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人民日报署名文章:中国奇迹的一大法宝 People's Daily articles signed:Chinese miracle of a magic weapon
-under the new situation of reinforcement theories consciously and theory confidence


As Richard porch

    新华社北京7月22日电 进入21世纪的中国,正在更深地融入并影响着世界。中国经济连续30多年高速增长,2010年经济总量上升到世界第二位,在国际金融危机肆虐、世界经济低迷中依然保持强劲动力。2011年5月,全球语言监测机构公布的21世纪十大新闻中,“中国崛起”高居榜首。世界纷纷热议“中国奇迹”,并从多方面、多层次进行解读,探寻“中国奇迹”的奥秘。研究一下中国共产党91年的发展壮大史,特别是领导改革开放走过的34年历程,不难发现,“中国奇迹”的根源,就在于中国共产党坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,始终保持着高度的理论自觉和理论自信。这是“中国奇迹”产生的一大法宝。

    Beijing, July 22 (xinhua)--the 21 st century China,Is deeper into and impact on the world。China's economic growth for 30 years,2010 total economic output up to second in the world,In the international financial crisis developing、The world economic slump remains strong power。May 2011,The global language monitor institute published ten big news in the 21 st century,“China's rise”Rank high on the list。In the world of hot debate“Chinese miracle”,And from many、Multi-level approaches,search“Chinese miracle”Mystery of。A study of the communist party of China in 91 the development and expansion of the history,Reform and opening up, especially leading through the 34 years history,Is not difficult to find,“Chinese miracle”The root cause of the,Is that the communist party emancipate the mind、Seeking truth from facts、Keep pace with The Times,Always keep the highly theoretical awareress and theory confidence。This is“Chinese miracle”From the big magic weapon。


    高度的理论自觉和理论自信是我们党带领人民创造中国奇迹的根本原因 The height of the theoretical awareress and theory confidence is our party lead the people to create Chinese miracle basic reason


    In the history of the world economy,Like the China as a large economies with a population of 1.3 billion, long-term keep steady and rapid development is very rare。Since the reform and opening,China's economic development with surprising speed up。In 1978-2011 33 years,China's economy at an average rate of close to 10%,Last time long、Speed of the high,Break after the second world war“Japan miracle”record:Japan in 1950-1973 annual economic growth of the 23 years at 9.3%。In the same period,China's economy than the world average growth of economic growth the average more than two times as high。


    With the sustained, rapid economic growth,Socialist China face historic changes have taken place。Look from the comprehensive national strength,Since the reform and opening,China jumped from poor for the world's second largest economy,The total import and export volume ranks second in the world,Being the foreign exchange reserves in the world,Most of the industrial and agricultural output in the world the first,Has become a global manufacturing power has influence。From the people's life look,Not only used by less than 10% of the world's cultivated land to support the 22% of the world's population,The people's life and create from poverty to food and clothing to the historical development of a well-off life。2011 years,China's per capita GDP of about 5500 dollars,Achieve the world above the average income countries。Socialist democratic politics、Advanced socialist culture construction something extraordinary。The content of the people's democratic expansion、Form constantly enrich、Practice continuously deepening,The socialist law system with Chinese characteristics form。In the reform and open policy the great practice,In manned space、Beijing Olympic、The Shanghai world expo, the world of attention in the happy event,In fighting-、Fighting against SARS、Seismic disaster relief, fighting major natural disasters of hard struggle,The Chinese people show the solidarity and unity、Love peace、Brave and hardworking、Great national spirit of self-improvement,Won the world vision and the approval of the general respect。


