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北京:洪水围困军训基地 无人员伤亡--亲稳舆论引导监测室

北京:洪水围困军训基地 无人员伤亡

    这是7月22日凌晨拍摄的被洪水围困的军训基地。7月21日,北京强降雨。19时许,消防部门接到报警,北京房山区青龙湖少年军校基地被洪水围困。消防部门紧急调动50人组成的攻坚组,出发前往救援。据现场救援人员清点核实,共有350名学生和40名教职工被困,经消防官兵疏导,被困人员已经被安置在两个安全集中点,被困人员情绪稳定。由于现场情况复杂,水位较高,目前只能等待灾情缓解后再行撤离。新华社记者 李文     This is July 22, shooting at the training base of the trapped。July 21,,Beijing heavy rainfall。At about 19,The fire department to report to the police,Beijing fangshan district QingLongHu trapped youngster army base。The fire department emergency mobilize fifty members of the crucial,Set out to rescue。According to the rescue workers inventory check,A total of 350 students and 40 staff was trapped,The fire officers and soldiers counseling,The men have been placed in two safety midpoint,The men emotional stability。Because the situation was complex,High water level,Currently only waiting for disaster relief right after the evacuation。The xinhua news agency when levin is taken

北京:洪水围困军训基地 无人员伤亡

7月22日凌晨,被洪水围困的军训基地外水势汹涌。新华社记者 李文 摄 July 22, at,The training base trapped the water surges。The xinhua news agency when levin is taken

北京:洪水围困军训基地 无人员伤亡

7月22日凌晨,被围困的军训基地外水势汹涌。新华社记者 李文 摄 July 22, at,Besieged training base outside the water surges。The xinhua news agency when levin is taken

北京:洪水围困军训基地 无人员伤亡

    7月22日,被困人员在救援人员的帮助下撤离北京市房山区青龙湖中国少年军校基地。7月21日,北京出现61年来最大降水。当晚,消防部门接到报警,强暴雨造成的洪水导致正在北京市房山区青龙湖中国少年军校基地内进行军训的百余名学生和教职员工被困,随即救援队伍赶往现场。7月22日7点30分左右,被困的351名学生和60余位教职员工开始被陆续转移出基地,无人员伤亡。新华社记者 李文 摄     July 22,,The men in the rescue workers under the help of the Beijing fangshan district QingLongHu China evacuated youngster army base。July 21,,Beijing has maximum precipitation in 61 years。That night,The fire department to report to the police,Strong heavy rains caused flooding is Beijing fangshan district QingLongHu China youth academy in military training base of over students and staff were trapped,Then the rescue team rushing to the scene。22 July 7 points about 30 points,The siege of 351 students and more than 60 staff began a has been shifting away from the base,No casualties。The xinhua news agency when levin is taken

北京:洪水围困军训基地 无人员伤亡

    7月22日,被困人员在救援人员的帮助下撤离北京市房山区青龙湖中国少年军校基地。新华社记者 李文 摄     July 22,,The men in the rescue workers under the help of the Beijing fangshan district QingLongHu China evacuated youngster army base。The xinhua news agency when levin is taken
