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双台风联袂逼近 福建军民严阵以待防台风--亲稳网络舆情监控室

双台风联袂逼近 福建军民严阵以待防台风

    8月24日,福建省福清边防大队前华边防派出所官兵冒着大风,帮助辖区养殖户进行渔排加固。据气象部门报告,当日16时,今年第14号台风“天秤”中心位于台湾省南部近海,中心附近最大风力12级,未来在台湾海峡南部到南海东北部一带海域回旋。第15号强台风“布拉万”14时中心位于福建省福鼎市东南方约1430公里的洋面上,中心风力14级,正以15公里的时速向西北方向移动,强度可能继续加强。由于双台风的相互作用和台湾地形的影响,使得“天秤”后期的移动路径更加复杂,移动速度变慢,影响福建沿海时间更长。据福建省海洋与渔业厅的统计,截至8月24日11时,全省39649艘海上作业渔船已全部回港避风。目前,沿海各地根据台风态势和防台风应急预案,已陆续组织渔排养殖人员撤离上岸。新华社记者 魏培全 摄     On August 24,,Fujian fuqing border brigade before China border police station officers and soldiers risked his wind,To help farmers jurisdiction for YuPai reinforcement。According to the meteorological department report,When that day and,Typhoon no. 14 of this year“libra”Center is located in southern Taiwan offshore,Near the center of the largest wind 12,The future in southern south China sea in the Taiwan strait to the northeast area waters cyclotron。Powerful typhoon no. 15“Blah all”The center is located in the city of fuding in fujian province, about 1430 kilometers southeast of the out,Center wind 14 level,Is 15 km per hour to the northwest direction,Strength may continue to strengthen。Due to the double typhoon interaction and the influence of the Taiwan topography,makes“libra”Later mobile path more complicated,Movement speed slow,Influence fujian coastal time longer。According to the fujian province sea and the fishery hall statistics,As of August 24 when 11,The 39649 ships offshore operation fishing boat has all back to harbour。At present,The coastal areas according to the typhoon situation and typhoon emergency plan,Has been YuPai organization breeding personnel evacuation go ashore。Xinhua news agency reporters WeiPeiQuan perturbation

双台风联袂逼近 福建军民严阵以待防台风

    8月24日,福建省福清边防官兵与辖区养殖户一起加固缆绳。新华社记者 魏培全 摄     On August 24,,Fujian fuqing frontier officers and soldiers and jurisdiction with farmers reinforced cable。Xinhua news agency reporters WeiPeiQuan perturbation
