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    新华社沈阳7月22日电(记者李仁虎 姜敏)盛夏时节,记者在沈阳市和平区文安路社区所辖的体南小区看到,昔日破旧的楼体外墙如今粉刷一新,楼道安装了崭新的安全门,家家户户的下水管道全部更换。小区群众在院子里的树阴下散步、喝茶、聊天,呈现一片祥和景象。

    The xinhua news agency shenyang July 22 (xinhua)--(Reporter LiRenHu JiangMin)Midsummer season,Reporter in shenyang heping district easy way of body and community south village to see,The former old building body outer wall now repainted,Building a new security installation,Every family all the water pipeline replacement。The village in the courtyard below shade for a walk、tea、chat,Showing a peaceful scene。


    “11”during,Shenyang invested more than one hundred billion yuan for the people's livelihood,The same period of general budget spending nearly half,Last year the people's livelihood into more than 280 yuan,1/4 increase from the previous year。


    10大民生保障体系:从制度上广普惠民 10 big people's livelihood security system:From the PuHuiMin system widely


    2008 years,Shenyang put forward:“The livelihood of the people first、The livelihood of the people first”decision。For several years,Explore construction including education、employment、Medical health、Social security、Social assistance、Housing safeguard the people's livelihood, top 10 security system。


    Enterprise retiree annuities come true“Rose had”,920000 month per capita pension from 2005 in to 561 yuan a month of increase in 2011 to 1404 yuan,Cumulative increase of 800 yuan。


    Employment is vital to people's livelihood,Article 70 shenyang have issued encouraging and supporting employment preferential policies。2011 years,The financial issue of employment subsidy fund 1.2 billion yuan,For 220000 short-term employment personnel to extend social security subsidies;For nearly 40000 difficult people buy public welfare position,Provide post subsidy;For more than 340000 employment difficult personnel to provide employment training subsidies。The registered urban unemployment rate dropped to 3.4%,Three consecutive years lower than the national average。


    As the foundation of the people's livelihood to the education guarantee,Shenyang from the park to solve difficult、Into the park your of,3 years spent 300 million yuan over the new expansion 260 kindergartens,Benefit nearly 40000 children before immediately。Completed in 107 rural nine years after the construction of the construct school,And nearly 90 million yuan reform in rural school campus environment,Acquire teaching equipment,Full teachers。


    The new rural cooperative medical covers all the CunTun、More than 240 farmers,Financing by 2005 standard 30 yuan increase in 2011 to 200 yuan,Top line to submit an expense account from $3000 raised to 55000 yuan。


    “点块突破”:重点解决民生热点、难点问题 “Some piece of breakthrough”:Focus on the people's livelihood hot spots、Difficult problem


    Because of historical reasons,Shenyang abandon the residential area there in 1502,Involving 1.7 million population,Accounting for 35% of the urban population in the city,A building area of 40 million square meters,Of zhuhai's residential area is of nearly a quarter,Its maintenance difficult、Management difficult and people many problems, such as lack of security,Shenyang is the people's livelihood a difficulty。


    According to FangChanJu chief JiKai introduction shenyang,From 2010 to and led by the municipal housing department joint 16 departments responsibility of the main composition,Implement a comprehensive renovation,A total investment of 1.5 billion yuan,Focus on roof waterproof、Whitewashed wall、Replace aging wire and cable and damaged the main 7 categories、23 xiao xiang、Tens of thousands, a point transformation contents。


    Let the difficult people its house home ownership。2011 years,The whole city to raise capital of 3.7 billion yuan,Complete affordable housing 55000 sets,Complete coal mine and reclamation area wei shantytown reform of 3595。Security room in most location gold area along the metro lines。There are 11800 sets of male rent all adopt the steel structure and fabricated building new technology,Comfortable with、Environmental protection、Shockproof characteristics,The interior decoration to 500 yuan per square meter,Common people carried namely live。


    Shenyang in the national start city low and the edge aid system,From employment assistance、heating、Student etc relief。“11”The final,The urban and rural low、5 protect door, than security level“15”The final growth respectively 0.7 2.1 times,Benefit group of nearly 270000 people。


    PuHe 179 kilometers long,The past river not only narrow and smelly,Coast hospital environment,And soil and water loss and water environmental degradation,Flood disaster serious。Shenyang from 2010 to and plans to use three years to implement a comprehensive management,By the end of last year were completed investment of 3.5 billion yuan,Construction engineering almost items。now,PuHe by creek on both sides、river、lake、State and rich water form of the ecological landscape very beautiful build。


    “公退民进”:为民生让路赢得和谐发展 “Back and the ruling democratic progressive”:Make way for the people's livelihood win harmonious development


    In financial expenditure,shenyang“Pressure and protecting the people”;In the interest of the distribution,shenyang“The livelihood of the people first”。


    The government not to open the new budget projects,Maintenance projects will be suspended,Including all levels of government reform、decorate、The spending projects can change the pressure、Can slow, slow。Straight authority has level 80 unit budget,For years without setting up new offices,The city government office building behind The Times,Very crowded,Many office four or five men were packed into a 10 square meters little room。


    Agency unit strict management of state-owned cars,ChaoBian formation of history、And to reach the use fixed number of year of the vehicle every scrap 3 sets update 1,With the establishment standard,Precedence and update the station wagon,Government agencies WeiBanJu leadership been equipped with use of real estate“the”cars。


    According to the relevant person in charge of bureau of finance of shenyang is introduced,From 2009 to 2011,Of new and updated official vehicles 615 sets,More than 2006 years to 2008 years to reduce 469 sets,Down 43%。instead,3 years,But continuous to“120”Emergency center with an ambulance,In the original based on 47 Taiwan increase in 73。


    In high price of the optimal location,The real estate development and compression“Image project”,Let a space construction public service engineering and green,In HunHe built on both sides of the public fitness place、Built sewage treatment plant、New nursing homes and daytime care station、Metro no.1 and no.2 open to traffic operation、The city centre crossroads monarch out green space, etc,To bring the benefits of common people all aspects。


    “The livelihood of the people first”Each group income brought the overall improve,Greatly improve the urban and rural residents' health happiness index,Promote social harmony。The average life expectancy by“11”Period the 74.98 years up to 2011 years of age 78.62 years。2011 years,Shenyang urban per capita disposable income of 23320 yuan,Rural per capita net income of 11575 yuan,The average annual growth of 14.4% and 14.9%。 
