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    民政部:20日以来强降雨致全国95人死亡45人失踪  The ministry of:20, heavy rainfall across the country since the 95 people dead and missing


    Beijing, July 23 (Reuters)(Reporter WeiMinLi)According to the ministry of 23 afternoon latest disaster,20, heavy rain to the current since 95 people dead,45 people missing。


    Since July 20,,Sichuan basin in north China to appear heavy rainfall process,Among them,Beijing、tianjin、In northern hebei and shanxi etc regional torrential rain in northern appear to severe storms,FengBao caused、flood、landslide、Debris flow disaster caused serious casualties and property losses。


    According to the ministry of、National disaster mitigation do preliminary statistics,By July 23, when 12,Beijing、tianjin、hebei、shanxi、Inner Mongolia、liaoning、jilin、heilongjiang、shandong、henan、chongqing、sichuan、guizhou、yunnan、shaanxi、gansu、Xinjiang 17 provinces(Autonomous region、Municipalities directly under the)78 city(Autonomous prefecture、au)264 counties(area、city、flag)6.23 million people affected by,95 people died,45 people missing,567000 emergency shelters for displaced or other emergency life assistance,29000 houses,55000 houses damaged different level。


    Among them:Beijing 37 people were killed;Hebei 17 people dead,21 people are missing;Shanxi four people dead,1 missing;Inner Mongolia killed three people;Henan two deaths,1 missing;Chongqing killed 5 people;Eight people are dead in sichuan province,2 people are missing;Guizhou killed 5 people;Yunnan six people died,Four people are missing;Three people died in shaanxi,14 people missing;Gansu 1 people dead,2 people are missing;Four people were killed in xinjiang。


    National disaster mitigation committee、The ministry of highly attention this heavy rainfall process,To further enhance the need emergency,Arrange the specialist 24 hours double duty,Ensure smooth channel information,To understand the disaster loss and disaster development trend,Strengthen and related departments and judge in consultation with the disaster。July 22,,National disaster mitigation committee、The ministry in Beijing、Hebei flood disaster emergency start two national level 4 relief emergency response,Joint Treasury sent a work team to the disaster area,View disaster,Guide to disaster relief work。


    The other according to preliminary statistics,By July 23, when 12,Since this year FengBao、flood、landslide、Debris flow disaster has already caused the 31 provinces(Autonomous region、Municipalities directly under the)And xinjiang production and construction corps 110 million people affected,680 people died,137 people missing,8.062 million passengers emergency shelters for displaced or other emergency life assistance,372000 houses,1.485 million houses damaged different level。

    7月23日,救援人员在积水严重的四川省泸州市龙马潭区转移被困群众。23日上午11时,特大洪峰经过长江四川泸州段,泸州城区部分路段被洪水淹没。新华社 发

    July 23,,Rescue workers in water serious LuZhouShi LongMaTanOu transfer in sichuan province trapped the masses。23 morning at 11,Big flood peak after the Yangtze river luzhou sichuan section,Luzhou city of the interchange is flooded。The xinhua news agency hair

两部门发出紧急通知 加强汛期长江通航管理工作 The two departments issued an emergency notice to strengthen the management of the Yangtze river flood navigation

    6月29日以来,长江上游干支流持续发生强降雨过程,三峡水库分别出现56000和55500立方米每秒的入库洪峰流量。根据长江中下游防洪需要,按照三峡水库汛期调度方案的规定,国家防总、长江防总对三峡水库进行了防洪调度运用,三峡水库25000立方米每秒以上的下泄流量维持时间较长。7月13日,三峡坝区段积压滞留船舶达到606艘,最长待闸时间达15天。为尽快疏散滞留船只,国家防总、长江防总调度三峡水库从7月13日减小泄量,但也使三峡水库水位抬升2米多,挤占了部分防洪库容。此后,由于三峡水库入库洪水复涨,三峡水库下泄流量加大至38000立方米每秒并维持。由于有部分船舶尚未疏散,加之又有一些船舶驶往三峡坝区江段,致使积压滞留船只不断增加。 >>>详细阅读

    Since June 29,,The upper reaches of Yangtze river ongoing separately heavy rainfall process,The three gorges reservoir in 56000 and 55500 cubic meters respectively per second peak flow of warehousing。According to the need of the Yangtze river flood control,The three gorges reservoir flood season in accordance with the provisions of the regulation plan,The office、The Yangtze river three gorges reservoir of office on the flood control operation,The three gorges reservoir of more than 25000 cubic meters per second analyzed the maintenance time is long。July 13,,The three gorges dam region period to 606 ships stranded the backlog of ship,The longest time for up to 15 days gate。For evacuation ships stranded as soon as possible,The office、The Yangtze river three gorges reservoir office scheduling from July 13, reduce the discharge of,But also the three gorges reservoir water level to rise more than 2 m,Diverted to the part of the capacity of the flood control。Since then,Because of the three gorges reservoir HongShuiFu storage rose,The three gorges reservoir increase to 38000 cubic meters analyzed per second and maintain。Because there are parts of the ship has not been evacuated,And there are some ships bound for the three gorges dam region JiangDuan,The backlog of increasing the stranded ships。 > > > detailed reading

中央财政紧急拨付京津冀防汛救灾资金1.2亿元 The central financial emergency flood relief funds allocated to Beijing, tianjin and hebei 120 million yuan

    近日,北京、天津、河北等3省(市)遭受强降雨袭击,造成严重洪涝灾害。7月22日,财政部、水利部紧急拨付特大防汛补助费1.2亿元,支持3省(市)做好防汛抢险及水毁水利设施修复。财政部强调,灾区各级财政部门要加强与有关部门协调配合,加快资金拨付,加强资金监管,有效做好支持防汛救灾各项工作。  >>>详细阅读

    recently,Beijing、tianjin、Hebei province(city)Suffered heavy rains attacks,Cause serious floods。July 22,,The Treasury、The ministry of water resources emergency fund 120 million yuan heavy subsidies for flood control,Support the three provinces(city)Ensure flood control and water conservancy facilities damaged by flood emergency repair。The Treasury emphasize,Financial departments at all levels should strengthen the disaster area and the relevant departments coordination,Accelerate funds appropriated,To strengthen the supervision of funds,Effective flood control and disaster relief well support work。  > > > detailed reading