    Chinese miracle,In the correct leadership of the communist party of China,The Chinese people unite as one、Work hard achievements miracle。We've conquered the market economy is equivalent to the capitalist thoughts of bondage,And a boycott of the new liberalism influence,The basic socialist system superiority with market advantages combined,Development of the socialist market economy;We unswervingly developing socialist democratic politics,Democratic unity、lively、Peace and harmony of the political situation continuously has been consolidated and developed,People's rights to get more and more feasible safeguard;We promote socialist cultural greater development and prosperity,Chinese people's spiritual style more uplifting,Centripetal force、Cohesion unprecedented increase;We strive to promote the improvement of people's life for the focus of the society construction,Strive to build a socialist harmonious society;We will always take the road of peaceful development,And the world to share development opportunities、Respond to the common challenges。In-depth analysis of China miracle can be seen,The height of the theoretical awareress and theory self-confidence is the fundamental cause of Chinese miracle。This theoretical awareress and theory of marxism confidence embodied in the basic theory and social ideal profound understanding and faith;Embodied in contemporary marxist value and practical significance of self-conscious reveal and firm the confidence;Embodied in continue to promote marxism theory innovation,Creative to answer the contemporary China and human society's significant problems,Guiding China's economic and social science development、Harmonious development、Peaceful development。Is to rely on the height of the theoretical awareress and theoretical confidence,Our party to unite and lead the people in the great practice of reform and opening to the out of a suitable for China's national conditions the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics。


    The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is exactly right、Are able to lead China's development and progress,The key is that we have adhered to the basic principles of scientific socialism,According to the actual conditions of our country and the features of The Times and it with distinct Chinese characteristics。The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is distinct characteristics:This is a persist in reform and opening up,To emancipate and develop the productive forces for essential requirements、In order to achieve common prosperity for value point to modern socialist road;This is a to adhere to the people-oriented,With the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable for basic requirements、With overall consideration as the basic method of scientific development road;This is a insist on innovation,Rely on the Chinese people's hard work and wisdom、Absorbing the world civilization development efforts,Innovation development concept、Innovation science and technology culture、The innovation system mechanism of modern civilization development road;This is a insist on people's main body status,Development for the people、Development on people's、The achievements of development should be Shared by the people's harmonious development road;This is a win-win strategy to open,In maintaining world peace and development,And promote world peace through its own development road of peace and development。


    Chinese miracle happen,Fully demonstrated the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is renewal、Road of the rich and powerful、The road to happiness,Is the socialist modernization、The only way to create happy life for the people。


    高度的理论自觉和理论自信是我们党始终站在时代前列的根本优势 The height of the theoretical awareress and theory confidence is that our party always stand in the forefront of the fundamental advantages


    Our party is a scientific theory has conceived by、Armed with scientific theory of the development of marxist political party。The height of the theoretical awareress and theoretical confidence,Our party is different from other distinctive feature of all political parties,Is that our party always maintains the sophistication of the centralized embodiment,Is that our party always stand in the forefront of The Times、Maintain cohesion combat effectiveness of the fundamental advantages creativity。


    Theory is consciously the marxist basic principles which adhere to,Also good at in practice summarizes regular rules,Enrich and develop marxism,Promote the popularization of marxism era,With the development of marxism instructs the new practice。Theory is to be determined confidence of marxism-leninism、MAO zedong thought and the Chinese characteristic socialism theory system of faith,Insist on banners not be moved,Insists the theory innovation don't stop,Insists the theory armed not to relax,Adhere to all rivers run into sea not closed。


    Depending on highly theoretical awareress and theory confidence,Our party to the basic principle of marxism with the concrete practice of Chinese revolution,The realization of sinicization of marxism first leap,Established MAO zedong thought,Completed the new democratic revolution,Achieving national independence、People's liberation;Completed the socialist revolution,Establish socialist basic system。The victory in the new-democratic revolution,The establishment of the basic socialist system,All the development and progress in contemporary China laid the fundamental political prerequisite and institutional basis。


    Depending on highly theoretical awareress and theory confidence,Our party in a huge political courage、Theory courage、Practice the courage of the reform and opening-up,The realization of sinicization of marxism the second leap,Established the Chinese characteristic socialism theory system,The formation of the party in the primary stage of socialism basic line、Basic program、Basic experience,To establish and perfect the system of socialist market economy,Adhere to the all-round opening-up,Promote socialist modernization construction has made remarkable great achievement。Socialism and marxism in China on the earth coruscate gives vitality,To bring more people's well-being,Make the Chinese nation great catch up with The Times forward trend、Welcome to bright prospect of great revival。


