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福建:台风逼近 船进港人上岸--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

福建:台风逼近 船进港人上岸


    7月31日,船只在福建连江县黄岐镇国家中心渔港避风。据福建省防汛办最新消息,今年第9号台风“苏拉”可能于8月2日夜里到3日白天在福建中北部到浙江南部一带沿海登陆,并对福建省中北部沿海造成严重影响。福建沿海各地紧急组织出海船只回港和渔排老弱妇幼人员上岸避险。据福建海洋与渔业厅统计,截至7月31日13时统计,全省出海渔船41065艘已全部进港避风,全省渔排老弱妇幼人员8094人已全部安全转移上岸新华社记者 张国俊 摄 July 31,,Ships in fujian LianJiangXian HuangQi town national center shelter fishing port。According to the latest news FangXunBan in fujian province,This year typhoon no. 9“sura”May August 2 to 3, the day and night in fujian province during the day to southern zhejiang coastal area north-central landing,And in fujian province in north-central coastal caused serious influence。The coastal areas of fujian emergency organization to return to Hong Kong YuPai sea ships and elderly women and children personnel ashore hedge。According to fujian Marine fishery hall statistics,By July 31 13 when statistics,The 41065 fishing boats out has all ship into the harbour,The old YuPai maternity and child staff of 8094 people already all safety transfer ashore。The xinhua news agency ZhangGuoJun perturbation

福建:台风逼近 船进港人上岸

7月31日,福建连江县渔民在黄岐镇国家中心渔港撤离上岸。新华社记者 张国俊 摄 July 31,,Fujian LianJiangXian fishermen HuangQi town in the national center on shore fishing port evacuated。The xinhua news agency ZhangGuoJun perturbation

福建:台风逼近 船进港人上岸


    7月31日,福建连江县边防官兵在黄岐后沙海滨浴场劝导游客尽快上岸。新华社记者 张国俊 摄 July 31,,Fujian LianJiangXian border officers and men in after HuangQi sand beach persuasion tourists ashore as soon as possible。The xinhua news agency ZhangGuoJun perturbation
