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    新疆奇台县二马场的一处使用滴灌节水灌溉的麦田获得丰收(7月18日摄)。眼下,新疆天山南北陆续进入夏粮收获的高峰期,记者在新疆奇台县看见,今年这里的冬小麦在连续遭受春冻、夏旱之后,通过借助滴灌技术的成熟应用,依然获得了稳产、增产。据当地农业部门介绍,使用加压滴灌技术小麦比传统种植方式平均增产15%到20%,亩产基本能够达到350到400公斤,并可有效减少人工成本,增加灌溉面积。新疆奇台县是全国重点商品粮基地县之一,每年为国家提供约3亿公斤优质小麦。为了有效利用水资源,从2009年开始,当地在小麦种植中开始大规模推广使用节水滴灌技术,2012年全县滴灌小麦达到30.5万亩。截至目前,新疆的高效节水农田已超过2900万亩,成为我国农业高效节水面积最大的省区,高效节水灌溉作物由单一的棉花,逐步扩大到小麦、玉米、番茄和设施作物、特色作物、饲草等十多种。新华社记者 江文耀 摄     Xinjiang JiTaiXian two racecourse on a drip irrigation water saving irrigation use for harvest wheat fields(July 18, taken)。For now,The north and south xinjiang tianshan enter the peak of the harvest the summer crops,Reporter JiTaiXian saw in xinjiang,Here in this year of continuous suffer cold winter wheat in the spring、XiaHan after,Through the help of drip irrigation technology maturity applications,Still won and stable、production。According to local agriculture department is introduced,Using drip irrigation technology of wheat pressure than traditional planting form an average yield increase 15% to 20%,The per basic to reach 350 to 400 kg,And can effectively reduce labor costs,Increasing irrigation area。Xinjiang JiTaiXian is the key national commodity grain base in one of the county,Each year about 300 million kg for countries to provide high quality wheat。In order to effectively use of water resources,From 2009 to,Local wheat is grown in began in a large-scale promotion use water saving irrigation technology,In 2012 the county-wide drip irrigation wheat 305000 mu。So far,Xinjiang of high-efficiency water saving farmland has been more than 29 million acres,Become the largest area of high-efficiency water saving agriculture in our country in the provinces,Of high-efficiency water saving irrigation by a single crop of cotton,Gradually expand to wheat、corn、Tomatoes and facilities crops、Characteristic crops、10 many forage grass。The xinhua news agency JiangWenYao perturbation


    新疆奇台县二马场的一处使用滴灌节水灌溉的麦田获得丰收。据这片麦田的农户介绍,一台4米半宽的收割机一趟割900米就满仓了,这片麦地的亩产至少达到500公斤(7月18日摄)。新华社记者 江文耀 摄     Xinjiang JiTaiXian two racecourse on a drip irrigation water saving irrigation use for harvest wheat fields。According to this piece of crop of farmers is introduced,A 4 meters wide and a half of a trip to cut 900 meters combine harvester is ManCang......,This piece of wheat field of at least 500 kg per(July 18, taken)。The xinhua news agency JiangWenYao perturbation