    Our party was founded in 91、The ruling in 63、Leadership since reform and opening up 34 years,The promotion of China's economic and social had the profound change and rapid development,Created on the development of human history rare miracle,Open up and expand the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics,The establishment and development of China characteristics socialism theory system,Formation and perfect the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics,This is the Chinese communist party leadership and the people of all ethnic groups of the major innovation,Human civilization is the great creation,Is China to the world's historic contribution。Such successes in,Is the party's high theoretical awareress and theory of confidence the inevitable result,Is the party in the ideological theory is the inevitable result of the continuous and keep pace with The Times,Is the party of the communist party rule、Socialism law and rule of human society progress profound understanding of the inevitable result。


    Since the reform and opening,Our party with a high degree of theoretical awareress and theoretical confidence,To unite and lead the people's the socialist system self-improvement and development,In the economic、political、culture、Social etc formed a set of link up with each other、Interconnected system,Establish the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics。China characteristics socialism system is inherent advantage:The people's congress system the basic political system,The leadership of the communist party of China's multi-party cooperation and political consultation system、The system of regional ethnic autonomy and their autonomy system consists of the basic political system,The socialist law system with Chinese characteristics,The public ownership as the main、Various forms of ownership develop the basic economic system,And to establish the basic political system、Basic political system、The basic economic system on the basis of the economic system、Political system、Culture system、Social system and so on each specific system,To China's national conditions,Conform to the trend of The Times,To keep the party and national vigor、To mobilize the people and society the enthusiasm of each respect、initiative、creative,For the liberation and development of the social productive forces、Promoting economic and social development,To maintain and promote social fairness and justice、Realize all the people's common prosperity,To concentrate the power to do great things、Effective path to deal with all kinds of risk challenge,To maintain national unity、Social stability、National unity。


    Chinese miracle,Is China characteristics socialism system of the inherent advantage reveals,Is our party with a high degree of theoretical awareress and theory confidence always stand at the forefront of the best example and vivid description。

    增强理论自觉和理论自信是我们党实现历史使命的根本要求     Strengthen theoretical awareress and confidence is our party to carry out the theory of historical mission basic requirement


    In the world today are in greater development and change big adjustment period,China is currently in the comprehensive construction well-off society and the key period of deepening reform and opening up、To speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development of the crucial period。Facing changeable international situation,Face tough domestic reform, development and stability of the heavy task,We have only further enhance the theoretical awareress and theory confidence,China characteristics socialism ship will be able to overcome difficult and dangerous、Waves on,Our party to unite and lead the people realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。


    Look from the international,peace、development、Cooperation is still the trend of The Times,The world multi-polarization、Economic globalization,The world economic and political pattern new changes,Science and technology innovation breeds new breakthrough,The international environment beneficial to China peaceful development in general。At the same time,The international financial crisis far-reaching influence,The world economic growth has slowed,Global demand structure apparent change,Around the market、resources、talents、technology、Standard of more competitive,Climate change and energy resources security、Food safety, and global problem become more prominent,All forms of protectionism looked up,In our country's development external environment is more complex。


    From domestic see,industrialization、information、urbanization、marketization、International further development,The national income per capita increased steadily,To speed up the economic structure transformation,The market demand has great potential,Abundant supply of capital,Science and technology and education level ascension,Labor quality improvement,Infrastructure is increasingly perfect,System vitality enhanced markedly,The control of the government and the ability to deal with complex situation improved significantly,Overall social stability,We have conditions promote social and economic development and the comprehensive national strength to a new level。At the same time,In China's development imbalance、Don't coordinate、Unsustainable problem is still outstanding,Main is,Economic growth resources environment restriction strengthening,The relationship between investment and consumption imbalances,Large income distribution gap,Science and technology innovation ability is not strong,The industrial structure is not reasonable,Agriculture foundation is still weak,Urban and rural regional development not harmonious,Total employment pressure and structural contradictions exist,Rising prices increased pressure,Social contradictions significantly increased,Constrain scientific development mechanism of system of barriers still more。


    Comprehensive judgement of the international and domestic situations,Our country is still in development can have as a period of important strategic opportunities,Are faced with both a rare historic opportunity,Also faced many predictable and difficult to foresee risk challenge。We must strengthen theoretical awareress and theory confidence,Unswervingly adhere to the party's since the third plenary session of the line, principles and policies,Firm the confidence、Courage under,Persistence to carry out the spirit of reform and innovation to administrating various links,To reform and opening up ahead。In the path,We will continue to firmly and live at the center of the economic construction not be moved,To adhere to the scientific development road;Continue to promoting socialist democratic politics construction,To adhere to the path of political development under socialism characteristic;To go on to promote socialist cultural greater development and prosperity,Perseverance development advanced socialist culture;To go on to guarantee and improve the livelihood of the people,Unswervingly promote the construction of socialist harmonious society。This is the inherent requirement of China's illustrious career miracle,Is our party continues to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the process of strategic task。

