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群众中去,拜人民为师 To go among the masses to,People's worship for the teacher
- directly under the central government authorities on behalf of the party school go to outstanding students to the western research sidelights


    The end of July early August,The party organs directly under the central government("ZhongZhi party school)to“To go among the masses to,People's worship for the teacher”As the theme,Organization scale of outstanding students represent Tibet had fanned out、Qinghai and xinjiang,To carry out the west line research activities。


    ZhongZhi steering committee authority of the standing deputy secretary、ZhongZhi party school principal MengXueNong said:“ZhongZhi authority's cadres,Post important、Responsibility is significant。ZhongZhi party school organization these cadres goes down to the basic unit,Listen to the voice,Feel the populace hardship,Summarize the experience,Absorb mass wisdom,For the cadre's growth progress,For promoting ZhongZhi authority undertakings and the party's career development is very important,Must grasp real pay special attention to,Grabbing the effect。”


    Tibet,They come;xinjiang,They come;qinghai,They come!


    “To go among the masses to”,They found the???????


    “People's worship for the teacher”,They learn?


    田园美、山村美、人更美    Rural beauty、Mountain village beauty、People more beautiful——喜看西部新变化 - pleasantly see western new changes


    Altay prefecture, BuErJinXian broad terk township pastoralists settled center,Kazakhstan pastoralists aduh assorted family lived in a set of more than 80 square meters of how to reside in the room,In front of the house in the vegetable green vegetables、Green beans,Growing is booming。Home has 5 acres of land for life and 50 acres of land for production。summer,Aduh assorted nearby pasture grazing;winter,Back to reside a room through the winter。The family of seven of the households of the original 20000 yuan to 40000 yuan。Aduh assorted said,Settled there was television,Through the telephone,With the advent of the Internet,Pastoralists thoughts and horizon more wide,Rich run well-off thought more enough。


    Altay region TengJianXin appoint secretary is introduced,Nearly three years of the party central committee、The state council held consecutive three times forum on work in xinjiang,In xinjiang will not settle down about 90000 households, all included in the nomad《The nomad settled in engineering construction“1025”planning》。In XingMu settled a series of good policy driven,Nomads filled with joy to bid farewell to of no fixed abode、Life inconvenient old life。“By aquatic plants and the”The nomads of no longer a year more than 100 times to move house,Arthritis injury will no longer become nomads problems。


    Go Tibet,In qinghai,Let ZhongZhi research group of party comrades relief and unforgettable“change”Everywhere --


    Xigaze in Tibet area swallow up to the village,You see Tibet first by the villagers compiled his village planning。The plan to“Tibetan ancestor of the township,Grinding the source of all,Happy and harmonious village”For positioning,to“Three point one line five scenic spot”As the key,Plans to build“Village landscape integration”Space layout。Let you more joy,This planning has swallowed up to the village has brought tangible benefits,In 2011, the village only Tibetan incense production can achieve income is 3.5588 million yuan。

    在青海湟中县,大家走进“万亩油菜基地”,驻足 “千亩露地蔬菜种植基地”,与藏汉群众在炕头促膝交谈,切身感受到当地调整优化种植结构、发展特色农业和多元化旅游经济的喜人成果:群众的生活条件明显改善了,乡村基础设施明显完善了,村容村貌明显改观了。

    In qinghai HuangZhongXian,Everyone went into“Ten thousand mu rape base”,stop “One thousand mu outdoor vegetable planting base”,And the Tibetan and Chinese in porch swing kang conversation,Personally feel the local optimization of planting structure adjustment、The development of characteristic agriculture and diversified tourism economic gratifying achievements:The masses and living conditions have remarkably improved,Rural infrastructure significantly improved,Village CunMao changed obviously。


    Western more and more beautiful!dashan、dajiang、The river、Great lakes,forceful、spectacular、majestic、deep。Western rural beauty、Village beauty,The city also has grown,Become beautiful,Tall buildings with,Heavy traffic,Here the market prosperity、The stability,Travel for a day than a day prosperous,Attractions also began a ticket is hard to find、It is difficult to find a bed!


