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继续督促各地全面整改 Continue to urge all comprehensive adjustment
The first time-three minister response to social security funds audit results

    新华社北京8月2日电 审计署2日发布了全国社会保障资金审计结果。人力资源和社会保障部副部长胡晓义、民政部副部长罗平飞、卫生部副部长刘谦就此接受记者采访时表示,将针对审计发现的问题,继续督促各地全面整改,推动社会保障事业健康有序发展。

    On August 2 (xinhua news agency) The national audit office 2, released the national social security fund audit results。Human resources and social security, vice minister of HuXiaoYi、The ministry of LuoPingFei vice minister、Deputy minister of health in liu qian when accepting a reporter to interview said,According to the problem of audit findings,Continue to urge all comprehensive adjustment,To promote the healthy and orderly development of the social security undertakings。


    问:审计署发布了全国社会保障资金审计结果。您怎么看待这一审计结果? q:The national audit office issued the national social security fund audit results。How do you think about the audit results?


    胡晓义: HuXiaoYi:多年来,党中央、国务院和地方各级党委政府高度重视保障和改善民生,社会保障工作发展很快,成效也很明显,主要体现在以下几个方面:一是覆盖城乡的社会保障体系框架已基本建成,尤其是近年来加快推进原先比较薄弱的农村居民、城镇居民社会保障制度,形成了世界上覆盖人口最多的社会保障网络,有力促进了社会公平;二是社会保障水平稳步提高,人民生活得到了明显改善;三是集中解决了一批突出的历史遗留和特殊群体保障问题,促进了社会和谐稳定;四是社会保险基金规模不断扩大,总体安全,为经济社会持续稳定发展提供了重要支持。

For many years,The party central committee、The state council and the local party committees at all levels government attached great importance to guarantee and improve the livelihood of the people,Social security work fast development,Effect is obvious,Mainly embodied in the following respects:One is covering both urban and rural social security system framework has basically completed,Especially in recent years, speed up the original weak rural residents、Urban social security system,Make up the world's largest population of the cover social security network,Promote social fairness;2 it is social security level improved steadily,People's life has been obviously improved;Three is focused on solving a batch of outstanding left over from history and special group security problems,Promote social harmony and stability;Four is social insurance fund scale expands unceasingly,General safety,For economic and social sustainable and stable development provides important support。


    The audit,Both emphasizes in recent years China's social security system construction achievements,And reveal some place and unit of the existing problems and the system discipline illegal execution and business management in the hole,By analyzing the development of the cause of social security in further research is needed to solve the problems。These problems,Some infractions involving illegal,Some belong to the imperfect system construction,Some is challenging deepening and reform the difficult problem。


    According to audit the problems found,We have established special work plan,Requires all timely、further、Serious rectification。The next step,We also will be in accordance with the unified plan of the state council,Continue to urge all comprehensive adjustment,And actively consultation the relevant departments,Speed up to relevant policies、The study of the system of the and perfect,Jams system vulnerabilities,To promote the healthy and orderly development of the social security undertakings。


    问:此次审计署组织的全国社会保障资金审计涉及18项资金,其中有民政部门管理的社会救助和社会福利两个方面8项资金,请问您如何看待和评价这次审计? q:The audit organization of the national social security fund, audit involves of 18 funds,Among them are the civil affairs department of management social assistance and social welfare two aspects eight funds,Excuse me, how do you see the and evaluation of the audit?


    罗平飞: LuoPingFei:党中央、国务院和地方各级党委政府以及各级民政部门十分重视社会救助和社会福利工作。“十一五”以来,国家连续出台法规政策,不断创新体制机制,大幅增加资金投入,着力加强社会救助和社会福利建设,以城乡最低生活保障为核心的社会救助体系在全国范围内普遍建立,以扶老、助残、救孤、济困为重点的社会福利制度逐步健全。各级落实政府责任,加大资金投入,强化规范管理,制度覆盖范围和保障人数不断扩大,保障能力逐步增强,保障水平稳步提高。

The party central committee、The state council and the local party committees at all levels of government and civil affairs departments at various levels are attached great importance to the social aid and social welfare work。“11”since,National continuous regulation to policy,Constant innovation system mechanism,Greatly increase capital investment,Strengthen social aid and social welfare construction,Urban and rural areas with minimum life guarantee for the core of social assistance system universal established throughout the country,To help the old、ZhuCan、Save solitary、As a focus in response to social welfare system gradually improve。Carry out government responsibility at all levels,Increase investment,Standardize management,System coverage and guarantee growing number,Support capacity increase steadily,Security level improved steadily。


    The audit report summed up the years China's social assistance and social welfare undertakings of the general development of situation,Reflect the policy implementation and capital management all the existing problems of,And from the perfect system and regulations、Perfecting the mechanism system、Strengthen supervision and management is proposed as very specific audit Suggestions。


    To audit the problems found,We place a high value on,An immediate meeting of the rectification work conference research deployment,Not in the rectification,According to the state council will deploy and audit Suggestions,Supervise the local civil affairs departments as soon as possible to take effective measures to implement rectification。recently,The state council research project to strengthen and improve the minimum life guarantee work policy measures,To perfect the low target ascertained conditions、Standard examination and approval procedures、A family economy check mechanism、Sound supervision mechanism and strengthen the ability construction in give clear requirements,We will conscientiously implement the state council decision to deploy,Perfect social aid and social welfare system,Sound supervision mechanism,In performance appraisal,Strengthen responsibility,To further improve the system more scientific and execution,Ensure that policy implementation and the safety of fund,To protect the people's basic living rights and interests。


    问:这次审计中的新农合资金是由卫生部管理的,请问您如何看待审计反映的有关情况? q:The audit of the new farming and money is by the ministry of public health management,Excuse me, how do you think about the audit reflect?

    刘谦:     Liu qian:党中央、国务院高度重视新农合工作,2003年开始这项工作的试点,到2008年基本实现了对农村居民的全覆盖。在新农合覆盖面不断扩大的同时,新农合的财政补助标准、报销比例也不断提高,纳入新农合的重大疾病保障范围在不断扩大。这些政策措施的出台和落实,很大程度上减轻了农民因疾病带来的经济负担,提高了农民的健康水平,农村居民因病致贫、因病返贫的状况得到很大缓解。

The party central committee、The state council pay high attention to the new NongGeGong,In 2003 to start the work of experiments,By 2008 basic realized with a complete coverage of rural residents。In the new farming and expanding coverage at the same time,New farming and financial aid standards、Reimbursement ratio improve continuously,Incorporated in the new agriculture and major disease in an expanding the scope of protection。These policy measures issued and implement,Large extent, reduce the farmers because of the disease with the economic burden,Improve the farmer's health level,Rural residents become financially-difficult or、The status of the poverty due to illness have a big relief。


    The audit of,Also found in the present new NongGeGong also exist some problems need to be solved,Major new farm is close and town worker and medical insurance for urban residents between system to repeat ginseng cohesive enough,New farming and information to improve the management level,A few regions financial subsidy funds not seasonable full specified amount in position、Money management is not standard、Protects agency orgnaization audit is not enough strict, etc。


    The health department at all levels pay high attention to the audit findings,In the audit has carried on the preliminary during rectification,Some areas issued or improve the relevant system,Regulate capital and business management。The next step,We will be in accordance with the deployment of the state council,According to audit the problems found,We will formulate measures for reform,Supervise the health department at all levels further intensify efforts to reform,Through the perfect system、Strengthen management、Strengthen the supervision and,To promote the healthy development of agriculture and the new system,The benefit to the farmers' big catch real well。
