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   7月29日,日本小学生在日本神奈川县相模湖交流中心的追悼会上吹奏乐器表达对逝去劳工的追思。当日,追悼会由“相模湖建设殉难者联合追悼会实行委员会”主持,相模湖所在相模原市副市长山口和夫、神奈川县议会副议长笠间茂治、中国驻日大使馆官员以及旅日华侨、朝侨及韩侨团体代表等出席追悼会,悼念二战时期为修建相模湖水库而殉难的中国、朝鲜、韩国和日本劳工。相模湖水库是日本第一个多用途人工湖,于1940年至1947年修建,日本当时动用了360万名劳工,其中包括被侵华日军强掳到日本的近300名中国人。由于极其恶劣的劳动条件加上遭受非人的欺凌,共有83名劳工在工地丧生,其中28名为中国劳工。日本有识之士和进步团体为悼念殉难者成立了“相模湖建设殉难者联合追悼会实行委员会”,从1979年起每年7月底都会举行追悼会。新华社记者 马平 摄 July 29,,Japanese elementary school pupils in kanagawa, Japan phase mode lake exchange center memorial service play Musical Instruments of gone expression of labor memorial。On that day,By memorial service“Phase mode construction joint of victims lake memorial service committee”Presided over,Phase mode in the lake in mold, vice mayor mountain pass and husband、Deputy speaker of parliament Li kanagawa prefecture between MAO cure、China's embassy officials as well as overseas Chinese, LvRi、Qiao and toward matsuyama88 group representatives attend memorial service, etc,Mourning period of world war ii to build phase mode and martyrdom Chinese lake reservoir、North Korea、South Korea and Japan labor。Phase mode lake reservoir is Japan first multipurpose artificial lake,From 1940 to 1947 years to build,Japan was spent 3.6 million workers,Including be Japanese invading army strong away to Japan of the nearly 300 Chinese people。Due to the extremely dangerous working conditions and suffered from the lordship of bullying,83 workers were killed in the site,28 called Chinese laborers。Japanese man of insight and the progressive group to mourn the martyrdom was founded“Phase mode construction joint of victims lake memorial service committee”,Each year since 1979 the end of July, can be held the memorial service。The xinhua news agency MaPing perturbation