    The cadres and the masses in the west of the more beautiful!They to the party from the heart of the deep feeling let everybody straight sigh“Didn't expect”,They confident、The development of rise high mental outlook is infection made everybody have a boiling passion。


    Research in,When asked about the difficulty of people life,Tibet、xinjiang、Around the qinghai people answer unexpectedly surprisingly consistent,or“No difficulty”,or“good”。And speaking of rural dilapidated building reconstruction、Rural cooperative medical、The agricultural tax cuts, and many other policy,Common people joy beyond words。They say,Now in addition to pay electricity,What charges are not due;Sow the land not only have income,Still can obtain national subsidies;Ill money,A place to submit an expense account。So that day never dreamed that a,Such a day dream can joy awake。


    Qinghai provincial party committee secretary qiang wei in and qinghai research group said a line of discussion:“The cadres and the masses in qinghai is very plain,To the party and the government with the heart of Thanksgiving。Qinghai people firmly establish self-confidence open innovation consciousness in qinghai,Actively practicing‘People of one,I ten’Doers of,Construction of new qinghai,To create the new life。”

    放架子、扑身子、唠嗑子——北京与西部心连心     Put shelf、Robot body、Chat son - Beijing and the west heart to heart


    In the snowy plateau,Deep in the desert,In the deep mountains and forests,When research group of the comrades into the country,The master of enthusiasm will always offer white hada,Take out the best food,Jump beautiful dance,Sings beautiful songs。“As long as you go to the west the somebody else,Whether they are which a nation,You are welcome way may not the same,But for your friendly is from the heart。”Qinghai xining HuangZhongXian HuaShanCun accounting insurance into yuan said。


    A HuangZhong to,Qinghai research group was divided lives into the farm。


    In two Tibetan children happy home,A set of three room of hall a timberwork building bright and clean。My sister just RenJi read junior middle school,Brother RenJie in elementary school。Home in addition to sow the land,Their father LiZhiShun will also do decoration;Mother BaoShengLian is director of the village women,Often to the nearby construction site work。The family every year 40000 yuan income。


    Steaming hot noodles soup let man open the ice,Kind chitchat eliminates each other's strange,Considerate chat had“No difficulty”、“good”Many other answer:“If I can save more money,I want to cover a set of precast slab structure of two floors of the building,higher,More resonant。”“We here ecological good,Environment is good,People honest,Can you help us to propagandize the?So we can make‘farm’the。”“These cadres with you talking heart really bright,You can often down?”


    Say goodbye to the night before,Folks prepared the abundance of Dutch。county、Township leadership to the,Have a heart to heart talk to the families of the landlord,The village villagers came also。Intoxicating chang,Clangorous red song,Bold and unrestrained Tibetan dance...A meal sendoff feast,Heating up step by step into a field“Heart to heart”Big get-together,Microphone in folks、Local cadres and research group between comrades“rob”to“rob”to,Beautiful singing not over,Beautiful dance not over,Warm words not over。Introverted landlord eldest sister-in-law couldn't help crying,She emotively said:“In order to let us speak more difficult、Say more problems,You and we talked late into the night;In order to let us to live a good life,brainstorm、Think of a way to;You several people crowded into a DaHang on,Never too dirty,far。You are our most close to people!”


    Research time is less than a week,This lets people become excited examples are too numerous to mention one by one。


    Tibet OuZhi working committee propaganda minister ZhangZhenBao hard to forget,From Lhasa to nyingchi,Comrade research group of experienced a long and turbulence and severe anoxia,ZhongZhi party school vice President jade accomplishment jun struggle to walk down the car,Unsteady on his feet,Face a layer of wax yellow added,Can still insist on led the sympathy to poor families。


    Qinghai mutual minority autonomous county DongGou township blind ZhuYongLai granny can't forget,From the history of the research WangSuLi sympathy to the house,And her warm embrace,And plug to give her 200 yuan,Encourage her strong life。She didn't know,Before WangSuLi just and village children QiaoYongCai set the long-term assistance agreement。


    From the central united front work department of the cheery red or bright red land more won't forget,FuYunXian nonferrous metal deposit in the aletai area,When research group of a line of preparing to leave time,A township cadres do not know how to express the research group of comrade feelings,A dashed into the self kind of vegetable field,Picked a big basket of fruits and vegetables,Must you take。


