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    新华社北京7月21日电 外交部发言人洪磊21日就俄罗斯边防巡逻艇在俄专属经济区抓扣中国渔船事回答了记者提问。

    Beijing, July 21, foreign ministry spokesman HongLei 21 is Russia border patrol in the exclusive economic zone and on Chinese fishing boat thing answer the buckle questions of the press。

    有记者问:日前,俄罗斯边防巡逻艇在俄专属经济区向越界捕捞的中国渔船开炮,并在追赶渔船过程中与中方渔船发生碰撞,造成中方1名船员失踪。俄联邦安全局东北边防局称,俄方在俄海域追缉中国渔船时对其开火属合法行为,并已就非法捕捞事对中国渔船船长提起刑事诉讼,中方对此有何评论?     A journalist asked:a,The Russian border patrol the exclusive economic zone in Russia to cross the border of the Chinese fishing boat fishing gun,And in the process and the Chinese fishing boat after fishing boat collision,Cause the Chinese 1 crew missing。ELianBang security northeast border protection says,Russia and China in sea fishing boats on the hunt for firing of the legal behavior,And already illegal fishing for Chinese fishing boat captain bring criminal charges,You comment on that?


    HongLei said,Russian frontier departments in Russia to catch the exclusive economic zone of the Chinese fishing boat homework by a Chinese crew missing,China has already is Russia border patrol Russian made representations to the law enforcement misconduct。The next step,China will continue to maintain close communication with Russia,Strive to properly deal with the matter as soon as possible。The event is sudden、event,Believe that both sides can in line with China and Russia friendly spirit of solving it。Hope that the two countries people can objectively、Think about the events calmly。China is a Russian consultation with research establish emergency warning and cooperation mechanism,To prevent such a thing happening again,So as not to affect the overall friendly ties between the two countries。

中国两艘渔船在俄罗斯远东被扣 两船共有36名渔民 China's two fishing boats in the Russian far east was detained two ships were of the fishermen


    The xinhua news agency FuLaDiWoSiTuoKe July 17-(Reporter LvGuoDong)China's ambassador to Russia's far east FuLaDiWoSiTuoKe consular office 17 confirmed,China's shandong weihai two fishing boats were in 15, 16,, in the Russian far east and coastal krays be clasp。A fishing boat 19 name fishermen,The other a fishing boat 17 fishermen。

    中国驻符拉迪沃斯托克领事办公室告诉新华社记者,17日下午俄罗斯远东滨海边疆区边防局致函我领事办公室称,我国山东威海两艘渔船进入俄罗斯专属经济区捕鱼,因此对两艘渔船进行扣留。其中一艘渔船已经被扣在纳霍德卡港口,另一艘渔船正驶向纳霍德卡港。 >>>详细阅读

    China's ambassador to FuLaDiWoSiTuoKe consular office told xinhua,17 afternoon Russia far east coastal krays writing I consular office says border protection,Our country in weihai in shandong province in two fishing boat into Russia's exclusive economic zone fishing,So the two fishing boats are detained。One of the fishing boat had been in place, Howard card port,The other is a fishing boat to the Howard card port。 > > > detailed reading

中国在俄罗斯远东被扣渔船上有一名船员失踪 In the Russian far east China was detained fishing boat crew of a missing

    新华社符拉迪沃斯托克7月19日电(记者 吕国栋)中国驻俄罗斯远东符拉迪沃斯托克领事办公室19日证实,在俄罗斯远东被扣的中国渔船上有一名船员失踪。

    The xinhua news agency FuLaDiWoSiTuoKe July 19 report(Reporter LvGuoDong)China's ambassador to Russia's far east FuLaDiWoSiTuoKe consular office 19 confirmed,In the Russian far east be buckled Chinese boat has a crew missing。

    正在中国被扣渔船所在地纳霍德卡港的中国驻哈巴罗夫斯克副总领事兼符拉迪沃斯托克领事办公室主任宋利群接受新华社记者电话采访时说,在得知中国渔船被扣的消息后,驻符拉迪沃斯托克领事办公室立即介入,并第一时间派人员前往纳霍德卡港,向我被扣渔船船长了解情况。 >>>详细阅读

    Is China was detained fishing boat is located on the port of China's Howard card khabarovsk vice consul general and FuLaDiWoSiTuoKe consular office director SongLiQun accept xinhua telephone interview,Know that the Chinese fishing boat was detained in the news,FuLaDiWoSiTuoKe consular office in immediate intervention,And the first time send staff to the Howard card port,I was detained fishing boat captain to understand the situation。 > > > detailed reading
