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    新华社南宁7月25日电(新华社记者张周来、向志强、夏军) 持续多天的强降雨,16.8万人受灾,紧急转移安置人口9940人……7月23日以来,今年第8号强热带风暴“韦森特”掠过广西壮族自治区,水利、气象、消防、海事等部门一齐联动,在这场突如其来的自然灾害中,广西上下全力以赴抵御台风肆虐,守卫着共同的家园。

    The xinhua news agency nanning July 25 (Reuters)(The xinhua news agency ZhangZhouLai、To John、XiaJun) Last days of heavy rainfall,168000 people affected by,Emergency shelters for displaced population of 9940...Since July 23,,No. 8 strong tropical storm this year“WeiSen,”Over the guangxi zhuang autonomous region,Water conservancy、meteorological、fire、Maritime departments linkage together,In the sudden natural disasters,Guangxi go all out against typhoon up and down in the way,Guarding the common homeland。

    “灵敏嗅觉”为群众减灾     “Sensitive smell”For the masses and mitigation


    “WeiSen,”coming,To cope with the strong natural disasters,Guangxi were up and down,Autonomous regions secretary of the party committee、Autonomous region people's congress standing committee director of HSCG people,The chairman of the autonomous region, governor as defense many typhoon respectively make instructions,Asked local departments actively against this year since the biggest typhoon rainstorm。


    Autonomous region has in 22, meteorological offices for typhoon yellow warning issued by 30 points,And send remind,Guangxi local area in the south of rain could cause urban and rural product waterlogged elimination,landslide、Collapse and disasters。


    23 and,Autonomous regions in relief leadership team、Home office to nine cities start natural disasters emergency relief warning response,And meteorological、Water conservancy、land、Agriculture department in consultation with the communication,Support to do fishing boat back to harbour and sea homework personnel transfer,Do regularly hazard,Avoid disaster sites open in advance,Do emergency aid to prepare,Ensure that the first time after disaster relief workers、materials、Funds in place,The disaster relief measures and responsibility in place。


    then,Guangxi qinzhou、The north sea and the three cities fangcheng port 13183 fishing boats,In addition to the production of 5 ships in nansha on-site placed outside,Should be back to harbour 13178 fishing boats all back to port。Included in the production of nansha 46 people, the 31719 crew,Already all from the shore。BeiHaiShi organization 7 voyage liner,Total 2618 tourists to transport 23 afternoon leave Wei chau island。


    Guangxi oceanic administration sea under close surveillance,The storm surge and released on the waves of the news,Timely warning issued by the storm surge、Timely remove alarm。The three cities coastal Marine disaster emergency rescue teams to 24 hours standby for state。


    “WeiSen,”To the。23 20-24 16,The biggest rainfall of 228 mm、Maximum wind 10 levels all appear at north flow RongShan big city;Precipitation of 100-200-mm has 8 towns;yulin、wuzhou、guests、nanning、Fangcheng port、The north sea、The HeZhou appear more than eight level winds。


    Hydrology monitoring department,South flow river upstream、North river flow separately obvious up water,Or in 1.11 2.28 meters between。At 24, when 15,All the rivers water level did not appear super p floods。13 the big cities、The medium reservoir flood limit water level。

    交通“动脉”准备充足     traffic“artery”Ready for


    “WeiSen,”coming,traffic“artery”Clear crucial。Nanning railway administration emergency start railway flood control emergency response,Prepare windbreak、Rainproof personnel、Tools and materials。


    To ensure safety,Nanning from 22 and railway within,Le line in the river、LiZhan line、Zhan line:、XiangGui line、Qin uptown、LiQin line、Such key area south defence start railway Ⅴ flood control level emergency response;From 23, when the 8,Gathering in line and other key sections of flood control Ⅴ start railway level emergency response,Well start defense typhoon Ⅳ level emergency response to prepare。


    Nanning railway administration of related departments on duty for 24 hours,Flood control key section to set a monitoring,Master in time near the railway more than 400 reservoirs and small watershed dynamic flood control,The emergency rescue organizations to standby players。


    According to the latest XunQing,Nanning railway administration the readiness of flood control with rescue materials、Flood control spare、Rescue train equipment, etc,For the rescue at any time to prepare,And in the long distance trains to bear 24 increased on flood control meal with material,In a short train ZengPei on the instant noodles and mineral water,Arrangement of key personnel line segment for inspection,To ensure passenger travel security。


    Guangxi nanning WuWei international airport for more flight“WeiSen,”delay,The airport immediately radio frequencies and increase additional service personnel,The first time will the flight dynamic information told waiting for passengers,Give delay flights travellers rest sites at the same time,The airport and airline passengers upgrade and active assistance to refund,Timely provide food for the passengers、Hot water and mineral water, etc。

    上下一心抗击台风减少损失     With all my heart and fight against typhoon reduce the loss

    为把损失降到最低,广西壮族自治区水利厅先后派出5个工作组,赶赴受台风影响大的玉林、梧州、北海、钦州、防城港等市指导防灾救援。 25日,在上林县澄泰乡下江村,由于降雨量过大,73户群众出入道路被淹,县长带领民政、水利等多部门人员迅速赶至现场,动员群众转移,帮助群众转移物资。

    For the losses to a minimum,The guangxi zhuang autonomous region provincial water resources bureau has sent five working group,To the affected by the tsunami of big yulin、wuzhou、The north sea、qinzhou、The guidance of disaster rescue fangcheng port。 25,In ShangLinXian yicheng Thai jiang village in the country,Due to excessive rainfall,The 73 families access to roads submerged,County magistrate leading civil administration、Water conservancy department personnel more quickly rushed to the scene,Mobilizing the masses to transfer,Help the masses transfer materials。


    25 morning,The xinhua news agency in wuzhou city, guangxi province to understand,“WeiSen,”The local seedlings are flooded,“difference”affected。To reduce the loss,Wuzhou city agriculture system arouse the masses QiangShou already mature crops,To strengthen the organization of the agricultural scheduling,To speed up the early rice QiangShou progress,To ensure that food particles to warehouse。


    Wuzhou city also organize workers repair water conservancy facilities,Ensure food and all sorts of economy crop water。The municipal agriculture bureau total agricultural Kennedy to the Japanese remind,The typhoon has caused some watermelon、The water appears phenomenon,Farmers should strengthen the drainage dredge,In order to ensure that the harvest。


    This year. 8, tropical storm“WeiSen,”Through the center of guangxi,At present already into Vietnam,But weakened by the low voltage southwest monsoon circulation and the common effect,Heavy rainfall weather will still keep in guangxi,In the midst of the cadres and the masses,One is continuing to guard the common homeland。