    中国的发展离不开世界,世界的发展也需要中国。我们党要团结带领人民续写中国奇迹、实现历史使命,既要坚持走自己的路,又要与世界合作共赢,在加快发展中充分展示开放、包容、负责任的大国形象。无论积极创造参与国际合作和竞争新优势,还是妥善应对国际形势新挑战;无论实现全面协调可持续发展、保障和改善民生,还是破除妨碍科学发展的思想观念和体制机制障碍、破解资源和环境瓶颈,都需要切实增强理论自觉和理论自信,更好地把马克思主义基本原理同当代中国实践和时代特征结合起来,发扬光大马克思主义的理论精华,集中凝聚中华民族的非凡智慧,大力推进实践创新、理论创新、制度创新。只有这样,才能抓住和用好我国发展的重要战略机遇期,赢得主动、赢得优势、赢得未来,不断为全面建设小康社会、实现中华民族伟大复兴打下更为坚实的基础。 增强理论自觉和理论自信是我们党团结带领全国各族人民共同奋斗的根本基础

    China's development is inseparable from the world,The development of the world also needs China。Our party unity leads to people's illustrious career Chinese miracle、Realize the historical mission,Not only to stick to go his own way,And with the world win-win cooperation,Speed up the development in the open display、inclusive、Responsible power image。Whether positive to participate in international competition and cooperation to create new advantages,Or properly to deal with the international situation and new challenges;Whether realize the comprehensive, harmonious and sustainable development、Security and improve the livelihood of the people,Or hinder the development of science break concept and mechanism of system of barriers、Crack resources and environment bottleneck,All need to strengthen the theory of theoretical awareress and confidence,The better the fundamental principles of marxism-leninism with contemporary Chinese practice and the features of The Times together,Carry forward the marxist theory essence,Focus on the Chinese nation wisdom of condensed special,Vigorously promote practice innovation、Theory innovation、System innovation。Only in this way,To seize and make good use of China's development of the important period of strategic opportunities,Win active、Win the advantage、Win the future,Continue to the comprehensive construction well-off society、The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation lay a more solid foundation。 Strengthen theoretical awareress and confidence is our party united theory led the people of all ethnic groups work together the underlying foundation


    The Chinese characteristic socialism theory system,Including the deng xiaoping theory、“The three represents”The important thoughts, and the scientific concept of development and the important strategic thought, the scientific theory system,Is the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups together for common ideological basis。It system in China to answer such a big developing country of more than people into what kind of construction socialist、How to build socialism,What kind of party to build、How building the party,Achieve what kind of development、How to develop and so on a series of major issues,Is the inheritance and development of MAO zedong thought。It is the unique value:It is the marxism and its national combined,With the time development and progress,And the people in the latest theories and the formation of results;Is the Chinese civilization、China's wisdom and time spirit and human civilization achievements of the latest combines mind;Understanding the ruling communist party rule is、Socialism law and rule of human society progress of the latest scientific knowledge;Is how to developing countries in the new international situation to realize their own development and catch up with the world trend,In the wave of globalization to create a unique advantage of the latest successful solutions。


    After reform and opening up, especially since the 16 th CPC national congress of unremitting efforts,Our country thought morality domain mainstream is active and healthy,The people of all ethnic groups in common ideal faith more firmly,All social spiritual style more uplifting。China's successful to deal with the international financial crisis hit,Become a global attention the world economic recovery engine,Chinese people's national pride、self-confidence、Pride unprecedented increase,To adhere to the banner of Chinese socialism、road、The theoretical system and the system with confidence。At the same time,In the deep reform of economic system、Social structure profound changes、Interest structure adjustment deep、Ideas of the profound changes in the historical conditions,People thought the independence of the activity、selective、Variety and diversity increased,Unified thought、Build consensus are faced with both a rare historic opportunity,Also faced some problems and challenges。


