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冒高温 收夏粮--亲稳网络舆情监控室

冒高温 收夏粮   

       7月22日,在广西百色市平果县新安镇那劳村,农民用打谷机脱粒。“大暑”过后,一年中最热时段到来。各地农民冒着酷暑收获早稻,确保颗粒归仓。新华社发(罗郅肯 摄)   July 22,,In guangxi BaiSeShi PingGuoXian XinAnZhen that the village,Farmers in a valley threshing machine。“Great heat”after,The hottest arrival time。Local peasant take the intense summer heat early rice harvest,Ensure that particles to warehouse。The xinhua news agency hair(LuoZhi Ken perturbation)

冒高温 收夏粮

    7月22日,在广西百色市平果县新安镇那劳村,农民在田间收割早稻。新华社发(罗郅肯 摄)     July 22,,In guangxi BaiSeShi PingGuoXian XinAnZhen that the village,Farmers in the field of early rice harvest。The xinhua news agency hair(LuoZhi Ken perturbation)

冒高温 收夏粮

    7月22日,在广西柳州市融安县大良镇新和村,农民在田间抢收稻谷。新华社发(谭凯兴 摄)     July 22,,In liuzhou RongAn county DaLiangZhen new and village,Farmers in the field QiangShou rice。The xinhua news agency hair(TanKaiXing perturbation)

冒高温 收夏粮

7月22日,广西融水县融水镇西廓村的农民在抢收稻谷。 July 22,,Rongshui county guangxi melt water town west of the village of farmers in QiangShou profile rice。新华社发(龙林智 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(LongLinZhi perturbation)

冒高温 收夏粮

    7月22日,在江西省靖安县仁首镇石下村,农民用收割机抢收早稻。     July 22,,In jiangxi province JingAn county town under the first stone benevolence village,Farmers use QiangShou early rice harvest。新华社发(徐仲庭 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(XuZhongTing perturbation)
