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     陕西省吴堡县寇家塬镇政协希望小学学生在吃鸡蛋(8月23日摄)。为改善农村孩子营养状况,陕西省从2009年开始在义务教育阶段农村中小学实施“蛋奶工程”,为义务教育阶段农村寄宿学生、家庭贫困学生每天提供一个鸡蛋和一袋牛奶。截至2011年底,陕西省、市、县三级财政累计投入“蛋奶工程”资金13亿元,全省“蛋奶工程”实施学校为8496所,受益学生220.7万名,实现义务教育阶段农村寄宿学生全覆盖。据悉,2012年陕西省将“蛋奶工程”与国家“营养计划”并轨,全省43个国家“营养计划”试点县以外的其余64个县(市、区)进一步实施“蛋奶工程”,作为国家“营养计划”的组成部分,并把“蛋奶工程”的补助标准,由原来的每生每天2元提高到每生每天3元,使更多农村孩子受惠。新华社记者 刘军喜 摄       Shaanxi province fort wu county kou home town political consultative conference we hope primary school students in eating eggs(On August 23 perturbation)。To improve the nutritional status of rural children,Shaanxi province since 2009 in the compulsory education stage of rural primary and secondary school implementation“Egg milk engineering”,For compulsory education stage rural boarding students、Every family poor students to provide an egg and a bag of milk。By the end of 2011,Shaanxi province、city、County level 3 financial accumulated investment“Egg milk engineering”Capital is 1.3 billion yuan,the“Egg milk engineering”Implementing school for 8496,Students benefit from 2.207 million,Compulsory education stage to realize rural boarding students full coverage。It is reported,Shaanxi province in 2012 will be“Egg milk engineering”And national“Nutrition plan”and,The 43 countries“Nutrition plan”ShiDianXian other than the rest of the 64 counties(city、area)Further implementation“Egg milk engineering”,As a national“Nutrition plan”Part of,and“Egg milk engineering”Subsidies standards,By the original each born for every 2 yuan to improve every born every 3 yuan,Make more benefit of rural children。Xinhua news agency reporters LiuJunXi perturbation 


    陕西省吴堡县寇家塬镇政协希望小学学生在喝牛奶(8月23日摄)。新华社记者 刘军喜 摄     Shaanxi province fort wu county kou home town political consultative conference we hope primary school students in drink milk(On August 23 perturbation)。Xinhua news agency reporters LiuJunXi perturbation
