition,But she and LiZongRui has been witnessed after finish eat a spicy hot pot,When the street clung together。


两人相差8岁,相识已经N年! Two people are 8 years old,Acquaintance has N years!


The sexual abuse scandal,LinLiFei for LiZongRui escort,Said the two people know 7 years,Are to elder sister and younger brother,And that to LiZongRui position won't do such a thing。LinLiFei's agent, said,Lin“And LiZongRui know 12 years,It is through a common friends know,Because of the difference of eight years old,Match with elder sister and younger brother,Just friendship good friends”。Agent also said,Two people have several months didn't contact,Never contacts。But this said politely decline net friend is some confusion,Two people know what is seven years or 12 years?If know 12 years,So know,LinLiFei is 23,LiZongRui just 15 years old?

  绯闻女友3林苇茹:曾经和他交往两星期过 Gossip girl 3 LinWei shavings:Once and his contacts have two weeks


In WuYaXin and break up after a week,LiZongRui photographed by the media in a friends met in LinWei shavings。LinWei shavings to media said on the spot“He also well”,No secret of lee's favor。But it,Because forest friend reminded her many times LiZongRui very flower heart,Eventually lead to LinWei shavings decisions and LiZongRui break up。When they just communication for two weeks。


After break up,LiZongRui foreign said,Is his own dumped her。But whether communication or be left,LinWei shavings are all denied。“I don't know why did he do this,I didn't know him very。”“Never in together,Which come of break up?”


 链接 link

  网友八卦,仅供参考 The net friend,Is only for reference


LiZongRui sex disc A lot famous A coffee female artist,Is not familiar with the situation was made,Disc to name classification,From A to Z,Be net friend suspected the object and -- -


- LiYiXuan(in):Plane model、Assistant presided over、Notice artists,Had spread and LiZongRui communication。

  ●M akiyo:曾在李宗瑞派对上与其亲密合影,据称是李宗瑞的好友。(来源:南方都市报 南都网)

M akiyo -:Once in LiZongRui party and its intimate photo,It is LiZongRui friends。(source:The southern metropolis daily SMW network)


Enzo had:Taiwan male modelling division,With strange modelling famous,called“Strange coffee”、“Pseudo niang”。Rumour has it that LiZongYou men and women“c”,Including Enzo,Let the fashion circle to shock。


- SunYingYing:Rich girl SunYingYing is LiZongRui friends,Has she than his little six years old son of arms dealer LiShiFan engagement,Unexpectedly bold's love and fiance play role playing,Heroic style provoking daydream。


- YaoYao:Black acerbity will the United States eyebrow,Has been the eight diagrams weekly photographed in LiZongRui home for the night。


- WangZiRe(chirps):Notice coffee,Because in the show bold action and popular,According to other female artist leaks,She had been having an affair LiZongRui initiative。


- GuanYing:As a rich daughter,Is LiZongRui friends。After the incident,GuanYing immediately issued a statement clarifying and this has nothing to do,But in Taiwan the eight diagrams media actress in silhouette,She is still top suspicion object。


 总结陈词 Summary address

  李宗瑞今年27岁。白歆惠30岁,33C。吴亚馨29岁,34C。林苇茹31岁,33C。林利霏35岁,32D。台媒分析,李宗瑞就爱美艳型大姐姐这一味,至少都是C cup以上,交往都不过半年。

LiZongRui this year 27 years old。White advancements we 30 years old,33 c。WuYaXin 29 years old,34 c。LinWei shavings 31,33 c。LinLiFei 35 years old,32 d。Taiwan media analysis,LiZongRui to love beauty type big sister this blindly,At least are C cup above,Communication is but half a year。
