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    8月3日,一名女孩经过青岛澳门路海边。随着“达维”登陆过境,山东省气象台发布今年首个台风红色预警,同时启动海上大风一级应急响应。山东省青岛市沿海一度狂风大作、巨浪滔天。由于“达维”中心风力大,移速快,对沿海地区造成严重影响,青岛市各区县防汛抗旱指挥部已提前落实相关措施进入到防御台风的临战状态,并责成各地政府及相关单位做好地质灾害防范工作。目前,青岛市所有的景区都已经全部封闭,通向海滨景区的所有道路已经实施交通管制。受“达维”继续影响,8月3日白天,鲁南、鲁中东部和半岛地区有暴雨部分地区大暴雨,鲁西北和鲁中北部有中雨局部大雨,其他地区有中到大雨局部暴雨。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄      August 3,,A girl after Qingdao macau road beside the sea。as“davey”Landed in transit,Shandong province released the first typhoon meteorological offices this year red alert,And the launch of the sea winds level 1 emergency response。Shandong Qingdao coastal once strong wind was blowing、Monstrous waves。because“davey”Center wind big,Move speed fast,In coastal areas influenced,Qingdao each area county flood control and drought relief already carry out the relevant measures in advance to enter into a state of defending a typhoon in combat,And urge governments around the world and related units to ensure the geological disaster prevention work。At present,Qingdao all have been fully closed scenic spot,All the way to the seashore scenic spot has been implemented traffic control。by“davey”Continue to influence,August 3, the day,southern、Lu middle eastern and peninsula have parts of heavy rain storm,LuXiBei and lu north-central have costarring local heavy rain,Other areas have to heavy rain in local rainstorm。The xinhua news agency LiZiHeng perturbation 


8月3日,一名警察在青岛栈桥附近警戒执勤。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄 August 3,,A policeman in Qingdao pier near on alert。The xinhua news agency LiZiHeng perturbation


这是青岛栈桥附近拍摄的海浪(8月3日摄)。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄 This is Qingdao pier near the shooting the waves(August 3, taken)。The xinhua news agency LiZiHeng perturbation


这是在青岛西陵峡路附近拍摄的海浪(8月3日摄)。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄 This is in Qingdao xiling near the road taken the waves(August 3, taken)。The xinhua news agency LiZiHeng perturbation


    这是记者在青岛栈桥附近拍摄的海浪,海边的礁石被大浪掩盖(8月3日摄)。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄     This is a reporter in Qingdao pier near the shooting the waves,The sea waves rock was covered up(August 3, taken)。The xinhua news agency LiZiHeng perturbation


这是青岛西陵峡路附近拍摄的海浪(8月3日摄)。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄 This is a better way of filming the xiling nearby(August 3, taken)。The xinhua news agency LiZiHeng perturbation
