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    7月18日,两名小朋友在展厅内体验自行车骑行,骑行结束后电脑会分析出此次行程的碳排放量。当日,以“低碳”为主题的科技馆——“中国杭州低碳科技馆”在杭州开馆。该馆以“低碳生活,人类必将选择的未来”为主题,设置了“碳的循环”、“全球变暖”、“低碳城市”、“低碳科技”、“低碳生活”、“低碳未来”和“儿童天地”等七个常设展厅,通过108件集科学性、趣味性和互动性的展品,让游客在参观体验过程中,深入了解低碳知识,树立低碳生活的理念。展馆本身采用了太阳能光伏建筑一体化、日光利用与绿色照明、冰蓄冷等十项节能技术,场馆建设和布展材料等均坚持绿色低碳的理念。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄      July 18,,Two children at the exhibition hall bike riding experience,After riding computer will analyze the the trip of carbon emissions。On that day,to“Low carbon”As the theme of the science and technology museum--“China hangzhou low carbon science and technology museum”Opening in hangzhou。The museum to“Low carbon life,The future of the human will choose”As the theme,set“Carbon cycle”、“Global warming”、“Low carbon cities”、“Low carbon science and technology”、“Low carbon life”、“Low carbon future”and“Children world”Seven permanent exhibition hall,Through the 108 a set scientific、Interesting and interactive exhibits,Let tourists visit experience in process,In-depth understanding of low carbon knowledge,Set up the concept of low carbon life。The exhibition hall itself building integrated photovoltaic solar power、Daylight use and green lighting、Ice storage cold and ten of energy saving technology,Building venues and exhibit materials adhere to the concept of green low carbon。The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation 


    7月18日,参观者在“低碳生活”展厅内的体验设备上观看“低碳生活面面观”的介绍。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     July 18,,The visitors in“Low carbon life”The experience of exhibition hall to watch the equipment“Low carbon problem-the life”introduction。The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation


    7月18日,几名小朋友在家长的陪伴下参观科技馆内展出的风力发电模型。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     July 18,,Some of the children at home to visit the science and technology with long on the wind power generation model。The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation


    7月18日,参观者在“低碳科技”展厅内参观展出的机器人展品。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     July 18,,The visitors in“Low carbon science and technology”Visit the exhibition hall on the robot exhibits。The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation


    7月18日,几位参观者在参观科技馆内展出的太阳能发电原理演示模型。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     July 18,,A few visitors during a visit to the science and technology exhibition of solar power principle demo model。The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation


    7月18日,一名小朋友在展馆的汽车内体验模拟行驶,行驶结束后电脑会根据行驶情况分析出此次行程的碳排放量。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     July 18,,A kid in the exhibition hall in a car driving experience simulation,After driving computer will according to the driving conditions, the paper analyses the the trip of carbon emissions。The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation
