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新华社北京7月19日电(记者高玉叶 陈斌杰)“8月9日和10日我在科特迪瓦接待大家,希望你们都来。”科特迪瓦总统瓦塔拉19日在北京宴请中方企业代表,力邀中国企业赴科投资。
Beijing, July 19 report(Reporter GaoYuYe ChenBinJie)“August 9 and 10, I in the ivory coast receive you,I hope all of you。”Ivory coast's President WaDaLa 19, on behalf of the Chinese enterprise in Beijing fete,Invited Chinese enterprises to investment division。
In the morning for the 19 at the china-africa cooperation BBS fifth ministerial conference after the opening ceremony,WaDaLa in Beijing gave a Chinese enterprise nearly delegates。He said,10 years of political unrest has ended,Ivory coast at present integral environment stable security,industrial、agriculture、mining、energy、housing、infrastructure、Travel fields are in urgent need of investment。
WaDaLa said,Ivory coast national security index has been reduced to 1 from 4,And not only security investors, commitment to the security of person,Also will attack the network crime、Strengthening the protection,To create a good business environment。
WaDaLa giant behind the exhibition,In order from left to right shows the ivory coast economy crops、Oil exploration and the port transport three competitive industries。
Ivory coast coffee-cocoa industry management committee and the lady of the also along with Thornton group came to China,In just a few minutes she already and three Chinese companies harmonious docking。She thought,China has a large population base,And per capita consumption ability in chocolate is only 1% of French,China's huge market potential。According to understand,Currently 40% of the world's cocoa produced in the ivory coast。
“Now our products have not come to the ivory coast,But we are very interested in the market for families。”Jinlong united auto industry(suzhou)Co., LTD. Sales company general manager MaRenTao off said,Company production of buses began in 2006 in Algeria、Ethiopia and other countries,At present in the African continent has reached 56000 vehicles。
“We have three consecutive years organization‘Into Africa’activities,Results a year notable,October this year for the first time we will travel to the ivory coast。”Hubei branch ccpit, vice President of ZhengTianQing said,The ivory coast are in the reconstruction period,The investment is a very good opportunity。
WaDaLa revealed,As the second largest economy in west Africa,In 2012 the ivory coast of growth is expected to reach 8%,And plan in the 2014-2015 period into double-digit growth。
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