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     新华社杭州8月8日电(记者 岳德亮)今年第11号强台风“海葵”8日3时20分在浙江三门湾北侧的象山县鹤浦镇登陆,登陆时近中心最大风力14级(42米/秒),最低气压965百帕。

     The xinhua news agency on August 8, hangzhou(Reporter YueDeLiang)This powerful typhoon no. 11“Sea anemone”8 3 when 20 points in zhejiang province three bay on the northern side of xiangshan town land crane pu,The landing near center with maximum sustained winds and level(42 m/s),The lowest pressure 96500 mpa。


   8月7日,杭州湾跨海大桥上车辆稀少,行驶缓慢。当日下午,随着强台风“海葵”趋近,杭州湾跨海大桥最高风力已达8级,大桥指挥中心采取过桥限速60公里/小时的措施,并对运输危化品车和7座以上客车进行限流,以上两类车可以从沪杭甬高速公路绕行。新华社发(孙丰立 摄)

   August 7,,Hangzhou bay sea-crossing bridge few vehicles,slow-moving。The afternoon,With the powerful typhoon“Sea anemone”approach,Hangzhou bay sea-crossing bridge has reached the highest wind magnitude,Bridge command center to take over the bridge the speed limit 60 kilometers per hour of measures,And the car for transportation and 7 seats or more buses on the current limit,Above two kinds of car can from hang-yong highway go round about the city。The xinhua news agency hair(SunFengLi perturbation)

“海葵”加强为强台风 浙沪苏转移百余万人 “Sea anemone”Strengthen the phili ines ZheHu Sue transfer for over ten thousand

    新华社北京8月7日电 “海葵”7日下午加强为强台风,浙江、上海、江苏全面启动防台应急机制。台风可能登陆的浙江已安全转移人员107万多人,江苏紧急转移11.6万人;上海市政府当天也表示,不涉及国计民生和城市运行的企事业单位可安排放假或换休。

    Beijing, aug. 7 (Reuters) “Sea anemone”7, strengthen the powerful typhoon for the afternoon,zhejiang、Shanghai、Jiangsu comprehensive start the machine emergency mechanism。Typhoon may log in zhejiang has transferred to safety personnel more than 1.07 million people,Jiangsu emergency move up to 116000 people;On the day of the Shanghai municipal government also said,Don't involve relating to the operation of enterprises and institutions and the city can arrange holiday or changing divorces。

    “海葵”7日下午加强为强台风,浙江省沿海已经风大雨急,全省有78个乡镇雨量超50毫米,7个乡镇超过100毫米。截至当日21时,全省安全转移危险地带人员1073662人;浙江省各地已在进行水库和河网的预泄预排工作。国家海洋预报台7日8时将海浪预警级别升级为最高级别红色,国家防总将防汛防台风Ⅲ级应急响应提升至Ⅱ级。 >>>详细阅读

    “Sea anemone”7, strengthen the powerful typhoon for the afternoon,Zhejiang coastal has the wind in the heavy rain,The whole province has 78 towns rainfall over 50 mm,Seven more than 100 mm township。By that day when 21,The transfer of security danger area personnel 1073662;Zhejiang province of all has set up a file in the river and the relief work the row。National oceanic forecast a 7 8 will upgrade to the highest level of the warning level red,The office will flood prevention Ⅲ typhoon level emergency response up to Ⅱ level。 > > > detailed reading

首次迎强台风正面袭击 在建三门核电工程暂停施工 The first direct hit three powerful typhoon meet under nuclear power engineering suspended construction


    The xinhua news agency zhejiang three on August 7 (Reuters)(Reporter FengYuan)In the construction of the world's first nuclear power plant three generations of zhejiang three nuclear power project faced strong typhoon first direct hit。In order to ensure the safe,The construction units concerned according to the requirements from has 6, the suspended construction in the evening。

    据了解,截至7日21时,强台风“海葵”中心距离三门核电厂区的直线距离为190千米,而“海葵”的10级风圈为200千米。 >>>详细阅读

    According to understand,By 7, when 21,Powerful typhoon“Sea anemone”Center distance of the nuclear power plant three straight distance for 190 km,and“Sea anemone”Level 10 of FengJuan for 200 km。 > > > detailed reading
