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    国家人口计生委项目专家组专家赵培珠(右)向佐盖曼玛乡德吾录村村民娘其合加了解家里的生活卫生状况(摄于8月23日)。 The national population family planning project ZhaoPeiZhu expert group expert(right)To assist GaiManMa township DE we record the village villagers niang its close and understand life at home health status(Taken in August 23,)。


    8月23日至24日,参加“同心·西藏和四省藏区幸福家庭工程——新农村新家庭计划”走进甘肃活动的国家人口计生委项目专家组成员来到甘肃省甘南藏族自治州合作市佐盖曼玛乡,向村民了解生产生活状况和身体情况。“同心·西藏和四省藏区幸福家庭工程——新农村新家庭计划”将国家人口计生委实施的“新农村新家庭计划——川滇藏地区人口健康促进项目”与中央统战部的“同心工程”品牌相结合,以推进藏区人口与家庭发展,提高农牧民的生育质量、生命质量和生活质量为目标,在藏区重点开展人口健康促进和幸福家庭创建活动。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄 On August 23 to 24,to“Concentric · Tibet and Tibetan areas of the four provinces happiness family engineering - new countryside and new family planning”Gansu activities into the national population family planning project expert group members to gannan Tibetan autonomous region of gansu province city of cooperation with GaiManMa township,To understand the production and living conditions and physical condition。“Concentric · Tibet and Tibetan areas of the four provinces happiness family engineering - new countryside and new family planning”The country's population of the implementation of the state family planning commission“New countryside and new family planning - sichuan yunnan Tibet region population health promotion project”And the central of the united front work department“Concentric engineering”Combining brand,In order to promote Tibetan population and family development,Improve agriculture herdsman quality of birth、The life quality and the quality of life for the target,The Tibetan population key to carry out health promotion and happy family create activities。Xinhua news agency reporters HeJunChang perturbation


    佐盖曼玛乡德吾录村村民娘其合加(右)将国家人口计生委项目专家组刘湘源送出家门(摄于8月23日)。     With GaiManMa township DE we record the village villagers niang its close add(right)Will the national population family planning project group LiuXiangYuan send out the house(Taken in August 23,)。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters HeJunChang perturbation


    国家人口计生委项目专家组刘湘源(中)、赵培珠(右一)等专家向佐盖曼玛乡德吾录村村民娘其合加(右二)了解生产生活状况(摄于8月23日)。     The national population family planning LiuXiangYuan project group(in)、ZhaoPeiZhu(right)Experts to assist GaiManMa township DE we record the village villagers niang its close add(Second right)Understand production and living conditions(Taken in August 23,)。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters HeJunChang perturbation