    Theory construction is the core of the culture construction。Theoretical awareress and theory of cultural consciousness and cultural confidence is the basis of confidence。Only strengthen the theoretical awareress and theory confidence,To seize the opportunity、To meet the challenge,Constantly strengthen the country culture soft strength;To use the socialist core value system leading social thought,In multivariate neutral dominant、In the various seeks consensus、Hold the right direction in the changeable,To further consolidate the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups together for common ideological basis。Strengthen theoretical awareress and theory confidence,The current need to concentrate on the following respects。


    Will always hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics。The great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Is contemporary China's development and progress of the flag,Is the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups of the united struggle of flags,In the new situation is theoretical awareress and enhance the basic theoretical confidence to follow。High the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,The most essential is to adhere to the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics、Theory system and the system is not be moved。The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Construction is prosperous, democratic and civilized and harmonious modern socialist country、Create happy life for the people the only right way。The Chinese characteristic socialism theory system,Is the guiding the party and the people along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics of realizing the great rejuvenation of the only right theory。China characteristics socialism system,Embodies the characteristics of socialism of Chinese characteristics and advantages,Contemporary China's development and progress is the basic system security。


    Continue to promote innovation practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics、Theoretical innovation and institutional innovation。Insist on and expanding the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Insist on and abundant Chinese characteristic socialism theory system,Uphold and improve the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics,This is in the new situation, strengthen theoretical awareress and theory of basic point of the confidence。We should grasp the world following the development,At the primary stage of socialism accurately grasp the basic national conditions,Further research in our country's development phases,Summarize the party led the people created the new experience,Hold on economic and social development in the major problem,To make the new theoretical generalization,Youth science theory strong vitality;Deepening economic and social development of the regular rules,Continuous distillation practice result of socialism with Chinese characteristics、Theoretical results、System results,Constantly adding socialism with Chinese characteristics, the practice of distinct features、National characteristics and The Times characteristic。


    Persistence with Chinese characteristic socialism theory system to arm party、Education people's。This is to strengthen theoretical awareress and theory of the important tasks of confidence。The Chinese characteristic socialism theory system the latest achievements in adapting marxism,Only for the general party members and the people understand、have,In practice to play a great role in guiding the,Into powerful physical strength。In view of the current of the cadres and the masses to appear in some thought of doubt and confusion,According to people care about the important theoretical and practical problem,In-depth study interpretation,Help the cadres and the masses know right from wrong、Clear understanding,Put your thoughts to the central spirit unified up,Unity to promote the scientific development、Promote social harmony up。Want to use popular forms of form and all kinds of modern approach to spread propaganda the party's theory innovation achievement,To enhance the creativity of marxism、convincing、charisma。


    To construct with Chinese characteristics、Chinese style、The discourse system of Chinese style。This is to promote understanding between with the countries all over the world and mutual trust,Show China's peaceful development、Democratic progress、Civilization's image reality friendly needs,It is to enhance the Chinese culture of the soft power of the important way,Under the new situation is theoretical awareress and enhance the inevitable requirement of theoretical confidence。In reference to study based on the achievement of human civilization,With China's theoretical research and discourse system to interpret China's practice、China's roads,Constantly sum up theory with practice、science、Open the new concept of financing、The new category、New expression。To use foreign audience easy to understand and accept the forms and means,Speak good speak live speak deep Chinese story,Increase the affinity of discourse system、appeal,At the same time for development、globalization、Modernization and the harmonious development between man and nature and human development together to make major problem convincing theory to answer,Enhance discourse system of our administrative power、influence。Clearly China's basic national conditions、Development concept、Domestic and foreign policies,Clarify we unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics、Unswervingly adhere to reform and opening up、Unswervingly developing socialist democratic politics、Unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development of the distinctive propositions。


    The height of the theoretical awareress and theoretical confidence,Based on the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis,Is leading the great practice of the vigorous development of strong spiritual power。As long as we held high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Solid thought foundation,Embodies social consensus,Not for any risk are not afraid,Don't be confused by by any interference,Unswervingly along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics move forward,Must be able to create a more brilliant development miracle,The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,For human progress to make more contribution!
