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神舟九号航天员:只要祖国需要 我们时刻准备--亲稳网络舆情监控室

只要祖国需要,我们时刻准备 As long as the motherland needs,We are ready to
Nine astronauts and Hong Kong-god college students discussion

    新华社香港8月12日电(记者高路 赵菁菁)12日下午,香港中文大学逸夫书院大讲堂内座无虚席。来自香港8所高等院校的500多名师生齐聚一堂,与3名到访的神舟九号航天员景海鹏、刘旺、刘洋等热情对话,上了一堂生动的“航天课”。

    The xinhua news agency on August 12-Hong Kong(Reporter ZhaoJingJing high way)12 days afternoon,The Chinese university of Hong Kong shaw college in expert were full。8 colleges from Hong Kong more than 500 teachers and students gathered here,And three visiting the shenzhou 9 JingHaiPeng astronauts、LiuWang、LiuYangDeng enthusiasm dialogue,In a vivid“Space class”。


    When the host asked three astronauts again if you are interested“flying”when,The astronauts answer firmly。“We are ready to,As long as the motherland needs,As long as the manned space needs,Our obligatory!”“The astronauts this title is our highest honor。mission,Our responsibility!”“Manned space is my career,Is my life。I'll be ready,To be ready to pick of the motherland!”Astronauts simple、The answer of the firm from the burst of applause and cheers。


    College students and question and answer session of the delegation is the climax of the activity,The students on the astronauts in space, life 13 days was interested in the diet。JingHaiPeng introduced said,The astronauts recipes and everybody almost daily diet,Food experts according to the eating of astronauts for them with the rich nutrition service,Don't forget to love hot flavors of he wear ChenCu hot sauce and shanxi。The first female astronauts liu Yang gave added,The astronauts food includes chocolate、Snacks such as cookies。“We are vitamin supplements,delicious,Welcome to Beijing city to enjoy them。”


    For China to realize the dream of the moon when questions,The China manned space engineering general designer damiel te said,China is for the development of the space station,And already have a moon landing technical and economic ability,believe“It won't be too long can achieve the Chinese nation on the moon in one thousand of the dream”。


    “Whether in Hong Kong in the future will select the astronauts?”The Chinese university students from the questions from one laughter。Deputy director of the China manned space engineering NiuGongGuang said,China's future space station needs not only familiar with the shuttle astronauts driving,Also can not get away from the experiment in space project scientist,Hope that Hong Kong's research institutions and universities in the country of the manned space engineering。


    Dialogue before the end of the,Manned space delegation also and the Chinese university of Hong Kong exchange gifts,And with the leaders of a college student representatives and for a photo。


    From the Hong Kong polytechnic university shipping professional research was born in students told reporters after the event,The astronauts humor to him was impressed,Close contact with just know an astronaut and ordinary people life distance is not far away。In the Baptist university sophomore English professional GuoTongXue said,He had on the TV to watch a number and the temple shenzhou 9 when rendezvous and docking picture,The development of the science and technology to the motherland are proud。“Liu Yang gave dignified and easy,JingHaiPeng and LiuWang is very interesting,Didn't expect they so approachable。”She said。


9:00 - 17:30