    Moving scene in the transformation,The same thing in the surging。“In the west,The research group of ZhongZhi party comrades to find the truth。”Qinghai provincial party committee standing committee、Xining secretary of municipal committee of the CPC MaoXiaoBing said。

    听实话、察实情、想实策——不负百姓期待情     Listen to the truth、Examine the truth、Want to ShiCe - not the people are looking forward to feeling


    It happened in Tibet zhanang county wheat village for a long time、JiangZiXian kang gaza village two dialogue --


    “You can now through the radio、TV understand the central voice?”“can。We can receive the Beijing radio and television signal,The central event all know。”


    “Do you like what kind of radio and television programme?”“Through listening to the radio to watch TV,We understand the development of Tibet、The progress of the country,Understand the central policy to enrich the people,Especially for Tibet's support policy。We like to agricultural technology program,These programs helpful to us。”


    Research returns have half a month,Can come from administration of radio, film and television MoXiaoJun often think of two Tibetan farmers to his answer,In the heart still difficult to calm:“Radio and television‘Every pass’engineering、West new engineering effect is obvious,But our program how to better serve the masses?”


    And MoXiaoJun as,ZhongZhi party school west line research group of 25 comrades in the brain filled all the problems from the west - sincerely miss,Have relevant Suggestions,Have a strong hope - this is the western people to the party's looking forward to,Also for the central government cadres expectations。

    “我们这次来西部调研,就是要向边疆的干部群众学习,目的就是要在了解基层中找到我们的不足,在接触群众中找到努力方向。” 中直党校副校长靳伟说。

    “We this to the western research,Is to the frontier of the cadres and the masses of learning,Purpose is to understand the basic find our shortcomings,In the contact of the crowd to find direction。” ZhongZhi party school vice President JinWei said。


    “Disciplinary inspection work how to blend in the party's central work,How to into the country's most important job,The western region basic discipline inspection commission made very good exploration。I want to summing up the practice of them,To guide their work practice。”From the central discipline inspection commission of LiJian said。


    “In the west,We met a group of outstanding grassroots cadres,They in the western land and people have feelings,Master conditions national conditions clearly and accurately,To deal with complex situation awake decisive,For the welfare of creative。We must learn their,Concerned about their,Love them。”From ZhongZhi administration WangZhengJun said。


    “The country scholar without otherness,Only hands pen such as knife。The news media in promoting the development of the western region aspects carry the special important mission,We will continue to carry forward‘Go turn to’spirit,Multidirectional west go,Multidirectional hard go,Multidirectional difficult go,In order to promote the development of the western better and faster output。”XuJunFeng from xinhua news agency said。


    “The western region suitable for the development of modern agriculture,The western people longed for the development of modern agriculture,The western development modern agriculture there are a lot of difficulties。In the future work,I must make full use of their contact Taiwan modern agriculture more advantage,For the western region to matchmaking bypass,Do more practical。”From the central TaiBan ZhangShiHong said。


    Wang wei from the law under China law society, often the reception guests,“Have the experience in western done,I of the central policy have a more profound experience,I'll be more active、A more comprehensive to foreign guests introduced the actual situation of the west。”

    中直党校常务副校长周维现说:“中直机关干部只有放下架子、扑下身子、唠起嗑子,才能与群众心连心,才能问计于民、问成长于民。为此,中直党校将继续深入探索学员的延伸教育机制,不断推进中直机关干部教育培训工作的创新发展,以扎实的作风、优异的成绩,迎接党的十八大胜利召开。”(记者 杨义 光明日报 记者 董山峰)

    The party ZhongZhi executive vice President ZhouWeiXian said:“ZhongZhi government cadres only put down the shelves、Robot body under、LaoQi into hard son,The talents and heart to heart,To advice to people、Ask people grew up in。therefore,ZhongZhi party school will continue to explore the extension of student education mechanism,Continuously push forward the ZhongZhi government cadres education training work of innovation and development,With a solid style、Excellent results,To meet the party's eighteen big victory held。”(Reporter Yang guangming daily reporter dong peaks)
