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    新华社拉萨7月13日电 中共中央政治局委员、中央军委副主席郭伯雄近日在驻西藏部队调研时强调,驻藏部队要高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,自觉服从服务于党和国家工作大局,紧紧围绕国防和军队建设主题主线,大力弘扬老西藏精神,更加注重从思想上政治上建设部队,更加注重拓展和深化军事斗争准备,更加注重维护社会大局稳定和保持部队自身安全稳定,更加注重维护军政军民团结和民族团结,努力开创部队建设科学发展新局面,为维护国家主权、安全和发展利益,为西藏繁荣发展和长治久安作出新的更大贡献,以优异成绩迎接党的十八大胜利召开。

    The xinhua news agency Lhasa July 13 (Reuters) member of CCCPC political bureau、Vice chairman of the central military commission, guo boxiong recently in Tibet forces stressed in the investigation,Hidden forces will raise in the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,With deng xiaoping theory and“The three represents”The important thoughts as the instruction,Thoroughly apply the scientific outlook on development,The determination obeys service in the party and the country work situation,Centering on national defense and army building main theme,Carry forward the spirit of old Tibet,Pay more attention to the ideological political construction units,Paying more attention to the development and deepening military struggle to prepare,Pay more attention to maintain social stability and keep its own security forces stability,Pay more attention to maintain national unity and solidarity and the military,Efforts to create a new situation in building scientific development troops,To safeguard national sovereignty、Security and development interests,For the prosperity and development of Tibet and stability and to make new greater contributions,With the excellent result to meet the party's big victory at 18。


    Calling guo points out that,To pay more attention to the ideological political construction units,To make the firm officers and soldiers, holding flags、Listen to the party command、To perform the mission of ideological and political basis。To further pay special attention to the“With political、Despite the big picture、discipline”Learning activities and education“Praise the scientific development achievements、Faithfully perform historic mission”Education activities,In order to obtain the solid effect。To pertinently reinforce policy education and thought the guidance work,Pay attention to play good ideology ZhuDongZhang struggle,Ensure that officers and men in the thought political action with the central party committee and the central military commission keep highly consistent。The current,Around with excellent achievement to meet the party's big victory at 18,With full political enthusiasm、The work of high energy、Solid work style,More solid and effective to complete each work,Ensure troops firmly to the party command、Absolute loyalty and reliability,Ensure that forces highly concentrated and security and stability,Ensure that forces to maintain social stability of effective important functions,Ensure the safety and stability of the air,Ensure that the annual each work accomplished,Let the party central committee、The central military commission and President hu rest assured。


    Stressed, guo boxiong,Don't relax to pay attention to training troops,Effective to perform mission。Constantly with the central party committee、The central military commission and Mr Hu's strategic judgment and decision making instructions unified thought,Make the officers and men always stay strong sense of misery and combat readiness concept。To expand and deepen military struggle to prepare,Resolutely safeguard China's sovereignty、Security and territorial integrity。To continue to rise up big catch military training boom,Continuously improve the army's experience。To actively assist the local party committees and governments do to maintain social stability。To continue to pay attention to the comprehensive construction。To further increase the administer their affairs according to law、Strictly and army strength。Continue to consolidate and develop military unity and a good situation of national unity。
