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  崔永元说,“长影,新中国电影的摇篮,是如何变成一个眉眼清晰的房地产企业呢?”崔永元还说,“原有的摄制基地已被野蛮拆去,又在海南大兴土木,已经变成赤裸裸的房地产开发商,却还享受国家的文化扶持基金。”他用了极为愤怒的语气表达了自己对中国电影摇篮——— 长影厂的不满,这呐喊令人唏嘘。

Cui always dollar said,“projected,The cradle of China film,Is how to become a eyebrow eye clear real estate enterprise?”Cui always dollar also said,“The original shooting base has been savage down,And in hainan daxing civil,Has become stark real estate developers,Yet enjoy national culture support funds。”He spent very angry tone expressed their commitment to China movie cradle -- ChangYingChang dissatisfaction,This cry a SOB。

  翻看长影的过去,她曾是国产电影的摇篮,在她辉煌的历史里曾造就了多个第一:第一部木偶片《皇帝梦》;第一部动画片《瓮中捉鳖》;第一部长故事片《桥》等等;而她也曾制作了许多经典的脍炙人口的电影作品,也伴随了几代人的成长。如今的她,正已另一种姿态慢慢地退出舞台,如同崔永元的话所讲“其中黑幕重重”:废弃是电影厂和中国电影变革的必然——— 不用的厂房和场地所能留下的现实意义就是用新的名义包装将其变为商品再卖,一本万利,用最美的语言表达,这是城市的进步。香港电影人吴思远在一次公开采访中曾表示:“电影厂不一定把重心放在拍电影上。它们可以调整为服务机构,协助民间制作公司,提供摄影棚、灯光器材等。”但他的话并不表示这意味着电影厂的消失,好莱坞的旅游开发值得中国电影产业人士借鉴,一味地靠出卖土地达到敛财目的只能是暂时,那时毁灭的不仅仅是电影厂的建筑,还包括一段中国电影的历史!

Projected through the past,She was the cradle of China's movies,In her brilliant history has made more first:The first a puppet film《Emperor dream》;The first animated film《Shooting fish in》;The first minister feature films《bridge》, etc;And she had made many classic universally acclaimed films,With the growth of several generations。Now of she,Is already another attitude slowly quit the stage,Like cui always dollar words speak“The shady heavy”:Waste is a Chinese film studios and change inevitable -- don't workshop and site can leave realistic meaning is to use the name of new packing will become the goods to sell,Bottom line,With the most beautiful language expression,This is the progress of a city。Hong Kong WuSi filmmakers have a public had said in an interview:“The film factories not focus on the film。They can be adjusted for service agencies,Assist folk production company,Provide studio、Lighting equipment, etc。”But his words not said that this means that the disappearance of the studios,Hollywood is the tourism exploitation of China's film industry people reference,Selling blindly land to achieve revenue purpose can only be temporary,Then destruction is not only the architecture studios,Also includes a Chinese movie history!


But current s,Is the age of fast food:Star one day in a face,Screen some is full of fantastic extraordinary story;In order to attract eyeball,In order to pursue the maximization of interests,They dip their all,Racked my brains make a lot of money。In the first half of this year China's movie box office has passed 8 billion,But it is sad,8 billion most of the box office from Hollywood market contribution,A large number of quickie is another to gallop on the screen。Use the words of critic,Domestic movie has reached a difficult state,But we all run to make the cradle of the property,Who will come to revitalize the domestic movie?


Just yesterday,Media friends in the network posted a set of survey ratings false the manuscript,She says this group of manuscript doesn't mean to save the industry,As everyone understand moviedom steal the inertia of the box office as,“What we do,Is undoubtedly eggs touch stone。But eggs have life,What we can do is,A life of eggs。”Her these words is wonderful,Like his cannon may not see to save endangered studios“disappear”fact,But at least it's a watch,Every day is a watch,Maybe the future is worth looking forward to。


