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梦露同性恋身份曝光 曾与泰勒等女星发生关系(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  下个月5日是性感女神玛丽莲·梦露逝世50周年的日子,近日英国《每日邮报》爆出惊人猛料,报道称真实的梦露是个同性恋,虽然她先后离婚3次,但她本人承认曾和多名女性发生关系,其中包括演员琼·克劳馥、芭芭拉·斯坦威克、玛琳·黛德丽以及伊丽莎白·泰勒,还有她的两位演戏指导娜塔莎和宝拉·斯特拉伯格。 报道称,梦露在生命将尽的时候,她曾在私人心理医生拉尔夫·格林森处说出自己的心声,对话被用磁带录音。曾和梦露一起在影片《彗星美人》中合作过的女星赛莱斯特·霍尔姆也曾对外透露,梦露的性取向问题是由于她多难的童年阴影造成的。梦露一直迷恋演员贝蒂·格莱伯。她一直跟随贝蒂,向她学习并且模仿她做过的所有事。当时,贝蒂和哈里·詹姆斯拥有幸福的婚姻,并育有两女。贝蒂并没有任何同性恋倾向,但她表示她能理解梦露,并且很同情她。

Next month 5 day is a sexy goddess Marilyn Monroe died 50 anniversary of the day,Britain recently《Daily mail》Amazing was irreparably,Reports say the real Monroe is gay,Although she has been divorced three times,But she I admit that I had and many women relationship,Including actress Joan crawford、Barbara Stan wake、Marlene Dietrich and Elizabeth Taylor,And her two acting guidance natasha and Paula Stella's。 Reports say,Monroe in life will do all the time,She worked in private psychological doctor Ralph lattice LinSen place say your inner voice,Dialogue is tape。Once and Monroe together in the film《All about eve》Cooperation in the actress "Lester · HuoErM have foreign revealed,Monroe's sexual orientation problem is because of her hard childhood caused by the shadow。Monroe has been infatuated with actress Betty grey "。She has been with Betty,Learn from her and imitating her do all things。At that time,Betty and harry James have a happy marriage,And has two female。Betty and no homosexual tendencies,But she says she can understand Monroe,And very sympathy for her。


On magnetic tape in,Monroe also admit her and bisexual Joan crawford had a mature female with relationship。She said:“We together into the Joan's bedroom,She taught me far more than acting。”

  报道中还称,1954年,与梦露离婚的乔·狄马桥向纽约一家报纸的专栏作家沃尔特·温切尔透露,他和梦露离婚的真正原因是梦露不喜欢与他同房。此后,梦露搬去了纽约,和李·斯特拉伯格和他的妻子宝拉一起在演员工作室共事。1956年,梦露和剧作家阿瑟·米勒步入婚姻殿堂。宝拉以梦露演戏指导的身份陪同他们一起去了伦敦。她们的关系同样有女同性恋的调调。曾和梦露合作过《游龙戏凤》的英国演员简·肯特曾说过:“没有宝拉的允许,梦露就不能单独行动。有人听到宝拉告诉梦露,你是世界上最受欢迎的人!”五年后,返回美国后的梦露,和世界上其中一位最有名的女星——伊丽莎白·泰勒开始有染。对此,泰勒在日记中曾这样记载:“她触碰我时,我能感觉到强烈的电流。我想看看这个婊子会干些什么,结果她全做了。” (中新)

The report also says,In 1954,,And Monroe divorce Joe DE ma qiao to New York a newspaper columnist walter temperature cher revealed,He and Monroe divorce was the real reason for Monroe don't like and when he went in unto her。Since then,Monroe moved to New York,And lee Stella's and his wife Paula together at the actors studio work together。In 1956,,Monroe and playwright Arthur miller into the marriage hall。Paula to Monroe acting guidance identity accompany together, they went to London。Their relationship also have lesbian tune。Once and Monroe cooperated《Dragon play chicken》British actor Jane Kent said:“Without the permission of the Paula,Monroe cannot separate action。Someone hear Paula told Monroe,You are the most welcomed people of the world!”Five years later,Returned to the United States after the Monroe,And the world one of the most famous actress - Elizabeth Taylor began to having an affair。this,Taylor in the diary has such records:“She touched me,I can feel strong current。I'd like to see such a * * * * * do??????,Results all she did。” (Miocene)
